
Free Dream Dictionary

Dream Interpretation of cream

Estimated reading time: 2 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds

Dream Interpretation of cream - Cream dream meaning

Dream about Ice Cream Cake indicates the soul. Your anger is out of control and it is affecting those around you. You are ready to let go something. Your dream is a clue for the feminine mystique, seduction, lust and allure. You are feeling withdrawn.

Ice in your dream denotes your concerns about aging and growing old. You are sacrificing yourself. You have made a poor judgment and are facing the consequences. The dream is a symbol for revenge and vengeful attitudes. You need to be refreshed or rejuvenated.

Cream dream is an evidence for fear of being found out and exposed over your activities. You are trying to steer your friends and your family on the right direction. You have complete control of your mind and body. This dream states difficulties. You need to see overall picture instead of just thinking about yourself.

Cake in this dream is a clue for your ability to yield in your decisions and your way of thinking. You are being kept out in the dark about certain issues. You need to Weigh your options carefully before making a final decision. This dream denotes your ability to control your actions and react at a precise or optimal moment. You are ready to heal from some emotional wound.

Dream About Ice Cream is a message for the goals you have achieved and for the recognition you have gained. You are experiencing an emotional standstill. You are on the right track toward success and accomplishing your goals. Your dream stands for fame, wealth, good health and love. There is something that you need to question.

Dream About Icing A Cake is about the feminine qualities of your character. You are expressing your anger in such a playful way that others do not recognize or acknowledge your true feelings. Light is being shed on a situation or relationship. The dream signifies an offering of friendship, compassion and kindness. You are conflicted between what you want and what others want for you.

Dream About Cream Cake is sometimes an end or beginning of something. You are enjoying all your successes. You are connected and well in tune with an aspect of yourself. The dream symbolises innocence, grace and purity. You have a handle on your emotions.

Dream about Ice Cream Cake is a symbol for manual power and resourcefulness. You are open-minded about the new journey or phase in your life. You are spending too much time on pleasure and fruitless activities. Your dream means passion and heated emotions. New understanding, knowledge or wisdom is coming to light.

Sometimes, dream about ice cream cake is an admonition for an unsatisfied or unfulfilled emotional life. Someone close to you is unable to keep a secret. The problems of others are becoming your own problems. The dream is unfortunately an alert for a level of attraction between you and your friend, but you are too afraid to act on it. You don’t let trivial things bother you and tend to go with the flow.

Dream about Big Ice Cream is a message for mystery and the unknown. You are in need of a jolt or a shot of energy in your life. You are involved in a cover-up. Your dream expresses life or vitality. Your are experiencing an uplift in your spirits and a rejuvenation of your body.

Big in a dream is an omen for your narrow-mindedness. You need to listen to your instinct and gut. You need to take responsibility and control of your own life. The dream signals your desires for upward job mobility. You need to better verbalize your thoughts and feelings.

Ice dream indicates your desires to control others. You will experience some loss and sorrow. You are in denial. The dream draws attention to your leadership abilities. You want to preserve an aspect of your past.

Cream in this dream points at your pessimistic outlook in life. You need to be careful not to be too forceful. You need to expect some major changes ahead. Your dream is an indication for cleansing and healing. You are looking down on yourself.

Big and Ice suggests an emphasis on your feeling. You are moving on and planning for the next thing that comes your way. You want to make your presence known and stand out from the crowd. The dream is an omen for experience and authority. You are content with who you are.

Big and Cream signifies your protective nature. You will overcome your adversities with ease. You are hiding your true feelings or true nature. This dream expresses your far-fetched ideas and wild imagination. You will experience some positive changes in your life.

Dream About Ice Cream symbolises hesitation in expressing how you really feel. You are exploring a completely new way of doing something. You are experiencing some strong emotional conflict. Your dream is a harbinger for longevity and healing. You are literally going back and forth between two choices.

Dream about Big Ice Cream states self exploration. You need to take a risk in love. You are self-reliant and independent, yet still remain humble. The dream is a sign for the part of yourself that is always in control. Feel emotionally attacked.

Sometimes, dream about big ice cream is unfortunately an admonition for an easy-going attitude or a lack of competitive spirit. You may be harboring feelings of guilt that you cannot get over and thus turning the aggression on yourself. Something will not go according to your plan. Your dream is a sign for rejected aspect of yourself that is unclean or unaccepted by society. You are trying to emulate someone you admire.

Dream about Someone Giving You Ice Cream means the sun, light and happiness. You like to be low-key about your intentions or goals. You are in full pursuit of your goals. Your dream is a clue for a final end to something and the beginning of a new stage. You have your life in order.

Dream about Someone Giving You Ice Cream is a premonition for the healing process and dealing with losing a loved one. You are saying good-bye to one aspect of yourself and hello to a whole new you. Some spiritual cleansing is needed. The dream is a harbinger for forgiveness and grace. There is some important message or advice that you need to take from a colleague.

Someone in your dream stands for docility and conformity. You are questioning someone’s loyalty or the idea of unconditional love. You are not really expressing how you really feel. This dream is a message for your anxiety about seeing the gynecologist. Someone is nagging you.

Give dream is an evidence for fears of abandonment. The tough times you are experiencing will soon be over. Perhaps you need to stop comparing yourself to others. Your dream is a clue for depression or anger. You need to care for the child within yourself.

Ice in this dream is a symbol for your flexibility and adaptability to any situation. You feel your life is under public scrutiny. You are too controlling. Your dream is an evidence for issues about your self-esteem and self-image. Perhaps, you are too idealistic.

Cream in dream is an indication for your fall from power or status. Your judgment is clouded. You are progressing through life in a slow, steady and persistent manner. This dream suggests defeat over your adversaries. You need to get out there and be more active. You need to exercise more.

Dream About Someone Gives is a clue for spiritual ideas coming to fruition in your mind. You are in a good place and are embracing what life has to offer. You are able to adapt to any situation or circumstance. Your dream is a symbol for the merging of various aspects of your character and personality. Your true nature will eventually be exposed.

Dream About Ice Cream hints love, joy and happiness. You are feeling isolated even though you are surrounded by family and friends. Perhaps you are taking a nonchalant attitude to circumstances that need serious consideration. Your dream points at your ability to mesh various aspects of your life together. You are letting your heart guide you, despite your better judgment.

Dream About Giving Ice Cream is a symbol for a celebration of life. You are feeling out of the loop. You will be met with much success in your future. The dream is about timelessness and the super-conscious. You need to keep going!

Sometimes, dream about someone giving you ice cream is a portent for an unoriginal idea. You may feel unprepared for a task or lack confidence in your abilities. Something or someone has just came out of nowhere. This dream is a portent for disappointments and rejection. You feel that you cannot fend for yourself and feel you do not belong.

Dream about Whip Cream is an omen for your confidence in your own ability. You need to proceed carefully and weigh all the pros and cons of some important decision. You are feeling testy and irritated. Your dream is a signal for your influence and power over others. You need to learn to question everything.

Whip Cream hints faith, charity, hope, perfection, idealistic love and fertility. Both your mental and emotional forces are building up inside and making themselves known. You are experiencing some separation anxiety. The dream is a symbol for ingenuity, insight and creativity. You are going to great lengths to try to get your hands on something, even through underhanded means.

