
Free Dream Dictionary

Dream Interpretation of bamboo

Estimated reading time: 39 minutes, 33 seconds

Dream Interpretation of bamboo - Bamboo dream meaning

Dream about Green Bamboo is a harbinger for your powerful influence over others. Success is right within your reach. It is time for new changes. The dream expresses self-love, renewal, inner growth, optimism, inspiration and hope. You are escaping from your spiritual responsibilities.

Green Bamboo is about a separation between you and a friend or lover. You need to pay more attention to what people are telling you and conveying to you. Perhaps you feel that a higher power is always looking over you and judging your actions. Your dream is about fertility and abundance. You feel your sense of morality and reputation is being compromised.

Green in your dream is a harbinger for your need to be cleansed, either physically or emotionally. You have a narrow perspective on a situation. You may want to repress some aspect of yourself that is represented by a dying person. This dream signifies a tie or some undecided decision or argument. You need to direct your energy and concentrate them toward your goals.

Green in this dream is a symbol for your need for an escape or vacation. Perhaps there is something that someone is trying to hide. You need to take other people’s point of view into consideration. Your dream draws attention to something or someone that is draining your energy or resources. You have the desire to strive for a better Self.

Bamboo in dream draws attention to your inability to speak your mind. Perhaps your ideology about friendship is too rigid. You are belittling yourself or others. The dream draws attention to some indiscretion or thoughtlessness. Your libido is on overdrive.

Bamboo dream signals the expected pleasures, demanding responsibilities and growing anxieties associated with a holiday season. You are feeling insecure and self-conscious about the way you look. You need to work on being more communicative. Your dream points to your determination and drive to push forward in any circumstance. There may be an unresolved issue from your past.

Dream about both “Green” and “Bamboo” states your lack of respect for someone or some matter in your life. You feel that you are in a rut doing the same thing and going to the same places. You are unhappy about the current status of your life. This dream is sadly a bad relationship or childhood trauma. You have been holding back some of your true feelings for too long.

Dream about green bamboo is an omen for some emotional anxiety. Perhaps you are hiding some disappointment or you are downplaying something exciting happening in your life. You are exploring a new perspective in life. This dream represents cycles and transformation. There is something that you are suppressing.

Dream about Bamboo Plant is an omen for a way for you to better remember an important component in your life. Good things come to those who wait. You have put your all into some relationship or project and now you are exhausted. Your dream suggests happiness, playfulness and good fortune. You are worried about a problem or situation in your life.

Bamboo Plant symbolises positive growth. You hold the power to change. You are feeling mortified. This dream is a signal for your identity, body image and your self-esteem. You have built a solid foundation for success in some endeavor.

Bamboo in your dream points to your resourcefulness and your hands on approach to various situations. You are reacting to things with an envious or monetary mindset. You are not facing reality. Your dream is a portent for both your flaws and positive attributes. You need to back off of a fight or situation.

Bamboo in this dream points at greed or uncleanness. You are in need of healing. You are searching to be whole again. This dream points at what is holding your relationship together. Your life is feeling out of control.

Plant in dream refers to some minor disputes. Someone is nagging you. There is something that you need to come clean or confess to a person. This dream denotes suppressed or unexpressed anger. You are discovering old talents or skills that you have been casting aside.

Plant dream is about a reserved attitude toward a situation. Perhaps you wish to incorporate the qualities of others into yourself. You need to ask yourself what is causing you to suffer or what is causing you great difficulties. This dream hints fears of inadequacy and low self-esteem. You are regaining control.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Plant” points to opposing ideas and contradictory attitudes. The decisions and choices you are making now may be misinterpreted as disloyalty. You need to let go of some unnecessary burden. This dream signifies forgotten knowledge or previous chapters of your life. You are zoning out and can not see something that may be obviously wrong.

Dream about bamboo plant is a portent for mysticism and spiritual cleansing. You want to be loved. You are receptive to new ideas and open to other’s opinions. The dream suggests your subconscious mind and intuition. You have a set path in life and know which direction you want to go.

Dream about Seeing A Bamboo hints feelings of optimism and increases. You are rushing into some decision. You are making progress into your spiritual, emotional or material journey. The dream means fear and distrust. You need to give appreciation to those who have helped you along the way.

Seeing A Bamboo hints someone in your life who you idolize and who you thought was always so strong. You are working on a fresh self-image. Both your mental and emotional forces are building up inside and making themselves known. Your dream signals the possibilities and your imagination. There is something that you can no longer keep inside and have to express.

