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Dream Interpretation of accept

Estimated reading time: 19 minutes, 30 seconds

Dream Interpretation of accept - Accept dream meaning

Dream about Accepted points at your identity or self-worth. You are repressing what you really desire most. You are overreacting in some situation. Your dream suggests your feelings of being scrutinized. You need to let yourself go.

Accepted suggests your fears of being abandoned. You feel everyone is looking over your shoulder or up in your business. You need to do some serious thinking about your goals and directions in life. This dream symbolises the consequences of your words and what you say about others. A person was mentally deteriorating.

Dream about Accept [consider or hold as true] is a metaphor for emotional frustration. You need to incorporate certain qualities of the opposite gender. Your motion is being inhibited in some way. The dream is a symbol for unfriendly companions. You have a narrow perspective on a situation.

Dream about Accept [receive willingly something given or offered] indicates your search for your own comfort zone. You are holding back on what you really want to say. You fear uncertainty. Your dream is a premonition for the threat of trouble and unhappiness. You are being taken advantage of.

Dream about Accept [give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to] is a hint for your primal emotional desire. Patience, hard work and tenacity will pay off in the long run. Sometimes, you need to indulge yourself and not worry about the consequences. This dream signifies a warning. You need to be more cautious and careful about your spending and finances.

Dream about Accept [react favorably to; consider right and proper] points at your desires to be more connected with your ancestors and understanding of where you came from. You need to incorporate aspects of your childhood into your adult life. There is something or someone you need to cut out from your life. This dream stands for aspects of yourself that are being joined together as a whole. You are trying to fulfill your needs and desires.

Dream about Accept [admit into a group or community] suggests confusion. You are looking to escape from your daily problems. You are trying to express your current feelings or convey your status. This dream signals missed or overlooked opportunities that have come your way. You need to be more flexible and open-minded in your thinking and in your decision making.

Dream about Bear [take on as one’s own the expenses or debts of another person] denotes an unusual disturbance in your soul. Perhaps your love life has become routine or devoid of emotion and passion. You are putting in more than you are getting back. Your dream is a clue for your need to be or feel protected. You need to heed the advice of others.

Dream about Accept [tolerate or accommodate oneself to] is a symbol for your fears about your own children and your ability to protect and to provide for them if you have some children in your real life. You are feeling drained. You are looking for some sort of approval and validation of your ideas. This dream signals feelings of guilt, regret, or remorse about something you did. You do not like change.

Dream about Accept [be designed to hold or take] suggests your ability to strategize in various areas of your life. The best way to solve some problem is to cut it out of your life. You need to determine if some of your goal is still worth pursuing. Your dream is a message for your concerns about upcoming occasion or about your health. Perhaps you need to change your attitude and approach regarding a new idea or project.

Dream about Accept [receive (a report) officially, as from a committee] is an evidence for a hasty and unwise decision in some important matter. You are more of a follower than a leader. Something is out of your grasp. The dream is a premonition for your agreement and acceptance for a particular condition or situation. Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship.

Dream about Take [make use of or accept for some purpose] draws attention to your neutrality in some situation. You are wishing for a more simplified life. You may be breaking out of your shell and being comfortable with who you are. The dream indicates the ending to a phase in your life and the beginning of something else. You feel others are walking all over you.

Dream about Accept [be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal] is a portent for jealousy. You are being too vain. Perhaps you need to attack your problems from a different approach. Your dream is a message for how you are looking within yourself to find your true destiny. You are attempting to overcome a difficult goal or task.

Dream about Being Accepted indicates how your life is topped off with a bit of sweetness. You have triumph over much adversity. You are enjoying life to the fullest. This dream is about your need for more balance in your life. Perhaps you have developed feelings for your friend and are wondering how he or she feels.

Being Accepted is a hint for patience, perseverance, determination, ambition, tenacity, courage and success. Help is available to you if you ask. You are seeking some form of comfort. Your dream is a hint for a bond. You have trouble expressing yourself and feel that you are being put to a test.

Be in your dream symbolises an end to your worries, to a relationship or and to a chapter in your life. Your plans are about to backfire. Your emotional wounds are beginning to heal. This dream expresses some tension or confrontation. There is a situation that may potentially take over your daily life and prevent you from functioning efficiently.

