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Dream Interpretation of binge

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Dream Interpretation of binge - Binge dream meaning

Any excess in spiritual terms is an attempt to change consciousness or awareness. Since bingeing is an intermittent activity it suggests that there are attempts to impose a degree of control without actually having the correct self-discipline.

Psychological / emotional perspective: Lack of self-discipline in our day-to-day lives can be very wearing. We are being reminded that excess of any sort can be harmful. Remembering that taking in food or liquid is supposed to be nurturing, we need to consider our everyday activities very carefully.

Material aspects: When we dream of ‘going on a binge’ we may have to be less rigid in our approach to caring for ourselves. Such a dream may be setting the scene for a relaxed approach to problems.

Bingeing can a represent a need to feel an emotional desire. If you dream of bingeing on alcohol then this can demonstrate lofty ideas and realistic ambitions which have been adopted by others - in order to compensate with failure or loss of financial security.

Eating in excess can indicate the detachment of the dream body from the physical. If you find yourself eating too much in your dream then this often indicates that you need to carefully approach adversity in a positive way.

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