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Dream Interpretation of conch

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Dream Interpretation of conch - Conch dream meaning

Dream about conch expresses your creative self and your ability to manipulate how you want to be perceived. You have moved on and forgot a disturbing issue. You have a lot of power and influence. The dream is a metaphor for potential and possibilities. You are rejecting someone who is showing interest in you.

Conch dream stands for your striking performance and stellar ability. Something old is passing and something new is entering into your life. You need to always be on the move. This suggests your sense of wisdom and intellect. There is something that you need to let others know.

There’s action to be taken, so make sure you get up early to make a fresh start. You may be on stage today in more ways than one. Your powerful words won’t go unnoticed by others. You’re dynamic and effective in the pursuit of your goals. Your mental acuity is in top working condition, and your words are emotionally charged.

Dream about White Conch is an evidence for guaranteed success. Maybe it is time for a career change. You have determination on your goals. This dream represents a statement about your life and its condition. Someone is preventing you from knowing the truth.

White Conch is an evidence for your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Perhaps you do not yet realize that an opportunity is open to you. You will need to work hard in order to achieve your goals. This dream suggests raw male courage. You want to make a name for yourself and establish your reputation.

White in your dream indicates your changing emotional feelings. You need to be more mainstream. You are going through an obstacle course. The dream is a clue for your vulnerability regarding some unresolved issues or emotions. You are being too dominating.

White in this dream points at the anticipation of hard work ahead. You are trying to make something known. You need to be more hands on in some project. The dream is an evidence for hidden resentment towards a person. You have the desire to strive for a better Self.

Conch in dream signals an issue that you need to address immediately before it gets to a critical state. You can still get your way without use of force. You need to pay close attention to others around you. This dream is a symbol for the difficulties you have with accepting some changes. There is a problem or issue that is burdening you.

Conch dream draws attention to a situation that is being turned upside down. You are trying to keep others out for fear of getting hurt again. Perhaps your family life needs to be kept in check. The dream refers to the sun. You are let down by someone you relied on and trusted.

Dream about both “White” and “Conch” is a clue for an issue that you are trying to avoid. Some bad news and ill health will prevent you from achieving your desires. Someone tries to help you visualize your goal and what you want to accomplish. This dream is a warning signal for low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy. You are too one-sided in your ways of thinking.

Dream about white conch is a portent for your solid character and leadership ability. You are able to see the true beauty in something or someone. You are undecided between two choices you have to make. Your dream stands for your burdens and struggles. You have built a solid foundation for success in some endeavor.

Dream about Eating Conch is your anticipation of your own upcoming event in real life. You need to pay closer attention to your health. You are progressing smoothly toward your life path. The dream is a premonition for a creative and knowledgeable mind. There is something that you need to learn or incorporate into your understanding.

Eating Conch is the part of yourself that is always in control. You have made a decision about a matter. You are a person of distinction. Your dream represents your hidden feelings and fondness toward a person. You need to be more active, aggressive and bold.

Eating in your dream is a harbinger for feelings of rejection or of not being able to keep up. Anger often masquerades as fear. You have a tendency to ignore things until it is right in front of you. The dream states arrogance and an inflated opinion of yourself. Your desires will be soon be realized.

Eating in this dream is a message for your anxieties about pregnancy or some diseases. You are overly fixating on minor details and overlooking the important things on your life. You are becoming someone who you are ashamed of or someone who you longer recognized. Your dream is a clue for a new idea or some newly developed situation. Perhaps you have been hurt or disappointed by something that someone had said.

Conch in dream denotes something that has been switched, changed or exchanged. You need to push yourself to do better in all that you do. You may finally be recognizing and acknowledging an aspect of yourself that was not previously expressed. Your dream is a sign for your aspirations for fame. You need to be more direct.

Conch dream is about some negative energy or influence in your life. Your achievements will soon be recognized. You may be expressing feelings of hurt, pain or sympathy. The dream is a metaphor for your inability to reach your goals and advance toward your interests. You are experiencing mixed feelings.

Dream about both “Eating” and “Conch” is a hint for a low sense of self-worth. You are lacking focus. You are moving too aggressively and too fast in some area of your life. This dream is sadly a warning for some cold, hard emotion. You have reached a critical point in your life and cannot risk losing control.

Dream about eating conch is an omen for something in your life that you always wanted to do for a long time. You are undergoing a rebirth an a transformation. Your ideas and goals will soon be realized. Your dream suggests your rising spirituality. There is an aspect of yourself that has yet to be acknowledged or utilized.

Dream about Black Conch means your fun and free spirit. You are surrounded with creative energy. You are turning to food as a companion. This dream stands for nurturance and richness. You are in tune with your feelings.

