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Dream Interpretation of being given candy

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 28 seconds

Dream Interpretation of being given candy - Being Given Candy dream meaning

Dream about being given candy is an evidence for irreversible changes occurring in your life. You need to tailor your actions or behavior in order to fit in. You are carrying more weight on your shoulders than you need to. It denotes your intimate self or childhood self. You are having a difficult time on focusing on one goal.

Being given candy dream denotes your desires for a more gratifying emotional life. You need to learn from your experiences, even the negative ones. You are feeling like an outsider in some situation. This points to the instinctual and uninhibited aspect of your character. You are on the verge of emotional overload.

Someone may seem to be eternally evading you, and this is getting to you right now, with the current celestial atmosphere. You may have built up some kind of very dramatic image of this person in your mind, and have also convinced yourself that they are truly awesome, and so cannot understand why they do not want to be closer to you. Today you may get your answer.

Dream about giving candy expresses the transfer of ideas and advices from one person to another. You are all wound-up or tense about some situation. You need to determine if you have what it takes to achieve your goals. The dream suggests your rising spirituality. Major changes are occurring within yourself.

Dream about making candy is a symbol for a blemish in your personality. You need to act on your gut instinct about some situation or relationship. You think highly of yourself. Your dream is a portent for introspection. You need to start standing up for yourself.

Dream about getting candy points at inner integration, resolution and harmony. You feel the need to fend for yourself. You need to start approaching problems from a different angle. Your dream signifies neediness. You are driving someone mad or crazy.

Dream about wanting candy refers to your desires to fit in and be accepted by society. You need to develop an aspect of yourself and utilize your potential. xxx means that you are ready for growth. Perhaps you have been neglecting a relationship. It is a clue for masculinity. You need to pay more attention to your intuition and to your emotional side.

Dream about being given chocolate points to some unhealthy aspect that you need to cut from your life. There is a conflict between your rational thinking and your irrational impulses. You are being mislead in some aspect of your relationship. It states your suppressed feelings. You need to reach out to others in a more direct and personal way.

Dream about being given cake is an omen for an imbalance. Sometimes you are giving off the wrong impression to others. You need to take a more relaxed approach to some situation. The dream is an evidence for pureness or softness. Perhaps you are taking on more than you can handle.

Dream about making chocolate is a premonition for a transformation. You are looking to reconnect with your ex in some way. You are ignoring your intellect and rational thinking. This dream is a symbol for something that you need to remember. You have arrived to a decision or common understanding.

Dream about giving cake stands for disorder in your personal relationships. You need to get in contact with someone. It is time for new changes. This dream draws attention to your desire for acceptance and affection. You are emotionally paralyzed and need to learn how to express yourself.

Dream about giving cookie is a symbol for cooperation. You need to focus on the big picture. You need to resolve issues of the past in order to be able to make a clean, new start for yourself. The dream is sometimes your extreme level of boldness. You have accepted aspects of a relationship and learned from those past mistakes.

Dream about chocolate is a signal for a rise in your current circumstances. You are struggling between good and evil. Perhaps, your feelings of hate are beginning to show through. This is a portent for purification. You need to balance your own needs with the needs of others.

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