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Dream Interpretation of asthma attack

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 45 seconds

Dream Interpretation of asthma attack - Asthma Attack dream meaning

Dream about asthma attack indicates a lack of self esteem or self confidence. It is time to let your guard down a little. Others around you may not understand your erratic behavior. The dream is a message for cleaning from your troubles and problems. It is time to walk with your head held high and stop being ashamed.

Asthma attack dream expresses a feeling of shame or embarrassment. Perhaps you are moving painfully slowly toward a goal. You are losing sight of your ambitions and goals. This is an omen for a low sense of self-worth. You are not getting enough alone time in your life.

So if you are going out on a special date this evening, don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Keep them guessing, and make it known that you have several other options, each of which would be only too pleased to have the pleasure of your company. Don’t make any firm commitments; just enjoy testing the water.

Dream about having asthma attack is a message for minor irritations and annoyances. You are not being true to yourself. There is a situation that you are trying to avoid. It states severe jealousy. You are feeling violated or conflicted in some way.

Dream about getting allergy is you are trying to gain a better understanding of a person. You are feeling restricted, confined and restrained in a current relationship or business deal. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Your dream is unfortunately a warning for self doubt. Your perception is flawed or skewed.

Dream about having allergy is an evidence for your hopes, desires and secrets. You are knocking-on or insulting something or someone. You have a tendency to force your opinions on others. This is a metaphor for your tendency to control or manipulate someone or some situation. You are taking on too much.

Dream about skin allergy is unfortunately feelings of rejection by society. Areas of your life are out of control. You are longing or missing for your partner. It is unfortunately primal urges, animalistic desires and basic needs. You may be overly stimulated or you are trying to suppress your instinctual urges.

Dream about black lungs symbolises feelings of rejection or of not being able to keep up. You need to reject or discard an aspect of your life that is revolting. You are considering the positives and negatives of a situation. It is a portent for uncleanness, demons and annoyances. You are overworked and overburdened.

Dream about coughing your lungs is a sign for a mental challenge or problem that you need to solve in your life. You may be trying to live up to unrealistic expectations or goals. You may be holding back some negative feelings in your life, but they need to be expressed and let out. This symbolises pent-up anger and hostility you may be expressing or experiencing from others. You are being too superficial or shallow.

Dream about catch disease signifies an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may be jeopardizing your health with your reckless behavior. You feel you are stuck in a rut. Your dream is a message for deception and cover-up of some situation. You are having difficulties attacking a problem in your life.

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