Whip in your dream is a metaphor for you feelings and concerns you have about someone. You may be taking on too much responsibilities or are feeling overburdened. You are decked out for some special occasion. This dream is sometimes immortality and eternal life. You are experiencing an isolation period.

Whip in this dream is a message for your inescapable responsibilities. You are nagging someone. You already have the solution to a problem. The dream is an evidence for inferiority or low self esteem. You are not being genuine and true to yourself.

Cream in dream is a metaphor for your distorted view and skewed outlook on life. You may need to show some more compassion and understanding. You need to gather your strength and stand up for yourself. The dream suggests unrealized and unfulfilled goals. You may be expressing some fear or confusion about a situation in your life.

Cream dream indicates how you are fudging some records or answers. Through deeper understanding of yourself, you find commonality and shared experiences with others. You are still in mourning over a loss. This dream is a premonition for regret of what you have done in your life. You don’t need to underestimate yourself.

Dream about both “Whip” and “Cream” is a message for an inescapable death. This death may be symbolic to an end to some situation, habit, or relationship in your life. There is something you didn’t realize you needed or that there is something missing from your life. Your mind does not know any limits. The dream is a hint for some nagging or annoying issue. You feel that you have no voice or no choice in a situation.

Dream about whip cream is an omen for summer pleasures. You will experience a surge in energy and vitality. You have some energy stored up waiting to be utilized. This dream is a clue for harmony, protection, warmth and pleasant and comfortable circumstances. You may be feeling helpless or vulnerable in some area of your life.

Dream about Eating Cream Cheese is a symbol for your protective nature. Something or someone is robbing you of vital energy. It is a summary of your life experiences. Your dream expresses an end or beginning of something. All eyes are on you.

Eating in your dream signifies clinginess and dependency issues. You may feel physically or emotionally drained. You are looking for some guidance and direction in some decision. This dream is about complete control over your emotions. Someone or something may trigger some emotional memory which you still need to confront and work through.

Cream dream is a portent for stability, protection, unity and solidarity. There is some issue that you need to resolve in your life. You need to stay plugged-in about some information or news. Your dream hints your insecurities and self-esteem issues. You will be recognized for some task.

Cheese in this dream suggests your maternal ties. You do not want something to be part of your life. You are having difficulties or issues in your personal relationship. The dream is a portent for some important advice that you may have overlooked, but need to heed. You still have a long way to go before achieving your goals.

Dream About Eating Cream means the cycle of life and death. Rapid changes ahead for you. You need to open yourself up to discovering your potential and your instinctual nature. Your dream is a clue for your reluctance in revealing something about yourself. Others have more important and favorable positions.

Dream About Eating Cheese states self-exploration into your natural and uninhibited self. There is something in your life that you need to let go. You are refusing to confront some issue or situation. This dream denotes the new roles that you will be taking on and the uncertainty that that may bring. You are worried that others will see the real you and criticize you.

Dream About Cream Cheese points to what you have done what where you are headed. You are entering a new phase or transition in your life. You may feel that someone is pushing their beliefs and ideas onto you. This dream hints the feelings and wisdom that are radiating from within you. You may be submerged in your own emotions.

Dream about Eating Cream Cheese points to a transitional phase. Your emotions are overwhelming you at the moment. You are looking ahead to the future. Your dream signifies commerce, vision, success and imagination. You have succeeded in your endeavors.

Sometimes, dream about eating cream cheese is a warning alert for regret over your hasty decisions. You are not taking charge of your own life. You need to remain emotionally detached. This dream is an evidence for your ability to control you animalistic rages and anger. You feel trapped or suffocated in a situation or condition.

Dream about Soft Serve Ice Cream is a sign for your reaction to a situation or relationship. You need to look at things from a different angle. You will experience many difficulties in moving ahead. This dream is an indication for your drive, energy and determination. You will be rewarded for the good things you have done for others.

Dream about Soft Serve Ice Cream is a portent for nurturance and richness. You can see right through somebody and their intentions. You will use underhanded means to achieve your goals. The dream is a sign for ability to balance many responsibilities at the same time. You have achieved an important goal and are relishing in your success.

Soft in a dream points to your resourcefulness and your hands on approach to various situations. You are trying to convey your emotions. You need to work on cultivating your mind. This dream is a portent for wounded feelings and hidden fears. You do not know how to deal with your feelings.

Serve dream is a sign for repressed memories of child abuse. You are having difficulties expressing your real feelings. You need to look beyond the superficial and find the truth about yourself and about others. The dream represents cleansing of past sins. You need to confront some repressed resentment or unexpressed anger.

Ice in this dream indicates something that needs beautifying. You are trying to escape from the burdens and responsibilities of your life. You are undergoing a long and difficult emotional period and may be an emotional threat to yourself or to others. This dream draws attention to an authoritative figure or a father figure. You are trying to protect yourself against something.

Cream in dream is an omen for a situation where you need to respond or act quickly. You are doing things by rote. Perhaps you feel that you have been overlooked by others. Your dream draws attention to defensiveness or your close minded attitude. You are looking for financial or emotional independence.

Dream About Ice Cream is an indication for your roots. You are overlooking certain aspects in your life. You are feeling unprepared about some situation. This dream is a portent for ignorance. You are feeling anti-social.

Dream About Serve Ice Cream is a premonition for a quiet, peaceful and loving home life. You have established yourself and deserve respect. Something good is coming to an end. Your dream signals the importance of communication. You have a flexible self-image.

Sometimes, dream about soft serve ice cream is sadly an alert for some painful or difficult memory. You should proceed more cautiously and slowly. There is a significant change that is quickly approaching. This dream denotes lacking insight. Someone is being recognized.

Dream about cream suggests some memory or something that you need to always remember. You are looking for a shortcut to success. Perhaps it is time to let go of the animosity or some of the feelings you are harboring. This dream is a signal for the repressed and dark aspects of yourself. You are feeling trapped.

Cream dream represents a situation that is being turned upside down. You may be expressing doubt in some new endeavor, relationship or situation. You are holding back your emotions. Your dream is a hint for security and reinforcement. You feel that you do not have the time to do all the things you want to do.

You could come across some very strange fish today. Today’s celestial energy brings all the more colorful characters out to play. If you are going out to any social occasion, then you could meet one of these more bizarre beings who will proceed to cheer you up. If they also have a few personal problems, you may end up taking them home for your unique brand of therapy!

Dream about cream cake indicates a note or message from your subconscious. You feel that you are being ganged up on. Your belief and your way of thinking is restricting your own growth. This suggests a repressed or forbidden aspect of yourself. You are putting in more than you are getting back.

Dream about ice cream is a clue for your search for knowledge and your hunger for ideas. You are preoccupied with some complex issue and are not sure how to handle it. You will overcome your problems. Your dream represents your commitment and discipline toward some task. Perhaps you are too rigid in your thinking.

Dream about chocolate ice cream suggests your fierceness, aggression, power and rigidity. Perhaps you need to take time out and confront your emotional demons. You cannot always accept things at face value. This dream is sometimes a sense of stability in your life. You need to take a long deep breath in between your problems.

Dream about cake and ice cream means completion and wholeness. You or someone in your life is acting two-faced. You want to escape from your current responsibilities and be worry free. Your dream means your flighty thoughts and frivolous ideas. You are looking for financial or emotional independence.

Dream about ice cream cake points at renewal. You let an opportunity pass you by because you did not react fast enough. Balance has been restored in your once chaotic or hectic life. Your dream states the end of a project, relationship or situation. You are looking for someone else to defer to for an important decision.

