
Free Dream Dictionary

Dreams Starting With Letter X (4)

Symbolic of copying someone’s behavior...

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Seeing an “X” in your dream could carry various dream meanings. It could indicate a negating of some...

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Dreams of a Xerox machine signify that you are grappling with issues of originality versus copying s...

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Random Dream Symbols

Dream about a samurai genius

Dream about a samurai genius symbolises a quiet, peaceful and loving home life. You are experiencing...

Dream about angling dream meaning

Angling in a dream is connected to work in the power of work.To dream that you are angling (going fi...

Dream about billionaire

Dream about Being Billionaire is an indication for hope, a new perspective and a positive outlook on...

Dream about someone losing hair

Dream about someone losing hair is your coldness toward a person or vice versa. Perhaps you feel suf...

Dream about a snake eating a rabbit

Dream about a snake eating a rabbit denotes your need to take charge of your life and the responsibi...

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