See in your dream draws attention to your ever changing personalities. You need to be supportive to those around you. You have problems holding on to things. The dream is a signal for industry and hard work. You need to reach out to others in a more direct and personal way.

See in this dream denotes repressed emotional energies, fertility and virility. You need to take new steps toward independence. You or someone has been impeached. This dream is a symbol for destruction and unforeseen danger. Someone is trying make an example of you.

Bamboo in dream is a message for an agreement or affirmation. You are being prevented from achieving your goals. You will be let down by your high expectations. The dream is a portent for your fears of letting go. You are going against the path that others have laid out for you.

Bamboo dream hints plentitude and abundance. You are hypersensitive or that your senses are heightened. You fear making mistakes or tripping up on some project. The dream represents a resolution to a problem. You have been mislead.

Dream about both “See” and “Bamboo” is an evidence for a difficult decision between two choices. A switch has been turned on inside you where you are not acting like yourself. You are not expressing your anger in a productive way. The dream states a situation that may be getting too dicey. You are wasting your time on a relationship or on someone who is not worth your time, energy or love.

Dream about seeing a bamboo is a harbinger for the beginning of a new stage. Life is passing you by if you do not jump in and participate in it. You need to add a little bit more spice and variety in your life. The dream is a hint for the way you move and walk through life, either with grace and poise, or the lack of. You need to inject some more romance into your relationship.

Dream about bamboo denotes sudden unexpected changes occurring in your life. You feel exposed. Your suppressed urges are making themselves known via your dreams. The dream signifies rebirth, hope and new opportunities after a period of inactivity. Someone is loyal to you.

Bamboo dream is renewal, meditation and spirituality. You have a keen sense of smell. You are moving toward deeper inner development. Your dream suggests the value of your support system. You are going along a crooked path.

Today’s forecast is excellent for you. The celestial bodies can’t help but smile on the tempestuous energy of your character. You would be advised to act on your strong intuition. But be prudent in the execution of your actions lest your impulsive spirit stop you from taking recommended precautions.

Dream about bamboo sticks is an evidence for a new birth and big changes in your life. Perhaps you feel conflicted between your creative side and your rational side. You are making progress and moving forward in life. Your dream points at a blossoming friendship. You are right or that your political views are right leaning.

Dream about cutting bamboo is an omen for the beginning stages of your life journey. Perhaps you are looking for someone to open up to and freely express the feelings that you are keeping inside. You need to be more flexible and efficient with how your manage your time. This is a portent for your subconscious thoughts and wishes. You are seeking for more pleasure in your life.

Dream about bamboo floor is a metaphor for humanity, wisdom and compassion. You carry yourself with style, grace and composure in the hardest of situations. Once you pay more attention to the people around you, you will find that you will have stronger and more meaningful bonds with them. This symbolises confidence about achieving your goals. You need to re-evaluate your strengths and concentrate your efforts in something more worthwhile.

Dream about bamboo tree is an omen for intellect, stability and status. You have something to hide. You are taking a chance or a gamble at some unknown situation. It refers to your self-expression and creativity. You need to stop pleasing others and start thinking about what is best for you.

Dream about house in woods states hope, victory, tenacity and stamina. It is the connection between your spiritual and physical side. You may feel indebted to others. The dream is a message for spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. You are careful with who you let into your life.

Dream about Bamboo Tree is unclaimed rewards. You are going out of your way to please others. Acknowledging your feelings is the key to a happy and rewarding life. The dream is an indication for your irritable personality. You have made a startling new discovery about yourself and your capabilities.

Bamboo Tree is a symbol for an end to some aspect of your life and the beginning of something new. You are able to confront tough obstacles and get around barriers with success and ease. You need to let more joy and pleasure come into your life. The dream is sometimes your need to escape from the demands of your daily life. You may be reaching an important decision in your life.

Bamboo in your dream points at a conscious effort to achieve whatever endeavor you chose to undertake. There may be an obstacle ahead for you. You are trying to conceal your true feelings. The dream is a signal for guilt about your actions or behavior. Your manifestation may be your way of escaping from reality.

Bamboo in this dream symbolises a needy or codependent relationship. You are being stripped of your identity. You are avoiding some issue, responsibility or situation that is causing you emotional distress. The dream points at feelings of anger, hostility and fierceness. You need to carefully plan out your next move.

Tree in dream points at your desire to challenge authority. You need to slow down and listen to your instincts or to your body. You are expressing a desperate cry for help. This dream indicates sadness and depression. Perhaps you are at risk of losing your job or being let go fo some commitment.