Dream about chocolate sauce is a symbol for your accommodating nature. You are experiencing abundance in some area of your life. You need to take the negative with the positive. It means your issues with power and domination. You are in need of some direction.

Dream about Cream Cheese means the knowledge you have accumulated over the years. You have learned from your past experiences and are ready to move on. You feel you are alone in the world. This dream is a harbinger for how you function and how you run your life when confronted with challenges. You need to get out more and enjoy yourself.

Cream Cheese hints creativity and your need for self-expression. You should take some time to relax and find peace of mind. You need to be more expressive and creative. This dream refers to your position of power. You enjoy being the center of attention.

Cream in your dream is sometimes repressed thoughts and feelings. You are literally moving in circles and going nowhere. You need to learn to see things from someone else’s perspective and expand your awareness. The dream is a sign for someone in your life who is giving orders at you. You have broken free from a cycle or habit.

Cream in this dream stands for your concerns about not measuring up to the standards or expectations of others. You will overcome your problems. Something or someone is draining your emotionally. This dream stands for your negative attitudes about a particular situation/person. You are being manipulated by a situation or by someone.

Cheese in dream is a harbinger for versatility and changes. You are reaching for something or someone. You are ready to be more open and reveal a little more about your inner persona. Your dream is a signal for your desires to blend into the background and not be noticed. Something from your subconscious is trying to make its way to the surface.

Cheese dream is a harbinger for your emotional state. You are trying to weigh some life decision. You or someone in your life may be a pushover. Your dream is an omen for a trilogy, as in the past, present and future or father, mother and child or body, mind and soul, etc. You are ignoring your intellect and rational thinking.

Dream about both “Cream” and “Cheese” is a symbol for a hidden part of yourself that you are trying to reject and push back into your subconscious. No matter how hard you try, you just can’t. A person is trying to reach out to you. Your dream is an admonition for someone you don’t know anymore. You lack creativity, individuality and initiative to venture out on your own.

Dream about cream cheese points to your desire for acceptance and affection. You have control over your emotions. You are feeling good about yourself and the work that you are doing. The dream is a clue for beauty, grace and elegance. You have accomplished what you have been subconsciously seeking.

Dream about Giant Ice Cream is a message for male elegance, formality and a flamboyant flair. You are heading in the right direction and asking all the right questions in the process. You make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen. This dream is a premonition for opportunities and possibilities. There are things from your past experiences that you can still learn from.

Giant in your dream signals some illness or physical ailment. Someone or something is in pursuit of you. Perhaps you have made a decision that is not sitting well with you or that you are doubting. Your dream expresses your subconscious desires to get back with your ex. You are feeling guilty about something.

Ice dream symbolises grief. You are in denial about something. You need to look at some problem more objectively and rationally. You need to show more humility and be more even-tempered. This dream hints someone you are interested in. You are receiving some message from your subconscious.

Cream in this dream is a premonition for a risk that you are taking in some situation. You may feel that your opportunities and choices lead to a dead end. Perhaps you need to let loose and adopt a more carefree attitude. Your dream denotes control over your thoughts. You need to incorporate various aspects of your life.

Giant and Ice is a harbinger for memories. Feel emotionally attacked. You are feeling uprooted. This dream is about permanence and longevity. You will be called upon for advice.

Giant and Cream points to all of your past experiences – both positive and negative. You need to be more of a team player. You are spending too much time on pleasure and fruitless activities. This dream is a sign for your carefree nature. You will be thwarted in some desire that you held ever so highly in your life.

Dream About Ice Cream is a clue for your ability to create something from an idea. You are taking a chance or a gamble at some unknown situation. You have a clearer understanding of things. The dream suggests satisfaction in your professional and personal relationships. You hold the power in your own hands.

Dream about Giant Ice Cream is an omen for forgiveness and letting go. You are feeling light-headed. You are under tremendous stress in your life. Your dream refers to a new phase in your relationship. You are adverse to change.

Sometimes, dream about giant ice cream refers to a situation in your life where you are either on the offensive or on the defensive. You are disconnected from your feelings or devoid of emotions. You are on the verge of losing your temper and self-control. Your dream is a sign for opposing ideas and contradictory attitudes. Somebody can help you solve certain problems that you are stuck on.

Dream about Strawberries And Cream is a message for a layer of protection from what you are feeling. You are effectively taking advantage of some situation. Perhaps you are transitioning into a new career, new home, or new life path. Your dream refers to hugs and kisses. You have given up control of some situation or responsibility.

Strawberries And Cream symbolises faithfulness in love and the coming of joy in some area of your life. You are experiencing some new spiritual enlightenment. You are looking to process and understand some emotional issue. This dream refers to intense feelings carried over from a relationship. You are a fighter.

Strawberry in your dream is a sacrifice that you need to make or have made. You are desperate to release all the feelings that you have kept bottled up inside of you. You need to learn to be more open minded. The dream is a sign for an aspect of yourself that you are slowly learning about or acknowledging. You feel alienated.

Strawberry in this dream is a portent for luck, spring, femininity and youth. You need to be both receptive and communicative in some work situation or personal relationship. You are trying to escape from a dangerous relationship or situation. The dream is someone who is overtly gay. You feel that you are a target of criticism.

Cream in dream points to your feelings about authority. You are trying to fit in. You are trying to hold on to memories. Your dream is an indication for an internal conflict. You are trying to hide something from the world.

Cream dream denotes a situation where you feel that no one is listening to you or paying attention to what you are saying. You need to be more frugal or conserve your energy. Your libido is stronger than the person that you are with or vice versa. The dream signals your need to be rescued or to be swept off your feet. You need to let go of old emotions and past relationships.

Dream about both “Strawberry” and “Cream” is unfortunately an admonition for your lack of originality and your tendency to mimic other’s ideas and beliefs. You need to have patience and calmness or else you will risk isolating yourself. You are experiencing difficulties in getting your thoughts and feelings across. The dream states your hopes for future ambitions that you want to be achieve. You feel your voice does not matter or that your opinion does not count.

Dream about strawberries and cream is a signal for your past experiences and feelings you associate with that particular person. You will enjoy calmness and peace after a period of much chaos and problems. You have been given the go ahead to pursue or proceed with a new endeavor in your life. The dream denotes a rehearsal to help you with your approach. You are feeling overwhelmed by things that are out of your control.

Dream about Purple Ice Cream is an indication for how well you carry yourself and your ability to reach out to others. You win at something. You feel that you are in a precarious position at work or in some group project. This dream is an indication for advice that some of their songs may offer in some situation. You have been living on the fast lane and you need to take it easy.

Purple in your dream indicates a sense of belonging and how family looks out for each other. You are struggling with keeping your animalistic desires in check. You are nervous about a situation. The dream signals the Self, wholeness and completion. It is important not to prejudge a situation or person based on the surface.

Ice dream is a signal for the results of your hard work. You are inefficient in how you complete your projects or goals. Perhaps you need to take time for a vacation and relaxation. The dream denotes your pessimistic view of the world around you. Your problems will multiply exponentially.

Cream in this dream points to secrecy and a repression of thoughts. You are trying not to let certain things bother you, but it is eating away at your subconscious. You are trying to escape from the stresses in your daily life. Your dream is about your anxieties about death. You need to keep in mind that things are not one-sided.

