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Dream Interpretation of being lizard

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 51 seconds

Dream Interpretation of being lizard - Being Lizard dream meaning

Dream about being lizard is about your adaptability and yielding persona. You need to let go out the past and look forward to the future. You need to look at a situation/relationship from a different perspective or angle. It stands for your commitment to a relationship or situation. You need to take a chance or let up on yourself.

Being lizard dream is an indication for growth, activity, expansion and insight. You need to distance yourself from these other people. You need someone to talk to about your problems. This dream expresses concerns and feelings you have about someone. You need to evaluate who your true friends are and who are negative energy.

The overall exuberance and forward drive you felt over the past four weeks shifts in a new direction today, marking the start of a new four-week phase in our yearly cycle. For you, this means slowing down instead of speeding up. Be more calculating.

Dream about lizard running is an evidence for concern and worries in some area of your work. You are censoring yourself and watching what you say. You need to trust your gut feeling and intuition. The dream is a premonition for a breakdown in communication. You are getting to your subconscious level.

Dream about lizard coming out of mouth draws attention to the relationship between the mind/mental and the body/physical. You are being taken advantage of. You are being shorted or getting the short end of the stick. The dream is a signal for the masculine. A threat has passed.

Dream about giving birth to lizard is a clue for industry and hard work. You have difficulty relating to the world around you. You are feeling threatened or overlooked. The dream is a signal for change. You will overcome some of your emotional difficulties.

Dream about snakes all night is an indication for your desires to be more connected with your ancestors and understanding of where you came from. You may be faced with an approaching deadline. You are feeling socially disconnected or withdrawn. It states swiftness and agility. You need some variety from your daily routine.

Dream about crocodile being killed is an indication for the various aspects of your life that are invading your personal space. You saw something that you shouldn’t have seen. You need to take new steps toward independence. The dream stands for your soul and the feminine aspects of yourself. You need to be more self-reliant and exercise your personal power.

Dream about lizard crawling on body denotes the end of a cycle or condition. You need to be more flexible in your thinking. You need to get both feet off the ground in order to move forward in life. The dream is a hint for old memories that you need to let go of. You tend to be emotionally rigid.

Dream about lizard running away suggests an aspect of your life that is in pieces. You no longer have control of a situation. You need to approach your goals from a different angle. This suggests your desire for attention. You want to defy expectations.

Dream about lizard falling on face signifies your fear of other people’s differences. Perhaps you are being too frigid. You need to learn not to be afraid of rejection. It is sometimes your commitment toward a life goal. Lending money to friends will cause a rift in your relationship.

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