Tree dream symbolises an agreement or affirmation. Perhaps you are trying to decide between two options. You wished you had a little more time with them. This dream represents the sharing and spreading of new ideas. You need to reevaluate who you associate with.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Tree” is unfortunately a warning alert for fertility, abundance, or your need to be sheltered and protected. You are trying to get your emotions under control. Your naughty and devious side is in conflict with your moral standards. Your dream sadly draws attention to your ability to survive through shame, misfortune and embarrassment. A close friend is trying to prevent you from making a bad decision.

Dream about bamboo tree signifies the need to prove yourself as worthy and deserving. An open communication is key to the relationship. You need to move on with regards to some aspect of your life. Your dream signals your connections and relations to others. Your ambition and drive is getting in the way of your personal relationships.

To dream of bamboo represents sensitivity about noticing yourself being easily “broken down”, defeated, outsmarted, talked down to, or subjugated. Feeling that your defenses are too sensitive or cheap. Feeling that other people can just take from you whenever they want or talk down to you whenever they please. Feeling that some area of your life is wonderful, but fundamentally weak.

Example: A young man dreamed of wreaking a garden . In waking life he started to train himself to be meaner to people to stop them from using him or talking down to him whenever they pleased.


Dream about Bamboo Sticks states youthful curiosity and innocence. You are reflecting back on your own accomplishments, memories and key moments in life. The relationships you have with those around you are important in learning about yourself. This dream is sometimes how you are feeling in your life. You have overcome some strong feminine temptation.

Bamboo Sticks states the choices and options that are available to you. Someone is loyal to you. You are feeling used and manipulated. The dream hints your need to focus on yourself more. You need to pay closer attention to your health.

Bamboo in your dream is your need to get away and escape from your daily life. Your level of confidence is fading or lost. You want to go against the masses. This dream is a sign for your commitments toward your goals. You are feeling worn out.

Bamboo in this dream is an indication for some repressed feelings emerging from your subconscious or from your past. You are overanalyzing a situation. You are feeling nervous or uneasy about a decision or event in your life. The dream is a sign for your anxieties about being able to protect and provide for your family. Others are paying attention to what you have to say.

Stick in dream draws attention to a minor setback. You need to eat smaller portions of food. You are surrounded by superficial relationships. This dream suggests your anxieties about death and aging. You need to be less arrogant and assertive in your situations.

Stick dream is a metaphor for feelings of fear and anxiety, You are teaching someone a lesson and giving them a hard time about something. There is balance, harmony and tranquility in your family life. The dream stands for commitment issues. You need to learn to not take yourself so seriously.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Stick” is sadly an alert for protection from some negative or evil force. You are trying to cut your problems into smaller, more manageable sizes. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. The dream points to the five senses which are sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. Do not let anyone undervalue your emotions or opinions.

Dream about bamboo sticks is a metaphor for fortitude and your ability to offer happiness to others. You need to take time to enjoy the simple pleasures of your day. You are feeling the influence of some authority figure. Your dream is a symbol for the importance of working together. You are in an elevated position.

Dream about Bamboo Ladder is a portent for pure and divine love for everyone and everything around you. You are learning something new about yourself. You value yourself highly. The dream is a premonition for your achievement of some goals. Your abilities and talents are going unnoticed.

Bamboo Ladder is an indication for satisfaction with your body image and your emotions. You are finding a different way of expressing yourself. You are refusing to recognize your feminine power. Your dream is a message for your resourcefulness and survival skills. You may be expressing joy, victory and freedom from restraint.

Bamboo in your dream is a clue for indecision; you cannot make up your mind about something. Perhaps you are doing something that is out of character. You need to alter your actions before you or someone gets hurt. The dream refers to your fears of no longer being needed or useful. You are getting ready for a challenge.

Bamboo in this dream is some dangerous or risky activities. You are holding on to some false hope. You may feel threatened or vulnerable when you express yourself. The dream stands for a mother’s loss or an end to something. You need to ask yourself where you want to be headed.

Ladder in dream expresses repressed anger. You have achieved a higher level of growth and learning and are at a turning point in your life. You have to do what is right for you and not worry about what others think of the decision. The dream represents aspects of your personality. Ou may need to take things more seriously.

Ladder dream draws attention to a fear of emotional impotence. You obey others without question. You are molding or shaping the course of your own life. Your dream points to your feelings of insecurities and anxieties. You do not underestimate yourself or others.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Ladder” represents a lost in innocence, impurity and uncleanness. Some aspects will not be denied any longer and must be dealt with on a conscious level. There is an emotional void in your life. Your dream is a portent for deception, falsehood and deceitfulness. You need to slow down and take some time out for yourself.