Purple and Ice means a life of ease, comfort, warmth and of financial gains. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. You are saying goodbye to someone. The dream symbolises your security and secrets. You need to appreciate certain things.

Purple and Cream represents spiritual guidance, intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. You have more self confidence and belief in yourself. You have the gift of convincing people to see things your way. Your dream denotes happiness and pleasure. You should take some time to relax and find peace of mind.

Dream About Ice Cream hints the need for kindness and compassion. You are feeling inhibited, but desire to be more outgoing and energetic. You are living life to the fullest. Your dream states your religious faith. You need to pay attention to those around you.

Dream about Purple Ice Cream is a clue for your wish to be in a relationship and to experience the energy of love. You need clarity in some matter. There is something that you need help to unlock or uncover. This dream hints the unexplored and untapped aspects of your character. It is a time for growth.

Sometimes, dream about purple ice cream unfortunately draws attention to your outdated views. Your feelings are being trivialized or that someone is discounting how you feel. A relationship is headed down the wrong direction. The dream points at the coming of bad news. You need to slow down and take your time.

Dream about Buying Ice Cream expresses your likeability, compassion and good-hearted nature. You have an optimistic view. Your greatest desires and goals will be realized. Your dream is a message for your need for a break. You will enjoy calmness and peace after a period of much chaos and problems.

Buy in your dream points at arrogance and an inflated opinion of yourself. You need to stand up for yourself for no one else can do it for you. You may have either said too much or you may need to express yourself more. Your dream is a harbinger for missed or overlooked opportunities that have come your way. You need to get rid of what you no longer need.

Ice dream signifies some overt emotional issue or need. There is some emotional issue that you need to deal with instead of letting it clog up within you. You are feeling somewhat insecure or instable in a relationship. This dream states your desire to be helpful and supportive to others. Perhaps you need to add some excitement or non-conventionality to your life.

Cream in this dream is a clue for mobility. You need to think carefully before speaking. You need to put yourself in someone else’s shoe and determine how they might feel. Your dream is a premonition for confusion about your own self-identity and your sense of individuality. It is about a partnership, collaboration or teamwork.

Dream About Buying Ice is a premonition for the strength of your faith and spirituality. You are feeling secluded from the world. You are experiencing a closer connection to a person. This dream is movement between various levels of consciousness. There is something in you life which you have overlooked.

Dream About Buying Cream is a message for your ability to express yourself and your beliefs. You need to add more color and joy to your life. Someone has power over you and are making you do things that you do not necessarily want to do. The dream is a symbol for emotions that are due to come to the surface. You are looking for specific qualities as represented by a person.

Dream About Ice Cream is a symbol for a quiet, peaceful and loving home life. You are on a path of self-destruction. You are seeking for emotional nourishment outside of your social support system. Your dream is a metaphor for something occurring in your life that needs to be swapped or exchanged. There are many opportunities for you to get ahead in life.

Dream about Buying Ice Cream is a symbol for the conscious mind. Something in your life is moving to an another level. Light is being shed on a situation or relationship. This dream is a clue for freedom, independence or spiritual enlightenment. You are contemplating an important decision.

Sometimes, dream about buying ice cream is unfortunately a warning alert for self-reliance, stability, tactfulness and careful forethought. You have lost a little bit of yourself. You need to conserve your energy and get some much needed rest. This dream is an evidence for obstacles and disappointments. You are experiencing confusion and ambiguity in some aspect of your life.

Dream about Ice Cream is working together toward a common goal. You are changing directions and starting on a completely different path. You need to add some joy to your life. This dream represents self-restrictions. Great opportunities are being put before you, but still out of your reach.

Ice Cream is a clue for some delicate situation. You are undergoing some transformation and individuation process. You are impressionable and easily influenced. The dream points to bright ideas that are coming out of your subconscious. You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them.

Ice in your dream is a message for a situation that has created a loss of respect for you. You are trying to relive or hold on to something in the past. Perhaps your love life has become routine or devoid of emotion and passion. This dream is a clue for a devouring mother or the feminine power to possess and entrap. It is time to give up on this dead-end relationship or unprofitable projects.

Ice in this dream is a message for your concerns with your looks. You are not making any progress in life. Perhaps you are acting too irrationally. This dream is an indication for the temporary adoption of a new persona where you feel less inhibited and more comfortable to freely express yourself. You need to exercise more control over someone or some situation.

Cream in dream denotes your desires to get to the center of some issue or problem. You need to be more direct some matter. You need to be careful not to overindulge in too many excesses. The dream denotes fear of exposure. You already have the solution to a problem.

Cream dream symbolises temporary setbacks toward achieving your goals. You need to be on your guard about something. You need to be more direct about your feelings. Your dream points to your real experiences of being ignored by a person. You are shielding yourself from outside influences.

Dream about both “Ice” and “Cream” is a clue for someone is being a pain or a thorn by your side. Your life is too much of a routine. You are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. This dream suggests some negative, or even evil influence that you are confronted with in your life. You are lacking your own direction in life.

Dream about ice cream is a premonition for power and ability. New information is slowly revealing itself to you. You need to be more aggressive with your new ideas. This dream is a message for letting go. You are trying to connect with your spiritual energy.

Dream about Pink Ice Cream symbolises your power and influence over others. You are expressing your femininity in a seductive and cunning manner rather than in an overtly and almost destructive way. You need to give appreciation to those who have helped you along the way. This dream signals a joyful and tranquil domestic life. You need to be more adventurous and get more involved.

Pink in your dream draws attention to your agreement and acceptance for a particular condition or situation. You are having difficulties expressing some aspect of your emotion. You are afraid of your own desires and fantasies. This dream expresses your coldness toward a person or vice versa. You are reaching out to others, but do not have their best interest in mind.

Ice dream represents feelings of being oppressed by others or by situations in your life. You are in way over your head in regards to some project which you are dealing with. You are preoccupied with aging and your appearance. The dream is sometimes actual or perceived limitations. You need to find time for some solitude in your life.

Cream in this dream is a sign for your outlook. You are behaving in an inappropriate way in some area of your life. You need to be careful in how you phrase and word things or run the risk of offending others. The dream stands for a state of vulnerability. You need to learn from your flaws and how to improve them.

Pink and Ice is a clue for joy, light hearted fun and pleasure. You are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions. You are weaving your future and destiny. Your dream is a signal for companionship and provide a form of comfort. Your girlfriend/boyfriend and you no longer share common goals.

Pink and Cream refers to your ability to create and mend things. You are experiencing extreme anxiety. You are seeking acclaim and recognition. This dream means purity and potential. You are recognizing your roots and where you came from.

Dream About Ice Cream points to fertility, good health, life and longevity. It is time to share your new ideas. You fit in with anybody and anywhere. Your dream is the uninhibited and animalistic aspect of your personality. You have arrived to a decision or common understanding.

Dream about Pink Ice Cream stands for something in your life that is unhealthy. Some new project is in the works. You are idealizing family life. Your dream suggests growth and expansion. You are afraid of confronting something or someone.

Sometimes, dream about pink ice cream is a warning signal for your sense of insecurity and lack of self-worth. You are not expressing your true feelings even though you do not agree with a decision. Something bad is happening. Your dream points to misfortune and bad luck. You feel rejected by those around you.

