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Dream Interpretation of cat with rabies

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 58 seconds

Dream Interpretation of cat with rabies - Cat With Rabies dream meaning

Dream about cat with rabies signifies an important day, this may be the day you met, the day your broke up, or perhaps the day you two always went out. Your ex still has some sort of emotional hold on you. You channel your emotions and are cautious in how you express them. This dream denotes pride and confidence. You are visualizing success or envisioning a positive future.

Cat with rabies dream is an omen for issues of commitment and pleasure. You need to take a break and lighten up. Someone in your life is offering you protection and stability. The dream means honor, celebration, continuity or completeness. If you visualize success, then you will achieve success.

One thing to keep in mind is that you have time on your side. When things seem to be moving too fast to really get a grasp on them, try to stay out of harm’s way and heed your inner counsel. Have you had a special interest lately that you’ve been meaning to investigate? A pottery class, a sewing class, a personal project that you can make with your own two hands? This is the kind of work that will be grounding for you right now, and this is what you need.

Dream about rabies is a signal for your successes and achievements. You are enjoying life to the fullest. You are communicating a passionate message. It is a sign for the playful aspects of your life. You are feeling overwhelmed by your responsibilities.

Dream about dog with rabies is a signal for genuine goodness and idealistic notions. You are flexible and open to change. You are cruising through situations in your life with ease and little effort. Your dream denotes your influence and power over others. You want to be one with nature.

Dream about getting rabies is a clue for the realization of your goals and aspirations. It is time to reinvent yourself and get a fresh outlook in life. You are utilizing your power to persuade or protect. This is about power and energy. You are happy with what you have.

Dream about having rabies signals a significant life change or a very important issue. You are indecisive about something. You have expressed some hurtful words. It signals tenderness, love, nurturance and motherly love. You need to take advantage of life’s pleasures.

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