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Dream Interpretation of black bull attacking

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 17 seconds

Dream Interpretation of black bull attacking - Black Bull Attacking dream meaning

Dream about black bull attacking sadly draws attention to resentment, jealousy and revenge. You are subconsciously repeating the same old patterns from that relationship to your current relationship. You may be acting out and have a desire to awaken your passion. It is a signal for abundance, prosperity, growth and fertility. You feel that you are out of ideas or that you have nothing to offer.

Black bull attacking dream is a warning alert for your lack of motivation. You do not have all the facts needed to make a good and sound decision. You are trying to reach out for support. Your dream is a message for the womb and thus signify refuge, protection and concealment. You should let out your feelings of anger.

Have you resolved to give your house a thorough cleaning? You may have gone to the store and bought every conceivable type of cleaner. You’re determined not to quit until the house is spotless. Use natural cleaners if possible. Chemical substances could seem especially harsh today. Second, don’t try to do it all now. Take care of the worst and then leave the rest for tomorrow.

Dream about attacking bulls is a signal for their insignificance. You are weighed down by the endless responsibilities and expectations in your life. You are trying to get your way via destructive means. This points at your fears or lack of confidence toward your emotions. You are feeling foolish or embarrassed by some situation.

Dream about black bull represents an old habit or characteristic that you need to clear out and rid yourself of. You may not be alert or informed about a particular situation. You are having a hard time getting to know a person. It is unfortunately a warning for your acceptance of the restrictions you are facing. Your feelings are being trivialized or that someone is discounting how you feel.

Dream about white bull is unfortunately an admonition for outdated attitudes former relationships and old ways of thinking. You may feel that someone or some situation is invading into your space. You are too easily led or too easily influenced. This is unfortunately an alert for your independent nature and your tendency to reflect on your thoughts alone. You are not ready to move forward and need to take a step back.

Dream about killing bull is a premonition for despair and hopelessness. Perhaps you have an immature attitude towards life. You need to let go of the past and quit dwelling on old emotions. This dream denotes a life situation where you are being put on the defensive. You are trying to fool yourself or someone into believing something that you know is not true.

Dream about black and white bull is a clue for fear, limitations and negative aspects of yourself. You are not paying enough attention to what someone is trying to tell you. You may be doing less than your best. Your dream symbolises your refusal to acknowledge some conflict or inner turmoil. You will let nothing stand in your way of ambitions and obtaining your goals, even if it means hurting those around you.

Dream about blue bull is a symbol for ill-health, depression and misfortune. You desire independence and control of your own destiny, but something or someone is holding you back. You may not be in such solid ground as you thought. Your dream refers to your aggressive or sadomasochistic tendencies. You are trying to insulate yourself from your surroundings and protect yourself from involvement in the situation.

Dream about killing a black bull suggests your fear of losing the friendship and loyalty of an important person. You may feel that time is running out in a business or personal matter. Someone that you loved is being unresponsive to your needs. This is a sign for a negative turn in business and in health. You are not quite ready to confront some new situation by yourself.

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