Dream about Ice Cream Truck is a harbinger for self-discovery. You need to show your playful side. You are looking for balance in your life. This dream hints your relationship with your wife/lover is in a good shape. You are receptive to new ideas.

Ice in your dream means some difficulty or issue which you are not confronting. You need to start thinking things through for yourself. You need to conserve your energy. The dream is a symbol for your commitments and desires for security. You may be seeking refuge until you can recollect your thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Cream dream denotes your self-identity or financial security. You are closing yourself off and isolating yourself from others. You are making some character adjustments in order to smooth over a situation or relationship. Your dream is a symbol for your hot and quick temper. You need to study more or increase your self-knowledge.

Truck in this dream is about your desire to escape from the pain of reality instead of confronting them. You are hiding from something or someone. You need to break down the walls that you have created around you. Your dream is a harbinger for your burning passion and libido. Your inner resources have been depleted.

Dream About Ice Cream is a sign for longevity and wisdom. An important person in your life could represent an aspect of your own self. There is something you thought you have left in the past that is still haunting you. Your dream is a harbinger for your ability to enjoy the smaller things in life. It is time to take a stand and be more assertive.

Ice and Truck points to your commitment to some important life decision you have made. Something is holding you back. It is time for you to move out of your comfort zone. This dream expresses great and laborious work ahead. Your creative abilities are still latent.

Cream and Truck stands for confidence, protection and courage. You need to focus your attention and concentrate on one task at a time. You are emotionally conservative. Your dream states love or you need for love. You are seeking security in some situation or relationship.

Dream about Ice Cream Truck is a premonition for success. There is something that needs to be discussed. You are confident in your ability. This dream stands for joy, pleasure, satisfaction and appreciation for how your life is proceeding. You need to open your eyes and look at what is in front on you.

Sometimes, dream about ice cream truck is sadly a warning signal for barriers and problems in your life. You need to hang in there and don’t let difficulties and obstacles discourage you. You are feeling like failure or an outcast. This dream is a portent for the need to find something that is missing or needed in your life. You need to look pass the superficial and get to the core of the situation.

Dream about Shopping For Ice Cream is a metaphor for your resourcefulness and ingenuity. You want to appear pure and angelic toward others. You are taking on more than you can handle. This dream symbolises a strong, powerful and confident woman in your life. You are entering a new phase or transition in your life.

Shopping in your dream denotes your hopes that some problem or situation can be changed. Perhaps you are sad about something that happened with a person. You are trying to protect yourself from emotional harm. Your dream is a clue for a series of events that you have little control over. You may want to repress some aspect of yourself that is represented by a dying person.

Ice dream is a metaphor for a situation or a place which is new or unfamiliar to you. You are being a little show-offy. Something in your life is in jeopardy of breaking down due to stress. Your dream means greed, corruption and temptation. You are trying to create an air of mystery.

Cream in this dream is an omen for someone who is terminally ill or your own fears of death. You may be fighting or struggling against aspects of your own Self. You need to take time out from your regular routine. This dream points at your acceptance of the restrictions you are facing. It is time to get your life in order.

Shopping and Ice signifies growth, early rise to wealth and fortunate advancements to places of honor. You have an opponent. You are in a happy mood. The dream is a signal for your issues with intimacy, power, control and effectiveness. You are taking a chance or a gamble at some unknown situation.

Shopping and Cream stands for your carefree nature. You need to be more comfortable with your body. You feel that you are pulling more than your own weight. The dream is a hint for a divine influence. You prefer a quiet life of simplicity.

Dream About Ice Cream hints a brainstorming of ideas and thoughts. You will win over an argument. You are making a profit. Your dream means risk-taking activities. You are hungry.

Dream about Shopping For Ice Cream indicates an air of confidence. You are ready for an adventure. You are moving through life in a confident manner. Your dream represents an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You are refusing to recognize your feminine power.

Sometimes, dream about shopping for ice cream is an indication for your avoidance in confronting uncomfortable feelings and situations. You may be procrastinating or putting things off that should have already been completed. You are trying to contain and suppress the qualities of the kidnapped person. Your dream is an alert for self-indulgent behavior or unwanted attention. You or someone is incompetent.

Dream about Green Ice Cream is a symbol for joy and abundance. Perhaps there is something that you can learn from in the past. You will be involved in or closely connected to the entertainment field. This dream is a portent for pure and divine love for everyone and everything around you. You may need to start pushing yourself and utilizing your full potential.

Green in your dream stands for the difficulties your are facing in your life. You need to remain motivated and don’t give up. You may finally be recognizing and acknowledging an aspect of yourself that was not previously expressed. The dream is a metaphor for limitations or restraints. You may feel inhibited in voicing your opinion and how you really feel.

Ice dream denotes a threat to your reputation. You need to exercise caution in some aspect of your life. Persistence will pay off in the end no matter how difficult your current task may be. This dream is someone who is nuts or someone who is driving you crazy. You believe that you can succeed in whatever you pursue.

Cream in this dream is a harbinger for the influence of peer pressure working against you. You need to allow yourself to be free and not let anyone or anything hold you back. You need to better compartmentalize your mind and organize your thoughts. The dream draws attention to some regret you have about a past decision or choice. You need to take better care of your health.

Green and Ice is a premonition for magic, humility and humbleness. You find yourself rooted at home most of the time and not being able to go out as much. You are feeling withdrawn. Your dream refers to longevity, continuity, or fearlessness. You have more than you can handle.

Green and Cream is a hint for freedom, risk and adventure. You are able to adapt to changes easily and smoothly. You may be going through a period of personal growth. This dream symbolises some pressing issue that needs your immediate attention. You will navigate through life and all its difficulties with great success.

Dream About Ice Cream points at purity, intellectual stimulation, spiritual enlightenment and wisdom. You are regressing back into your subconscious. You are about to reveal something that you had previously kept to yourself. Your dream is an evidence for compassion, emotional healing and spiritual cleansing. You forgot some aspect of yourself and who you really are.

Dream about Green Ice Cream is an evidence for your emotional persona and how you navigate through the various situations in your life. You are feeling larger than life. You are ready to move on to the next stage. The dream is about the womb and all things feminine. You are refusing to see or acknowledge some truth.

Sometimes, dream about green ice cream is a hint for the complications and difficulties that you are experiencing in your life. Something or someone is causing you much annoyance and irritation. You are too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking. The dream is sadly a warning alert for an error or mistake you have made. You are unprepared with facing your problems.

Dream about Colour Cream is an omen for the emergence of your feminine character. You will rise to a position of prominence and power. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so. Your dream symbolises security and stability. It is best to express your anger instead of keeping it bottled up inside.

Colour Cream points at your spirituality. You need to have more of a presence and take a more active role in a situation. You are questioning your own abilities. Your dream denotes remembrance. You may be overlooking something important.

Colour in your dream is an indication for you are involved in some underhanded activity. You need to stop allowing others to harass you. You may be making life changes or getting rid of your old habits and ways. The dream is sometimes someone in your life who has a sense of humor or someone who is laughing at you. You need to stand up for yourself and be your own person, even though it may go against the masses.

Colour in this dream points to your overall well-being. Perhaps an aspect of yourself is locked up inside and it needs to be expressed. You are experiencing concerns with your health. This dream indicates your desires to control others. You are on the rebound from a broken relationship.

Cream in dream represents the many components that make up your emotional blueprint. Perhaps you need to let loose and adopt a more carefree attitude. You may have been under a lot of stress and tension. The dream is about the current state of your body while you are dreaming. You are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking.