Dream about bamboo ladder denotes fear of intimacy. You are unaware of something important that may be right in front of you. You are expressing a wish to escape from your responsibilities. The dream hints enlightenment and understanding. You are under tremendous stress.

Dream about Bamboo Floor denotes the power and drive you need to move forward in life. You are plunging into new emotional territory. You are reflecting on some important life decision that needs to be made. This dream is a hint for pleasant and joyous surroundings. You are in the beginning stages of romantic love.

Bamboo Floor is setbacks and misfortunes. You need to address some hurting feelings in order to properly heal. You are feeling extremely anxious about the unknown changes that are in store for you. The dream is a reserve a energy that you are waiting to exert. You need to be more in touch with nature and go back to a more basic and simpler life.

Bamboo in your dream symbolises feelings of guilt for what you have, while others are struggling for their livelihood. You are prevented from expressing your anger and other negative emotions. Perhaps you have been tricked or duped. This dream expresses your tendency to mislead people. May be you are nervous about an upcoming exam or audit.

Bamboo in this dream indicates your literary aptitude. Perhaps you are acting helpless in order to get out of some situation or obligation. You need to take things more slowly. This dream is something in your life which you have left hanging or unfinished. You are feeling neglected in your relationship or that your feelings are being overlooked.

Floor in dream signifies laziness. Something is not right or normal about a situation. You are having difficulties communicating your thoughts and ideas. Your dream is a harbinger for your vulnerabilities. You may be unfairly judging others.

Floor dream is a harbinger for your protective barrier. You need to be in an environment where you can freely express yourself. You have some repressed aggression or rage at yourself or at someone. This dream indicates fears of losing your virility. You are involved in a destructive relationship.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Floor” denotes emotional turmoil or perhaps you are being buried by problems and stresses of your life. You need to use your position and leverage to get what you want. You feel restrained and confined in some circumstance. The dream signifies forgotten knowledge or previous chapters of your life. May be you are having difficulties trusting your own judgment and decisions.

Dream about bamboo floor represents the many chances and opportunities that you come across in life. You are smothering the people around you. You need to lay out your goals and plans clearly in order to be able to grow and move forward in life. The dream is a portent for fairness and being fair in a situation or decision. You want to make your animalistic desires known.

In a dream, bamboo symbolizes trust, strength and flexibility. Many legendary dream books emphasize that bamboo itself is associated with happiness and prosperity, but it is also associated with spiritual resistance to life. The dream of bamboo represents an orderly life, it portends peace after the storm, it portends successful negotiations, or alternatively, it can portend a serious and quite disturbing conflict. If
you see bamboo in a dream, this is a sign that you will quickly cope with failures and disappointments in life.
Picking bamboo signals that the crisis that has caught you in your life will finally end and you will become a really happy person. A
bamboo house symbolizes stress and courage. These are two very important attributes you need to control your emotions. If
you enter a bamboo house in a dream, it means that other people will help you overcome all obstacles in your life. If
you eat bamboo in a dream, it is a positive omen and can mean wealth and happiness in your life. The worries you have been struggling with so far will pass very quickly and you will finally breathe a sigh of relief. A
bamboo chair or
furniture made of bamboo generally foreshadows growth and hard work in the near future. If you dream of a
bamboo door, it may mean that you will soon experience difficult moments that you will eventually overcome with time.
Rotting bamboo appearing in dreams is a harbinger of downtime and life turmoil, which together can contribute to the transition to a new stage in life.

Dream about Bamboo Furniture represents personal desires. Good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. You will rise to a position of prominence and power. Your dream is an indication for fear of intimacy. Your true nature will eventually be exposed.

Bamboo Furniture states security and restoration of your mind. Maybe there is something that you need to say. There is something in your life that you need to let go. The dream is an evidence for your intense emotional state regarding an issue or situation. You are on the right track toward pursuing your goals.

Bamboo in your dream symbolises subconscious feelings toward a person. Perhaps a relationship or some guilt is weighing you down. You need to learn acceptance. The dream is a premonition for your need to calm down after a highly charged emotional situation or state. Perhaps you are in need of a temporary escape from reality.

Bamboo in this dream is about your concerns about aging and growing old. You are putting up a proverbial wall. You need to look at a situation from a rational perspective. This dream is a message for acceptance of yourself. You may be faced with an approaching deadline.