Be in this dream signals unresolved conflict. You need to make your opinions and views known. It is time to let go of those harsh, cold feelings. This dream is a symbol for your lack of self confidence and self-esteem. You need to be healed in some way.

Accept in dream signifies broken promises. There is something that you are ignoring or overlooking in your life. You are in someone else’s shadow. Your dream draws attention to rebellion. There is something just under the surface that you need to acknowledge.

Accept dream is a hint for endless possibilities. You are being the one that others can count-on. You need to tame the wild forces within. The dream is a metaphor for your need to be more assertive. You may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself.

Dream about both “Be” and “Accept” is sadly an alert for repressed and negative feelings that you may have about yourself. You are not facing and confronting your fears. You are too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking. This dream is unfortunately a warning signal for an awkward, dull or socially inept person. An aspect of yourself that is not fully developed or has been repressed.

Dream about being accepted points to disorder and chaos in your life. Happiness and fortune will be in your grasp. You are ready to accept love into your life. Your dream is a metaphor for the importance of a maternal bond and connection. You are giving up some of your power.

Dream about Accepting A Gift is a message for wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. You are hindering and blocking your own growth. You need to express your feelings and take in the positive influences in your life needed for personal growth. The dream signifies your never-ending quest in acquiring knowledge. You are questioning certain issues about yourself.

Accepting A Gift indicates your communications with others. You are taking a firm stance. You are experiencing a sense of liberation and freedom. The dream is a harbinger for honor, celebration, continuity or completeness. You can adapt to various situations.

Accept in your dream is a harbinger for an emotional breakdown. You have some minor concerns about a situation. You need to focus on some important or urgent issue. This dream is a hint for an idea or concept that you need to grasp. You need to show more restraint and composure in some situation.

Accept in this dream stands for new experiences or situations. There is some imbalance in some aspect of your life. You are feeling vulnerable or weak in some situation. This dream hints some suppressed hurt or previous trauma that is coming up to the surface. You are working through a problem or issue that has been troubling you.

Gift in dream stands for your thoughts and fears of death. You are taking chances and playing with fate. The way of expressing yourself is vague and unrecognizable. The dream is a sign for conflict and aggression. Some aspect of your daily routine is being altered.

Gift dream is your fears of having your personal feelings and private thoughts discovered or revealed. Some task or project will never be accomplished unless you do it yourself. You need to break free from the routine. Your dream is a portent for your personal responsibilities and sense of independence. You need to listen more closely to what you are being told.

Dream about both “Accept” and “Gift” stands for your need to get rid of and discard old ways of thinking and old habits. You feel that your mother or some motherly figure in your life is not being responsive to your needs. You are being stuffy, unyielding and rigid. Your dream denotes your fears of poverty or financial loss. Are exploring your instinctual and emotional urges which have been previously suppressed into your subconscious.

Dream about accepting a gift is a harbinger for power, strength, faithfulness and intellect. You are overwhelmed with a problem or issue. You are pushing yourself and putting your mental and physical ability to the test. This dream is an indication for a non-confrontational approach to which you can better deal with some suppressed matters. You are carrying a lot of burden.

Dream about Getting Accepted indicates innocence, warmth and new beginnings. You need to put your best face forward. Whether or not you feel you have what it takes for the task at hand. This dream is a clue for your mindset. You are in a happy mood.

Getting Accepted represents your new found confidence. Some important information is being relayed to you in the dream. You are channeling your anger into positive and productive energy. This dream hints your free and fun-loving side. You will be confronted with unjust accusations.

Get in your dream is pain. You are looking for someone else to defer to for an important decision. You will find yourself in some embarrassing or compromising position. The dream represents your self esteem. Your lifestyle, beliefs or goals may be in conflict with another’s.

Get in this dream signifies education and learning. There are some issues that you are trying to sort out. You are feeling victimized. This dream is a sign for your childish or juvenile behavior. You are over-thinking things.

Accept in dream signals conformity and sameness. Perhaps you feel pressured into doing something that you really do not want to do. You need to be careful in who you confide in. The dream stands for complications in your life. Perhaps you are being too indecisive.

Accept dream is a message for your overindulgent behavior. You need to better assert your authority. Your reputation is in jeopardy. This dream is a clue for your adaptability to your surroundings. You are feeling numb in some area of your life.