Cream dream is a symbol for conflicting ideas. Perhaps, you are being overly cautious in your pursuits. You need to alter your path or risk losing something of significance and value to you. Your dream draws attention to authority and extreme competitiveness. You are expecting a new addition to your family.

Dream about both “Colour” and “Cream” hints overwhelming feelings of guilt. It is time to let go of some bad habits or a harming relationship. You are lacking initiative. This dream is unfortunately a warning for a silly or confusing situation. Have a tendency to look at the faults and shortcomings of others without looking at yourself first.

Dream about colour cream is sometimes your need for order and structure. You are successfully balancing different aspects of your life. You want to make your presence known and stand out from the crowd. The dream is a premonition for prosperity, status and luxury. You need to act more smartly about a situation.

Dream about White Cream is sometimes your willingness to compromise your beliefs toward a greater accomplishment. You have an inflated sense of power. You are moving toward your goals at a slow and steady pace. The dream denotes calling attention to your inner child and the potential for you to grow. You have overstep your boundaries and into another’s rights.

White Cream is an evidence for your need to exhibit some of good qualities in your life. You are feeling confident and empowered. You need to listen more. This dream is a symbol for your giving and charitable nature. It is the connection between your spiritual and physical side.

White in your dream states disappointments and failures. Your judgment is clouded. You need to let loose a little sometimes. Your dream draws attention to being framed for something you did not do. You need to exercise better control in your life.

White in this dream is a message for the raw emotion and intense passion or anger that is flowing through you and yearning to be expressed. You are fixated on the negative aspects of your life. You need to be more vocal. Your dream is sometimes some communication issue that you are experiencing. You may unprepared in some situation or challenge in your life.

Cream in dream is a clue for your reserves. You need to let yourself go. You are in complete control of your destination in life. The dream points to regret of what you have done in your life. You are excluding something or someone.

Cream dream is about your experience in a problem or issue. You are feeling dead inside. You need to look at a better way of doing something. This dream is an omen for travel plans in your future. Someone close to you is hiding something from you.

Dream about both “White” and “Cream” is a portent for issues of abandonment and neglect in a relationship. You are being too serious or uptight. You are being too agreeable and accommodating, where your own sense of self is lost. The dream refers to your lack of originality and your tendency to copy other’s ideas/beliefs. Your life is lacking sensuality and passion.

Dream about white cream is a harbinger for balance between the feminine and masculine and between the spiritual and the physical. You are surrounded by valuable friends. You are seeking some spiritual or emotional nourishment. Your dream is a portent for your connection and attachment to others. You need to be more mature about some situation.

Dream about Licking Ice Cream is an indication for your talents and your ability to communicate with others. You are trying to keep up appearances and act as if everything in your life is going smoothly. You are enjoying the results of your labor. This dream hints stability, potential and inner growth. You are enjoying your time of leisure.

Lick in your dream is sometimes some guilt that you are suppressing and refusing to acknowledge. You are feeling incomplete. You need to tailor your actions or behavior in order to fit in. This dream is a portent for an ever-present evil force working against you. You do not want to settle down.

Ice dream is sometimes unfulfilled desires. You are not putting on any facade. You need clear out your old attitudes and old ways of thinking. Your dream is a harbinger for your need for nourishment and relaxation. You or someone else may be putting restrictions on you.

Cream in this dream expresses your disconnection from reality. You are only partially acknowledging your feelings. Others are looking onto you in a time a crisis. The dream is about a sign of desperation and a cry for help. A person may be doing something that you disapprove of.

Lick and Ice is a sign for your elevated sense of self and high ambition. You are in style or in fashion. You are looking at the broader picture and are more aware of your surroundings. This dream is sometimes wisdom. You are feeling emotionally free and uninhibited.

Lick and Cream refers to greater awareness of your subconscious. You are achieving a higher level of understanding. You find contentment and satisfaction in what you have. This dream signals cooperation and working together. You may be questioning your spiritual beliefs.

Dream About Ice Cream denotes a spiritual reawakening, eternal life or resurrection. There is an imbalance of power. It is time to move on toward the future. This dream is a message for a period of healing. You feel that someone in your social circle is working against you.

Dream about Licking Ice Cream suggests the mystical mother and the giver of life. You are open to acknowledging and confronting your subconscious feelings. Hard work and manual labor will eventually get you to where you need. This dream expresses your siblings, children or other family members that you feel the need to protect and to keep from harm’s way. You strive for perfection.

Sometimes, dream about licking ice cream unfortunately draws attention to embarrassment in some situation. You lack self-confidence and self-esteem. You are not thinking through the consequences of your action. The dream is a sign for low self esteem and feelings of inadequacy. You are overly concerned with what others say or think about you.

Dream about Cream Colored Snake symbolises physical and emotional nourishment and energies. You may have experienced a surge in your confidence levels. You are on the right path. The dream is a hint for security and stability. You need to gain greater control of your life.

Cream in your dream is about something you are trying to convey or express from the heart. You are looking down on yourself. You need to overcome some sticky or prickly situation before you can reap the benefits. This dream is an omen for either confidence or arrogance. You need to find a way to divert attention from something else.

Colored in your dream is a metaphor for feeling of being trapped or immobilized. You are feeling insecure. You need to make contact with someone and reach out for help. The dream signals infidelity. You need to have more willpower and motivation in pursuing your goals.

Snake in this dream is a signal for how you process or handle your emotions. There is some message that you need to ingrain in your mind. You need to take a little break from your daily life for yourself. Your dream suggests abundance, longevity and fertility. You need clear out your old attitudes and old ways of thinking.

Cream and Colored hints your worries about your health. You have an elevated sense of self-worth and self-esteem. You are undergoing a period of healing in your life. Your dream denotes hope, knowledge or productivity. You are strongly connected to your spirituality.

Dream About Cream Snake is what you have done what where you are headed. You are undergoing an important developmental phase in your life. You are embracing someone else. The dream is a portent for a relationship. Others are drawn to you.

Dream About Colored Snake is a symbol for materialism and the need to keep up with the trends, fads and the latest technology. You are reflecting back on your success. You want to share your excitement with those around you. This dream is an indication for joy and pleasure. You need to take a break from life’s demands so you can replenish your energy.

Dream about Cream Colored Snake represents your willingness to let people in and share your life with others. You want things to be perfectly planned out. You need to nurture your relationships with your family/friends and develop new ties. Your dream points at agility, strength and grace. You may be going through a period of personal growth.

Sometimes, dream about cream colored snake hints ducking some issue or situation, instead of confronting it head-on. You are becoming somewhat of a bore. You feel that some relationship or situation is too invasive. Your dream denotes holes or flaws in your way of thinking. You are being too hard on yourself, especially if a situation was out of your control.

Dream about Rubbing Cream is an evidence for collective action. You are ready to move on from the past. You are feeling alienated or alone in a new environment. Your dream is a clue for bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight. You can easily access to something or someone.

Rubbing Cream is an indication for pride, confidence and vanity. You are feeling alienated or alone in a new environment. You are feeling anxious about some event or task in your life. This dream is a clue for a decision that you need to make. You need clarity in some matter.

Rub in your dream symbolises social conformity and mass action. You are being deceitful, cunning or manipulative. You are being exploited. The dream represents someone in your life who you need to avoid. Something or someone may be hounding you.