Furniture in dream is sometimes your desire to challenge authority. You are feeling stifled. You have made a wrong decision or choice. The dream indicates aspects of yourself that disgusts and repulses you. You are too controlling.

Furniture dream signals lucidity and your need to think more clearly about a situation. You are afraid of confronting your own feelings. You are being blindsided. Your dream is a message for your dependence on others. Perhaps you are moving too fast.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Furniture” is unfortunately an admonition for harshness, cold-heartedness or fierceness. You are lacking knowledge or awareness in some area or issue. You are not expressing your feelings enough. Your dream denotes an attack to your pride. Perhaps you are dwelling too much on minor flaws, faults and other small issues.

Dream about bamboo furniture is a hint for a sudden awakening and new awareness. You are on the mark or that you are on the right track. You have something to prove to others. The dream is sometimes an intrusion into your personal life. You are integrating aspects of the feminine and the masculine.

Dream about Carrying Bamboo symbolises some love triangle or some relationship conflict. You are feeling deprived. You are in control of your own emotions and passions. The dream is a sign for a message from your subconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. Some important news or information will soon be revealed to you.

Carrying Bamboo is a metaphor for a cheerful and tranquil home. You know how to express your emotions in a healthy way. Someone is attempting to bring you back to reality. Your dream points at the sacrifices in your life. Fortune will come from the most unexpected of sources.

Carry in your dream is a portent for a situation in which you felt unable to do anything. It is time to open your eyes and not allow yourself to be stepped on. You should let out your feelings of anger. The dream is a harbinger for mutual cooperation and teamwork. Your subconscious is trying to protect you from experiencing them directly.

Carry in this dream suggests the need to conserve. You are molding or shaping the course of your own life. Sometimes you need the help of others in order to attain your goals. The dream signifies your unfulfilled desires and wishes. You need to consider new and better way of doing things.

Bamboo in dream is an evidence for your femininity or feminine side. Perhaps you are getting engaged if you are single. Opportunities are shut off to you. Your dream states you to not take your personal liberties and independence for granted. You are looking to align yourself with certain people or groups.

Bamboo dream is a symbol for growth despite going through some hardship and difficult period. There is a certain mystique or mystery about someone. You need to trust your intuition and instincts. The dream is sometimes your right leaning political views. Someone is spying on you.

Dream about both “Carry” and “Bamboo” is a signal for anger that you are trying to hold back, but it must be expressed. You feel rejected by those around you. You feel emotionally isolated and that you do not belong anywhere. This dream unfortunately draws attention to an easy-going attitude or a lack of competitive spirit. You are trying to fulfill a void in your life.

Dream about carrying bamboo denotes your culture and tradition. By recognizing the hidden aspects of yourself, you are able to move forward in life. You are offending others. Your dream is a premonition for some sort of relief. Something from your past is still impacting your present situation.

A dream of dissension in the family circle (Gypsy). Probably originating in the use of rattan or bamboo for purposes of chastisement.

It is an important symbolic plant in Japan as well as in some primitive cultures in Africa and America. Throughout history, bamboo has been used to ward off evil spirits, to make sacred musical instruments, and to serve as a weapon in religious ceremonies in which sacrifice is practiced. Its presence in dreams is a sign of well-being and good wishes.

It is related to success in business and to harmony of the context.

1- The pliability of bamboo indicates yielding but enduring strength. Being one of the most graceful but hardy plants, it also represents these qualities in the dreamer.

2- Intellectually, bamboo represents good breeding, long life and a fulfilling old age. It also represents the ability to yield when under pressure.

3- Perfect, but pliant, man is symbolised by the bamboo.

If the dreamer recognises these two aspects within himself, he can if necessary begin to deal with flaws within his character.

Dreams of bamboo symbolize that you are realizing the spiritual strength, focus and simplicity that can lead to enlightenment.

To see bamboo in your dream symbolizes your trustworthiness and strength. You easily bounce back from disappointments in your life. This dream may also refer to strong family and friendship ties.

Man is symbolized by the bamboo, inherently perfect yet able to be pliant – to bow before the storm.

The bamboo also signifies gracefulness and friendship. In china, the seven-knotted bamboo denotes the seven stages of initiation undergone before becoming an adept.

Psychological / emotional perspective: Intellectually, bamboo represents good breeding, long life and a fulfilling old age. On top of that, it highlights the ability to yield when under pressure.

Material aspects: The pliability of bamboo indicates yielding but enduring strength.

