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Dream Interpretation of balls

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 17 seconds

Dream Interpretation of balls - Balls dream meaning

To see testicles in your dream, symbolize power, fertility or sexual drive.

The dream may refer to anxiety about your sexual attractiveness or skills. Alternatively, this dream often indicates that you will need a lot of nerve and raw energy to achieve some task.

To dream of orbs or balls represents thoughts. Blue orbs or balls represent positive thoughts. Red orbs or balls represent negative thoughts.  may also reflect conflict over issues you want to get rid of.

Sports balls in dreams symbolizes issues you are struggling with emotionally, or decisions you are considering. Choices that could end up having both a good or bad influence. Beliefs that could end up causing both a positive or negative outcome.

Tennis  symbolizes a conflict over issues that you are rejecting or want someone else to deal with.

Soccer  symbolize a conflict over competing methods. You and someone else that are at odds over which way to do something.

Basketballs symbolizes your focused on power or achievement. Using power to attain what you want in life or a specific outcome. Something you are using your skill, status, or resources to make happen.

Base are symbols for issues or problems with the potential to be eliminated. It may also reflect opportunities to change that must be taken advantage of in order to gain power. Positively, it may point to a chance to get rid of something undesirable or to stand up to something. Negatively, it may symbolize a problem or negative situation that is challenging you or making you take a risk


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