Dream about both “Get” and “Accept” is a hint for defeated hopes and a dark, gloom outlook in your endeavors. You are lacking attention in the relationship or that he or she is being less affectionate. You may find yourself entangled in a situation that is not in your best interest, perhaps even illegal. The dream is a portent for resentment for the things that you are still clinging on to. A secret is creating a burden for you and becoming too hard to keep.

Dream about getting accepted stands for original thought or old ways of thinking. You need to model a good behavior in your life. You are putting an aspect of your life on display. This dream denotes your passion and the intensity of what you believe in. You have a new sense of confidence.

Dream about Accepting Death is a message for female emotions and domination. You need to step up and be more confident. You are overwhelmed with pressure. This dream is a clue for some hidden secrets. Success will come as a result of your determination.

Accepting Death is tranquility, spirituality, faith, peace, purity, joy and bliss. You are seeking acceptance of your own identity. There is something you thought you have left in the past that is still haunting you. This dream states the wants and desires that you have suppressed in your life. Things will be much simpler and carefree.

Accept in your dream signals the reward for your hard work and efforts. You need to be careful in how you phrase and word things or run the risk of offending others. You have lost control of your anger and are overwhelmed with emotions. This dream is a sign for the path that your life is taking and the decisions you are making throughout a path. You are in trouble in some situation or in your relationship.

Accept in this dream is a premonition for some frustration in your life. You need to learn to be more free and open. Perhaps you need to lend a helping hand to someone. This dream draws attention to your overly competitive and aggressive nature. You need to protect yourself from your own drive.

Death in dream denotes your defensive stance about some situation. You are trying to take advantage of a situation or of someone. You need to take on a different perspective or viewpoint. This dream is a sign for some nervous energy. You may also be afraid of getting close to some relationship or situation.

Death dream is a symbol for a disturbing influence or some misunderstanding within your social circle. You need to organize certain aspects of your life. You are not really expressing how you really feel. This dream is an omen for of your dependence and degree of control you have on your life. You need to put your ideas or plans on hold.

Dream about both “Accept” and “Death” is unfortunately an admonition for the classroom and the difficulties you may have experienced in school. You need to learn to express your negative emotions instead of keeping it bottled up. You will be promoted in your job or recognized for your achievement in a difficult task. The dream is unfortunately a fear of being trapped in some situation and not being able to get out of it. You are not accepting responsibilities for your own actions.

Dream about accepting death is a message for your voice and how you express your opinions and beliefs. You need to develop some qualities within yourself in order to become a more stronger and confident person. You are feeling an emotional or physical distance from your boyfriend/girlfriend. Your dream is about longevity, tenacity and renewal. You are approaching your goals with careful forethought and preparation.

The interpretation of this dream depends on its aspect If it involved a proposal of marriage and you accepted (or were accepted), it is a dream of contrary and you can expect a rocky road to romance.

However, if you persevere, it may, in time, smooth out If the dream involved the acceptance of money or anything else of value, it portends success in pending business matters.

Acceptance of anything which is fake or counterfeit suggests you may be too trusting, so reexamine your current relationships.

To accept an invitation is a forerunner to an inheritance or an unexpected gift

The interpretation of this dream depends on its aspect.

If it involved a proposal of marriage and you accepted (or were accepted), it is a dream of contrary and you can expect a rocky road to romance. However, if you persevere, it may, in time, smooth out.

If the dream involved the acceptance of money or anything else of value, it portends success in pending business matters. Acceptance of anything which is fake or counterfeit suggests you may be too trusting, so reexamine your current relationships.

To accept an invitation is a forerunner to an inheritance or an unexpected gift. **Acceptance: Slow, laborious or delayed acceptance of a person, place or thing shows you have taken the right measures and allotted the right efforts and success is assured very soon. Quick acceptance shows you have been careless and too accepting in this matter and discrepancies are bound to crop up from it. Reevaluating is called for in this situation. Gypsy lore says that a young woman who dreams that she is proposed marriage to and accepts quickly is an indication that her wedding will meet with an unexpected (overlooked) and delaying situations.

To accept a business deal means future success, even if it does not appear to be so at the time.

To be accepted by a lover indicates happiness with that person. 

Dreams of acceptance forecast that an opportunity is coming your way. This dream reflects your receptive, feminine spirit, and that you are accepting responsibility for your life and actions. However, dreaming of accepting blame that is not yours is a sign to set boundaries. Consider the feeling tone of this dream to determine its message.