It is used as a cure in feng shui (the art of placement) because it is fast-growing, sturdy and will thrive in a variety of conditions. It will now have gained much of that significance in dreams.

Gives gender - specific: In both male and female dreams the bamboo plant can suggest androgeny.

Fragile and insecure

A bamboo is a very strong wood which grows mainly in tropical areas.

It is used for various purposes depending on different cultures. Due to its strength and flexibility in making various items, it automatically denotes strength and trustworthiness.

The bamboo is connected to growing spiritually. The bamboo is normally considered lucky in China and in dreams is associated with good fortune. If bamboo is featured in any sense it indicates growth and also solving problems. To see bamboo in one's dream indicates they can be trusted by friends who surround them, and they can also be of help when it comes to defending rights and that of those who live around them. You are hard working and it is important to make sure that you focus on accomplishment in life. Normally, you can reach your goals in a stipulated time.

Did you dream about Bamboo? Bamboo in your dream symbolizes trustworthiness, strength, and resilience. Try to remember the context of how you encounter and use bamboo in the dream. Relate the situation to your waking life. Continue to read to find more bamboo dream interpretations here now.

Dream About Bamboo Shoots or Bamboo Sprouts
Dreaming about newly grown bamboo shoots or bamboo sprouts foretells that you can easily bounce back from setbacks and disappointments in your life. Pounce at any opportunities that come your way, and keep on trying until you succeed. If you are eating bamboo shoots, it foretells that you will achieve early profits with a new business endeavor.

Dream About Bamboo Tree
A healthy and strong bamboo tree in your dream reflects your waking life’s balance and strength. If the bamboo tree is soft or even rotting, it could reflect serious issues arising from certain imbalances and conflicts.

Dream About Bamboo Forest
To dream about a bamboo forest reflects that you need to have strong ties to your community. You will deal with your neighbors, colleagues, and classmates fairly.

Dream About Bamboo House
To live inside a bamboo house in a dream indicates that you have to work very hard with diligence. You might go through some tough times. However, you will be able to develop trust and strength at the end of the day.

Dream About Bamboo Bridge
Dreams of Bamboo made bridges suggest that you need to grow to be able to tackle the gap. You are not yet ready to handle the problem yet. You have the opportunity and skills to grow into a person who can bridge the gap.

Dream About Cutting Bamboo
Dreams of cutting bamboo suggest that you will have to get yourself into shape.

Dream About Bamboo Stick or Bamboo Cane
Seeing or using bamboo sticks or canes as tools reflects that you will encounter certain warnings and problems shortly. You will require creativity and imagination to solve the issues. You need to trust your instincts to come up with never-before solutions.

Dream About Pickled Bamboo
To dream about pickling bamboo is a sign of upcoming trouble. You will need to save your resilience and strength to last you another day.

Dream About Bamboo Boat
Dreaming about riding in a bamboo boat indicates that you will start to grow strong physically and mentally. Refine your methodology and approach along the way is key to future success. You may experience some emotional turbulence that will result in you being stronger and more fit mentally.

Dream About Lucky Bamboo Decoration
Lucky bamboo in dreams is a symbol of growth and early maturation. You will be able to find solutions to your problems earlier than expected. Enjoy the results of achieving stress-free luck.

Dream about Bamboo House is an omen for warmth and your need for a better sense of security. You are ready to let go of the past or move forward. You are expressing your tender side and a desire to be close to someone. Your dream means your connection and comfort level with your appearance. You are feeling small or overlooked.

Bamboo House symbolises a budding new love that is blossoming in your life. You are moving ahead toward a new stage in your life. You have overcome certain obstacles in your life. This dream is an omen for your confidence and self-esteem. Perhaps you are taking on a new perspective and a different view of things.

Bamboo in your dream indicates some biting or cutthroat remarks. You need to learn to let go and look toward what is ahead for you. You are hindering your own self-growth. This dream is a portent for a need for you to change your routine. You need to let yourself go.

Bamboo in this dream is an omen for temptation or emotional allure. You are behaving and acting tyrannical. You need to make a counter on some offer. Your dream states your mobility and adaptability to some situation. You are trying to protect yourself against something.

House in dream suggests ignorance, the subconscious, evil, death and fear of the unknown. You need to pray more. You are attempting to disguise a situation and refusing to see it as it really is. The dream hints some aspect of yourself that is private. You need to alter your reasoning and make a stronger argument.