Rub in this dream is a symbol for ending something abruptly or quickly. Although what you may be experiencing is destructive or difficult, it will work out to be a good thing in the long run. You will be experiencing some heartache or pain. This dream suggests some deadline or anxiety over an issue. You need to stick by your words and actions.

Cream in dream stands for how you process or handle your emotions. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things. You need to lay things out specifically and do things in an orderly and sequential manner. This dream is sometimes your desires for authority and control. You are being close-minded.

Cream dream signifies being consumed by your own ambition or obsession. You need to take things a little slower. You need to be careful not to be too forceful. The dream is an evidence for how you have already incorporated certain aspects or qualities. You may be feeling desperate.

Dream about both “Rub” and “Cream” hints your lack of sensitivity. You lack integrity. You are trying to rationalize your emotions. Your dream is unfortunately an alert for masculinity, pride, valor, cockiness and arrogance. You are trying to understand your Self and find out who you are.

Dream about rubbing cream is an omen for harmony and balance. Life is passing you by. You are experiencing a reawakening. Your dream is a sign for your identity and sense of security. You need to do something adventurous.

Dream about Ice Cream Shop is a signal for the possibilities and your imagination. You are touched by some higher source. You have the knowledge within yourself to maximize your potential. This dream is an omen for the different sides of your personality. You are good at offering your advice to others.

Ice in your dream means a desire to escape from your daily problems. You need to experiment with your fears, choices and beliefs. You are feeling insignificant and undervalued. The dream is about the end of a cycle, aging or death. You may be wanting to escape the pressures and stresses of adulthood.

Cream dream is a portent for depression and sadness. Do not underestimate what one person can do. You have cooled off from some heated argument. The dream signals sadness and remembrance. You need to give more in some relationship or situation.

Shop in this dream represents maternal and paternal protection. You need to consider something from someone else’s perspective. You need to be more self-reliant and exercise your personal power. Your dream symbolises a life situation where you are being put on the defensive. You tend to be sensitive, moody and emotional.

Dream About Ice Cream signifies renewed vitality. You are in control and are making steady and smooth progress. Your path to success is within reach. Your dream is an evidence for your willpower and internal strength. You have reached a new level of achievement.

Ice and Shop means creativity and inner wisdom. You need to take a chance at love. You are compromising your values or beliefs. Your dream is a premonition for spiritual development, potential, growth and transformation. You may be putting up walls between you and those who want to know you better.

Cream and Shop hints your connection and comfort level with your appearance. You have built a solid foundation for success in some endeavor. You need to rethink your actions and how your behavior may be affecting those around you. Your dream is an indication for your commitment on a set course. You are on the right path toward personal development or spiritual enlightenment.

Dream about Ice Cream Shop is a hint for your success and your rise to distinction. You want a person to open up to you. You feel that you are better than others. This dream is something that you have to get done. You are proud of your social life and personal endeavors.

Sometimes, dream about ice cream shop is an indication for feelings of bitterness, sorrow, or death. You may be too overly focused on one thing. Ou are not taking things seriously enough. This dream is authority, hate, protection, justice. You are dwelling too much on trivial matters, causing your attention to be diverted from important issues.

Richness, opportunity; nurturing.

If lotion, protection for body.

See Milk.

Foretells an early and successful marriage to lovers who have this dream; to others it is a presage of various good fortune and consequent happiness.

This dream predicts profit to everyone except the dairyman or farmer.

Drinking cream is a forerunner of good health and prosperity.

Cream is the symbol of sweetness and inconsistency. To dream of eating it announces pleasant moments that do not last long.

If you whip cream, it is clear that you have control over your own life; but if you just see it, you expect others to do things for you.

If the cream is served at the table, on the other hand, you live in times of prosperous business.

To dream of seeing cream served, denotes that you will be associated with wealth if you are engaged in business other than farming.

To the farmer, it indicates fine crops and pleasant family relations.

To drink cream yourself, denotes immediate good fortune.

To lovers, this is a happy omen, as they will soon be united.

Dreams of cream symbolize that you are wanting the best things in life. You have a desire to balance the sweet with the bitter, and you are coming into a rich time in your life. See Gravy.

If you dream of drinking or pouring cream, you will soon be very lucky.

To lovers, this is a happy omen, as they will soon be united.

(Butter; Grease; Milk) In a dream, cream represents a fetus in his mother’s womb.

(Also see Butter)

Vision: Seeing or eating cream: you have been given advantages; make sure that you don’t act too selfishly. Depth Psychology: See Butter, Cheese, Milk.

Smooth-going best

Dream about Dropping Ice Cream is an omen for some burden in your life. Some hidden aspect of yourself is coming to the surface. You are in touch with a higher plane and an elevated sense of spirituality. The dream is a message for your hidden talents and undeveloped abilities. You need to experience life.

Drop in your dream is an evidence for a repressed or negative aspect of subconscious that is holding you back. You may be trying to protect yourself from subconscious material or some desires that is emerging. You need to undergo some transformation. The dream is an entangling situation. You are feeling inadequate or oppressed.

Ice dream is about pent up or repressed emotions. There is a situation that you are refusing to see or accept. Being in first place or your position at the front. The dream is a harbinger for some aspect of yourself which you are not paying enough attention to. You need to channel your inner strength and find the power from within.

Cream in this dream refers to feelings and thoughts from the primal aspects and less developed parts of your subconscious. You have been disinherited. You are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. The dream is an evidence for some unresolved issues and tension with your friend or coworker. You are taking drastic measures to get control of your destiny.

Drop and Ice symbolises a process of healing. You are navigating through your emotions with ease. You are undergoing some identity crisis. This dream is a sign for freedom in your personal life. You have a sunny disposition and great leadership ability.

Drop and Cream is a portent for potential, heartiness and longevity. You have made a decision about a matter. You are giving up control of your own body. This dream stands for your good health and prosperity. There is a weakness in your way of thinking.

Dream About Ice Cream stands for hidden creative energy, skills and feelings. You are jealous of another person. You need to incorporate some important qualities in your life. Your dream expresses luck, magical power and success. You are moving in the right direction.

Dream about Dropping Ice Cream is a premonition for the rhythm of life. You need more motivation and encouragement. You are ready to confront your base feelings and explore your repressed thoughts. The dream is an indication for your own self-discovery. You are so focused on your goals that you are leaving behind the people around you.

Sometimes, dream about dropping ice cream indicates an imbalance and lack of confidence in some situation. You need to understand the lessons learned and apply them to solve life’s problems. Dropping everything to tend to someone else’s needs without hesitation. Your dream is a hint for anxieties and concerns over your self-image. You feel that you are thrown into a situation that you cannot control.

Dream about Getting Ice Cream symbolises your achievements and your climb to the top of the social ladder. You may be expressing your creativity. Something is looking out for your best interest. Your dream is a premonition for a union between your intelligence and your instincts. You are letting fear take over your actions.

Get in your dream is a sign for how you confront problems and deal with issues in your life. You need to pay attention to the details in a situation. Your plans or goals will be changed or delayed. This dream points at an end to the difficult times and the beginning of relaxation. You don’t want to be alone.

Ice dream is a harbinger for binding, cohesion, or joining. You need to show more restraint. You may be feeling undervalued or stifled in some area of your life. This dream is an evidence for your maturing mindset. You have made an overly strong statement.

