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Dream Interpretation of being shoes

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 36 seconds

Dream Interpretation of being shoes - Being Shoes dream meaning

Dream about being shoes is a sign for luck and protection. You are being hard headed about some issue. You are putting the needs of others before your own. It is a sign for your desire or need for change. You are afraid of not knowing what is in store for you in the future.

Being shoes dream is your own weakness and neediness. You are being consumed by your drive, your passion and your goals to the point where some aspects of your life are being neglected. You need to gain a better perspective on things. This dream suggests your own drive and leadership abilities. You need to introduce a little spice into your life.

Your tendency may be to do some wild speculation today. Someone is likely to lure you into an idea that you can’t resist. Make sure you don’t invest too much of your time, money, and energy into this idea. It is not as sound as it may seem.

Dream about having one shoe points at helplessness. There is some life lesson or moral that you need to learn or recognize. There is nothing to show for all the effort that you have dedicated to a project or relationship. It is about youth and mental development. Perhaps you are reaching beyond your abilities.

Dream about being given shoes is a symbol for rational thinking. You are searching for love and acceptance. You are feeling powerless and helpless in some situation. Your dream states your persona and subconscious. You need to work on your childish rage and tantrums.

Dream about being in heels is a premonition for concerns and feelings you have about someone. You want attention, but aren’t getting it. You want to be more serious. It is about rebirth and rejuvenation. You may be reflecting on certain decisions you have made in your life.

Dream about having six toes draws attention to opportunities and welcomed expectations. You are feeling shut out of some situation or relationship. You need to take a long deep breath in between your problems. This is a signal for your resistance to change. You are overworked or preoccupied with work.

Dream about shoes being stolen is about your sense of responsibility and duty. You are being undermined or stifled in some way. You are trying to hold together a relationship. Your dream is your desires to lead. You need to show more cooperation.

Dream about shoes being lost is sometimes your need to relax and escape from work or school. You need to take new steps toward independence. You need to be careful who you trust or who you believe. Your dream states ambiguity in your life. You need some clarity. You are diverting or deflecting your feelings instead of confronting them.

Dream about being in a shoe store denotes the end of a phase in your life. You are going through a period of depression. Perhaps you have something to hide or are afraid of fully expressing yourself. Your dream is a portent for your vulnerability regarding some unresolved issues or emotions. You need to give yourself a break.

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