Dream about Accepting Money suggests something in your life that is crystallizing or taking shape. You have to come to terms with the end. You are reflecting back on your success. The dream means your close connection with your spirituality and to the supernatural. You feel a disconnect with your own father or mother.

Accepting Money denotes joyous occasions and happiness. You are trying to combine different aspects of your life while keeping everyone happy at the same time. You are undergoing an inner transformation. This dream is a symbol for satisfaction, contentment and comfort in your life. You are sucking in the life energy of others for your own selfish benefit.

Accept in your dream denotes some issues with your neck or throat. You are ready to reveal or expose an aspect of yourself that you have been hiding. Perhaps, you are struggling with your individuality and independence, especially in some aspect of your relationship. The dream states the lessons that you are learning from your life. You need to get both feet off the ground in order to move forward in life.

Accept in this dream is a signal for relationships that have been extinguished and no longer intact. Perhaps you need to get a clearer picture or idea. You have reached the zenith of your profession. This dream is an evidence for your experience in a problem or issue. You feel the need to defend your masculinity.

Money in dream signals protection or shield of your inner self. You need to be more sharing and giving. You need to find a new or different way to achieve a goal. This dream is an omen for suppressed anger. You are fearful of the feminine.

Money dream is an omen for harmony and mutual understanding in your domestic sphere. You are trying to resolve some conflict or conquer the obstacles in your life. You are dealing with issues about your self-identity. The dream refers to your nurturing abilities. You need to take a break from whatever you are doing.

Dream about both “Accept” and “Money” represents a lack of self esteem or self-worth. A situation was not as difficult or tedious as you had initially assumed. A close friend is trying to prevent you from making a bad decision. This dream hints feelings of hatred, rage and revenge. You are choosing to be ignorant about a situation.

Dream about accepting money is a portent for luck and prosperity. The situation that you need to confront is an extremely emotional one. You are feeling light-headed. The dream refers to satisfaction in your professional and personal relationships. You may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient.

Dream about Being Accepted To College refers to your resourcefulness and ingenuity. There is something that you need to express and get out into the open. You possess a lot of insight. The dream is an evidence for your level of confidence and strength. You will overcome hardships and misfortune.

Be in your dream is an evidence for your nervousness about an issue. You are not owning up to something you have said. You are experiencing some anxiety over changes and uncertainties happening in your life. The dream refers to instability flightiness or activity. You are trying to distance yourself from a situation.

Accept dream is an evidence for someone in your life who is sly and sneaky. There is a certain mystique or mystery about someone. People around you are anxiously awaiting your decision. The dream is sometimes your full acceptance of her or him for the person he or she was. You are looking for validation or approval.

College in this dream is about rigid authority and emotional repression. You will overcome some difficulty which has been giving you much anxiety. Perhaps you are taking certain things for granted or are overlooking something or someone. Your dream is a symbol for issues with your self-image. Your opinions are being ignored.

Dream About Being Accepted is a signal for your emotional health and your ability to bounce back from adversity. You are disputing the rules. Your family is important to you and in your decision making. The dream stands for fear of what is ahead for you. You know what the right thing to do is, but still refuse to follow what is right.

Dream About Being College signals masculine power, dominance and energy. Perhaps you to be more understanding about a situation or event. You are making steady progress toward a goal. This dream symbolises change. You may be experiencing a new relationship, new career path or new adventure.

Accept and College is a portent for fertility heritage, potential and continuity of life. Nobody is perfect. You are letting fear take over and run your life. The dream points at solace, security and peace of mind. You need to be more confident in your abilities and proud of your achievements.

Dream about Being Accepted To College means an aspect of yourself in which you are in conflict with. Perhaps you may even be expressing a desire to be in a committed relationship. You meet the ideal person. Your dream is an evidence for energy, fertility or immortality. You have a lot of love to offer.

Sometimes, dream about being accepted to college sadly draws attention to your feelings toward emotions and your attitudes toward femininity and masculinity. You may be harboring deep anxieties and fears. You want to wipe the past away and literally become a new person. Your dream is a portent for your sensitivities to a situation which has not been properly expressed. You need to let go of your outdated ideas and beliefs.

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