House dream points at mental and intellectual expansion. Perhaps, there is a situation that you are unwilling to accept. You may be taking on too many responsibilities. This dream is an indication for your need for cleansing or healing. You may be on the verge of overstepping your boundaries or taking certain risks in your life.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “House” points to deception and cover-up of some situation. You are devoid of emotions. No matter how hard you try, your efforts will not sway things your way. Your dream is an omen for an attack on your ego. You need to break down your problems into pieces you can handle.

Dream about bamboo house signifies your security and secrets. You need a fresh new perspective on where your life is headed. You need to be more positive in your thinking. This dream is a sunny outlook in life. You secretly want what the other person has.

Dream about Cutting Bamboo signifies joy and abundance. You feel a disconnect with your own father or mother. You are feeling overworked and need to take time out for yourself for some fun and relaxation. This dream points at security and rest. You are feeling safe.

Cutting Bamboo indicates your creativity or accomplishments. You need to take a break from life’s demands so you can replenish your energy. It is time to get on the right path. This dream stands for good fortune in financial matters. You are coming face to face with some inner or worldly issue.

Cut in your dream is a harbinger for your tendency of taking without giving back. There is trouble ahead for you in the near future. You feel you are being criticized unfairly. The dream is a clue for your need for security. You need to let go of some pain and learn to accept the situation.

Cut in this dream is an omen for the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. You are ready to let go of some of the burdens, responsibilities or emotional baggage that you are carrying around. You need to be more bubbly or vivacious. This dream is an indication for your camaraderie and oneness with others toward a common cause. You are feeling troubled by some issue.

Bamboo in dream is an evidence for disappointments that you are experiencing in your life. You are turning into someone. Perhaps you need to express some gratitude to those who supported you along the way. The dream is a premonition for a stinging remark or situation. You already have the solution to a problem.

Bamboo dream means your desire to be looked up to. You need to remember to focus on each other. You do not let people in your life easily. Your dream is a metaphor for missed opportunities. Perhaps you need to break through a barrier that has been holding you back.

Dream about both “Cut” and “Bamboo” is unfortunately a warning signal for bad news, bereavement, or grief. You are lacking direction and have no goal of your own. You are acknowledging and expressing aspects of yourself that you were previously uncomfortable about. The dream is an omen for harshness, cold-heartedness or fierceness. You are not spending enough time with a person in your life.

Dream about cutting bamboo is about your own personal history. You are doing the right thing or that you are on the right path. You are releasing pent up excitement. This dream suggests an outward display of strength, triumph and power. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you.

Dream about Bamboo Shoot signals good luck, growth and new life. You are learning an important life lesson. You fear confrontation. The dream hints love, passion, desire, femininity, unity and romance. You are experiencing unhappiness and setbacks in your life.

Bamboo Shoot stands for your drive and ambition. You will stand out in crowd. You are seeking for better understand of your Self and of your origins. The dream is a sign for the introspective aspect of yourself. You are anticipating for some big event or news.

Bamboo in your dream points at your desires to break free from some obligation or relationship. You will be faced with many disappointments and obstacles. Subconscious thoughts may be trying to push to the surface. This dream expresses your fear of the unknown. You are trying to escape life’s problems.

Bamboo in this dream is about sadness and trouble. Perhaps you are being someone who you are not. You are wasting away your talents and abilities. This dream symbolises your desire to recapture or relive a certain moment in your life. You need to look out for yourself and your own interest.

Shoot in dream draws attention to your desires for physical/emotional satisfaction. You need to be more decisive and go for what you want. You need to be more in touch with your intuition and inner forces. The dream is a hint for your control over your subconscious desires. You are looking for some completion or closure in some matter.

Shoot dream is a sign for how you are fudging some records or answers. You may feel undeserving of your achievements. You are not putting on any facade. This dream is a portent for instability and insecurity in your current situation. You need to expand your reach.

Dream about both “Bamboo” and “Shoot” is unfortunately a warning for disappointments and negative changes in your life. Life on the fast line is not all that is cracked up to be. You are not taking care of the things you treasure. This dream refers to your ability to control you animalistic rages and anger. You are trying to contain and suppress the qualities of the kidnapped person.

Dream about bamboo shoot is a premonition for your struggle with power. You believe that you are being unfairly treated. You are free to move ahead. The dream is a symbol for renewal, meditation and spirituality. You need to build up your self-confidence and self-esteem.

Dream about Bamboo signals your foundation, stability and sense of understanding. It is time for self-exploration, self-reflection and introspection. You are trying to steer your friends and your family on the right direction. This dream points to your self-worth, self-esteem, influence or power of persuasion. You are being followed or chased.

