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Dream Interpretation of baby going missing

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 10 seconds

Dream Interpretation of baby going missing - Baby Going Missing dream meaning

Dream about baby going missing states the role that you are playing in your real life, whether it be the role of a parent, sibling, co-worker, etc. You are foolishly wasting your energy and letting opportunities slip away. Perhaps you are lacking some qualities or components in your life. This is sadly a warning for your diminishing power. Perhaps something is not what it appears to be.

Baby going missing dream states issues of control and restraint. You are trying to avoid some situation or trying to get out of a responsibility. You are lacking a sense of belonging. The dream denotes the womb and thus signify refuge, protection and concealment. You are overcoming your obstacles and physical limitations.

A lot of emphasis is put on diet these days – choosing the freshest foods available and preparing a variety of healthy meals so that all your nutritional bases are covered is key. Another important part of diet is to eat slowly and chew your food carefully. Apart from avoiding the risk of choking, well-chewed food helps us avoid over-taxing our digestive glands. Many people who gulp down their food over-work their glands, and find that they stay “hungry” even after eating!

Dream about baby waiting states something that you are trying to manipulate. You are wallowing in your negative emotions. You are having difficulties accepting others and their differences. Your dream is a message for low energy, disinterest, or disheartenment. You need to adapt a more carefree attitude.

Dream about forgotten child is a portent for your ability to survive through shame, misfortune and embarrassment. You may be trying to learn from previous mistakes or relive the good and bad times. There may be some unfinished business that still has yet to be resolved. The dream is a warning signal for regret over some stinging remarks and hurtful words that you said. You may find that those around you are ready to support in your whatever you do or decide.

Dream about baby missing expresses heartbreaks and disappointments in love. You need to let go of your outdated ideas and beliefs. You are lacking a certain quality of a person you are working with and need to incorporate that quality within your own self. The dream signifies shattered hopes. You are trying to repress your immoral thoughts or behavior.

Dream about missing baby is an omen for a major blow to your hopes and dreams. You are approaching a situation all wrong and need to look at it from a different perspective. You are trying to solve a problem. It hints your feelings of regret or remorse. You may be experiencing frustrations and an inhibited spirituality.

Dream about child gone missing is an omen for your ability to maintain and organize aspects of your outside life, such as work and your social activities. It is time to bring some bad feelings to the surface and work through them. You are putting forth a hard exterior and not letting others in. It is a harbinger for your lack of judgment and your gullibility. You are lacking adventure in your life.

Dream about a boy going missing states your resilience and your ability to bounce back from adversity. You will find yourself engulfed in scandal. Your life and daily routine is becoming too repetitious. This dream is a symbol for a lack of individuality and creativity. Things that are thought to be private may not be so private.

Dream about mom going missing draws attention to a situation or relationship that is in desperate need of your attention. You feel overly scrutinized for your actions and behavior. You are on the verge of losing your temper. It is a metaphor for a lack of control in your life. You need to lighten up and quit being so serious.

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