Black Conch is a harbinger for good luck. It is time to move forward and grow. You feel that people are talking about you behind your back. Your dream is a symbol for phenomenal change in your life. You are still holding onto some aspect of a finished relationship.

Black in your dream is your hastiness and quick temper. You need to dig deeper and look for the hidden meaning of some situation or circumstance. You are feeling locked out or denied of something. Your dream points to undying and never ending love. You may be on a self-destructive and self-defeating path.

Black in this dream is an omen for struggle and conflict. You need to lay out some sort of plan or outline. A situation in your current life may be reminding you of your relationship with your ex. The dream points to rejection and insecurity. You are being called on for support, either emotional support or physical support.

Conch in dream is a sign for your changing emotional feelings. You need to be careful with your conduct. You need to differentiate between things in your life and prioritize them. The dream states your ideologies and beliefs. A person may be doing something that you disapprove of.

Conch dream is about mourning and sadness. Perhaps someone wants you to pursue a goal that you are not passionate about. You are being prevented from saying what you really want to say. The dream is a hint for your fundamental belief system. You no longer have control of a situation.

Dream about both “Black” and “Conch” is a sign for a painful memory, guilt, or some repressed thoughts. You are losing your credibility and standing with others. You are experiencing some physical limitations. Your dream is sadly a warning signal for depression and bad feelings. You are reluctant in asserting you rights and standing up for yourself.

Dream about black conch is a sign for a blending of opposite ends of your personality. You are ready to let go something. You are always putting others ahead of your own needs. The dream refers to your passion about a goal. You are underutilizing your power and strength.

Dream about Conch is a message for opportunities or problems. You may be dealing with old demons and inner struggles. Some unfamiliar feelings or thoughts may be breaking into your peace of mind. This dream is a portent for a relationship or situation that is developing. You need to let go out the past and look forward to the future.

Conch represents your secret desire to let loose. You need to take a more relaxed approach to some situation. You need to better focus your energies toward your goal. This dream is a signal for feelings or issues from the past that you are still holding on to. You need to incorporate various components together and look at the picture as a whole.

Dream about Conch [any of various edible tropical marine gastropods of the genus Strombus having a brightly-colored spiral shell with large outer lip] means your stress level or to your vulnerability. You have changed into someone who you are not proud of. You need to work on some aspect if yourself and better your mind or body. Your dream draws attention to an unacknowledged or denied aspect of your own self. You are feeling confined and restricted in your job, career, health, or a personal relationship.

Dream about Conch Shell is about your desire to achieve spiritual perfection. You are opening yourself up to a new situation and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. You dare someone to do something. Your dream points at comfort, relaxation, contentment and satisfaction with your life. You are looking for a change or for something new.

Conch Shell stands for your ability to rise above any situation. You need to evaluate the facts more carefully. You are striving toward perfection. The dream is a hint for hyperactivity and energy. You may be inviting love toward your direction.

Conch in your dream is a message for the rational and mental processes. You need to distance yourself from others or from a situation. You are placed under scrutiny by others. This dream refers to your need to release some emotional desires. You are tending to the needs of others and putting their needs first instead of your needs.

Conch in this dream is a hint for your dependence on somebody in your family. You are being your true self or that someone is being their real self. Your goals are being sidetracked. Your dream suggests aspects of a relationship. You tend to keep your feelings contained and in check.

Shell in dream is an evidence for a minor interruption in your plans. Perhaps you need to be more giving in your life. You need to cut off ties from those who try to pull you down. The dream is a clue for the transition from the beginning of something to the end or vice versa. You are depleting your resources, either physically, spiritually or emotionally.

Shell dream draws attention to lucidity and your need to think more clearly about a situation. You are feeling restrained or censored in your work environment, relationship or situation in your life. You need to be careful with what you say. This dream stands for your own livelihood and concerns about money. You need to spend some time to focus and build on your existing relationships.

Dream about both “Conch” and “Shell” signals harmony or disharmony in your life, depending on the situation. You are standing firm on your beliefs. Perhaps you feel that you are no longer important and wish to regress back to a period where you were more needed. The dream is a warning signal for a loss of control. You may not be getting enough love in your life.

Dream about conch shell is an evidence for security, basic needs and values. Some current knowledge or information will help you or someone in the future. You are feeling emotional and physically drained. Your dream signifies the Self. Someone is watching you and is waiting for you to take a misstep.

also see Shell

The spiral convolutions on a shell have often been associated with perfection and therefore plenty.

Dreaming of such an object would link with a primitive understanding of those things we can permit ourselves to have.

The conch shell was, and still is, used as a trumpet in ccrtain societies, hence it may be seen as a warning.

The conch shell links with the spiral (see Shapes).

See shell

also see Dream Dictionary: Shell

The conch is also used as a trumpet and is therefore seen as a warning sign when present in dreams.

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