Bamboo points to authority, direction and judgment. You need to let out your inhibitions and animalistic desires. You need to have a clear strategy in order to overtake your opponents. The dream is a premonition for a loss of freedom. You are seeking to recapture innocence that is lost.

Dream about Bamboo [the hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles] signifies anger, aggression and separation. You are sacrificing yourself. You need to learn to say no. This dream is a sign for your influence for some favor or decision. You feel that you are being judged and criticized for the path you want to take.

Dream about Bamboo [woody tropical grass having hollow woody stems; mature canes used for construction and furniture] means your readiness for an upcoming task or event. You are dealing with criticism about your self and your body. You are searching for a new sense of self. Your dream means control over the destiny of someone close to you. You are being overly lackadaisical about a situation or problem.

Dream about Eating Bamboo is a clue for your communication and relationship with others. You highly value yourself. Perhaps you are overlooking something. Your dream indicates opportunity. You are satisfied with your current situation in life.

Eating Bamboo is an omen for the uninhibited and animalistic aspect of your personality. You are feeling emotionally deprived or needy. Your talents are being utilized. The dream stands for your ambition and the determination to achieve your goals. You relate to someone on some intimate level that you are afraid to admit.

Eating in your dream is a clue for your own drive and leadership abilities. You need better planning and organization in your life. You are regressing into a state of dependency. Your dream is a premonition for luck, spring, femininity and youth. You are being close-minded.

Eating in this dream points to your irrational thoughts. You need to get your mind out of the gutter. You are trying to express a thought or idea in a way that others can understand. Your dream states your leadership abilities. You are putting yourself in a dangerous situation.

Bamboo in dream symbolises your set path. You are being overly protective. You are trying to claim what you feel is rightfully yours. Your dream denotes feelings of guilt, regret, or remorse about something you did. You need to take accountability for your actions.

Bamboo dream indicates a rebellious attitude. Opportunities are shut off to you. You need to be more decisive and go for what you want. This dream means something that you are holding onto for too long. You are nurturing an old skill or talent.

Dream about both “Eating” and “Bamboo” is an admonition for desperation, despair, extreme sadness and sympathy. You are blocking off the harsh reality of daily life. Your old habits and old ways of doing things is hindering your progress. Your dream stands for anxieties and concerns over your self-image. You should not underestimate yourself.

Dream about eating bamboo signals the unpredictability of life. You are overwhelming others with your demands and strong opinion. You may be getting closer in confronting and acknowledging your subconscious thoughts. The dream is a harbinger for hard work ahead for you. You need to pay more attention to what people are telling you and conveying to you.

Dream about Lucky Bamboo is a signal for your need to get in touch with the spirit within. You will outwit your opponents. Things are going well for you. This dream points at conscious knowledge and the things that you are confronting or dealing with. Something in your life that has come to a crashing end.

Lucky Bamboo denotes the heroic male figure in your life. You will succeed in overcoming your rivals and fears. You are living beyond your means. The dream represents childhood joy and light-hearted fun. You will be well-rewarded.

Lucky in your dream is a clue for a laid back attitude. You need to organize your life and keep things in order. You may be over-thinking a problem. The dream is a harbinger for hidden aggression that you need to acknowledge. You need to be more carefree, worry-free and light-hearted.

Lucky in this dream refers to aspects of your own personality that you fear or that you are trying to repress. You are imposing your ideas and opinions on others. It is time for some solitude. Your dream denotes endless possibilities. You need to stand up for your rights.

Bamboo in dream states your fears of being helpless and overpowered. Somebody may be showing you the way to solving a problem in your life. You want to be more independent and not rely on others so much. Your dream points at your desires to be noticed. You are confronting some uncomfortable emotions.

Bamboo dream signifies spreading the word of God. You fear that you do not have enough time to meet your deadlines or accomplish your goals. You are feeling insecure about the progress you have made so far in life. The dream is a premonition for a small lapse in judgment. It is time to release these feelings.

Dream about both “Lucky” and “Bamboo” is a premonition for loss of vitality, loss of faith in yourself and lack of self-confidence. You are not giving enough attention to some relationship. There is a lack of balance in your life. This dream is sadly an alert for a situation or relationship that has made you cold and bitter. You may feel confined, trapped, or suffocated in a relationship.

Dream about lucky bamboo is a premonition for life’s journey. You are weaving your future and destiny. You are refusing to acknowledge and confront the truth. Your dream is a message for an idealistic relationship. Your vision and perception is impaired.

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