Cream in this dream is a sign for missed or denied opportunities. You are afraid of confronting your own feelings. You are looking for a friend or for companionship. Your dream states emotional issues and problems. You need to let go of some past emotions.

Get and Ice is about some primitive impulse and raw energy. You want create your own path and do things your way. You have power to control the direction and path of your own life. The dream is a hint for revitalization, regeneration and renewal. You have to confront the situation or the person despite the pain and discomfort you might feel in doing so.

Get and Cream is a signal for completion and achievement of your goals. You need to make the first move. It is time to collect the benefits and rewards that you’ve worked so hard for. This dream is an omen for your pursuit for literary knowledge and the fine arts. You are recycling past experiences and finding use for your old skills and ideas.

Dream About Ice Cream is a signal for the aftermath of some emotional release. You need to clear those old experiences and make way for the new. You are emotionally stable and healthy. Your dream is an indication for the attainment of prosperity and pleasure through dangerous and underhanded means. You need to focus on your purpose and goals in life.

Dream about Getting Ice Cream is an omen for aspects of yourself that you keep private and hidden. Big changes are ahead for you. You feel that people are talking about you behind your back. This dream suggests memories from your own childhood. You only care about satisfying your won interests.

Sometimes, dream about getting ice cream is a harbinger for an end to your greedy or lazy nature. You feel lonely and rejected. You can not avoid a situation or a problem any longer. The dream is unfortunately a warning signal for your pent up frustrations and anger. You are not utilizing your full potential and need to start putting your stored energy levels and mental abilities to use.

Dream about Seeing Ice Cream represents emotional intimacy. You are experiencing an emotional standstill. You are looking for some excitement and joy. This dream denotes innocence, playfulness, festivities, frivolity and girliness. You are feeling weary.

See in your dream hints shyness or bashfulness. You are trying to escape from your own reality. You are trying to gain control of the path that your life is taking. The dream denotes temporary worries and disagreements. You need to do more methodical in how you pursue your goals.

Ice dream indicates your fears of things that are different. You feel that someone is out to get you. Perhaps you need to come clean and wash away some old secrets, pains, or guilt. Your dream points to your chilling personality and cold emotions. You need to let go of the past or certain negative behaviors.

Cream in this dream is an evidence for protection, responsibility, or possession. You need to learn to ask for help from others. You are ready for a relationship. This dream is a premonition for a potentially harmful situation or relationship. You need to accept assistance.

Dream About See Ice is a signal for some intimate or romantic relationship. You are longing for the sense to belong and to be accepted. You will accomplish your tasks with great success. Your dream stands for a positive outlook in your professional life. Something is affecting your mood and attitude.

Dream About Seeing Cream is a clue for new beginnings or possibly marriage. You are still feeling sore and resentful about some situation or relationship. You are overconfident in your success. This dream is the early stage of a new project or new relationship in your life. Emotional issues are trivial to you.

Dream About Ice Cream is sometimes the uncertainty of life. You are comfortable with confronting your feelings directly. You are going into new stage of growth in your life. Your dream hints stamina and endurance. Surprises are in store ahead.

Dream about Seeing Ice Cream expresses male emotions and climax. You are keeping your emotions inside. You have accepted certain qualities of your friend and incorporated it into your own character. The dream refers to the importance of your belief and opinions. You are unwillingly going along with a plan.

Sometimes, dream about seeing ice cream is unfortunately your strong, negative emotions like hate, anger, etc. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibility and are looking for someone else to shield, protect and care for you. Others are not seeing things from your angle. This dream points to unfinished issues that you need to tend to and perhaps even repair. You feel overly scrutinized for your actions and behavior.

Dream about Giving Ice Cream stands for something that is beneath you. Perhaps you feel that people can see right through to who you are and your intentions. Some protective force is helping you move forward in life. The dream expresses your quest for adventure and life experiences. Some aspect of your life is taking you in circles.

Give in your dream is sometimes a mental challenge or a problem in your life that you need to solve. You may be distancing yourself from others. You are looking for some spiritual advice. The dream symbolises your ability to take action quickly. You need to keep your attitude and emotions in check.

Ice dream refers to the building blocks or foundation of some plan. You are having difficulty navigating through life. You are unsure of where you are headed in life. Your dream is a metaphor for despair and hopelessness. You need to use more discretion.

Cream in this dream hints your inability to commit. You may be questioning the decisions you have made. You are holding and keeping your feelings to yourself. This dream is a metaphor for your thoughts and fears of death. You are putting out a false image.

Give and Ice is a sign for your free and independent spirit. Some friend or family member is in need of your help. Some unimportant issue is causing you stress and tension. The dream is your stamina. You are drawing the line and creating boundaries.

Give and Cream is a metaphor for some spiritual issues. You will face many obstacles as you try to figure out your path in life. You want a friend who you can share your feelings with, who you can be open with and who you can talk to about anything. The dream is a signal for a protective force over you. You are moving in the right direction.

Dream About Ice Cream is an omen for the underworld. You are careful about the risks you take. A person is indebted to you in some way. Your dream symbolises the different sides of your personality. You are ready to reveal your true self.

Dream about Giving Ice Cream is about neediness. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. This dream means your practicality and sensibility in matters of the heart. You are feeling betrayed.

Sometimes, dream about giving ice cream is a metaphor for violent anger which you have kept inside for a period of time. You are struggling against deceit, falsehood and jealousy. You feel excluded or left behind. This dream is unfortunately a warning alert for a lack of spirituality and fulfillment in your life. You are looking for a quick and easy fix to a problem and it’s not working.

Dream about Selling Ice Cream denotes a transitional phase. You are keeping your true self hidden. You may be acknowledging and embracing both your feminine and masculine aspects of Self. The dream indicates transformation or healing. You need to clear you mind and thoughts.

Sell in your dream symbolises repressed aggression and your fear of confrontations. You are looking for some assistance. You are making some difficult and important decisions. The dream is an omen for issues with authority and seeking approval. Your life goals are in conflict with your belief system.

Ice dream is a signal for some heated argument or personal attack. Perhaps you are expecting a new baby into your family. You are trying to overcome some emotional issue. This dream hints deception. You are being forced into submission or obedience.

Cream in this dream is a harbinger for cleansing and releasing of suppressed thoughts. You need to pace yourself in some situation. You are trying to escape from some current situation. The dream points at some struggle or division within your social circle. You are having a problem accepting an aspect of your own character.

Sell and Ice is a clue for longevity and something that is leaving a lasting impression. You need to look at things from a different angle or new perspective. You are surrounded by wealth and riches. This dream is your need to connect and communicate with a larger network of people. You need to draw from the inspiration of others.

Sell and Cream signifies some unusual aggression. You need to make time for leisure and pleasure. You are clear on your feelings and are expressing them in a healthy manner. The dream signifies tranquility. You have some dependency issues.

Dream About Ice Cream is new found freedom and independence. You are compromising your own beliefs and principles. There is a part of yourself that you can always rely on. This dream is a message for unknown and major changes that are occurring in your life. Positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love.

Dream about Selling Ice Cream is sometimes your life path and your life goals. You need to cool off. You are displaying your aggressive nature. Your dream is a harbinger for closure, strength and big gains. You have a phobia.

Sometimes, dream about selling ice cream is a hint for a lost in your identity. You are lacking communication skills. You are unable to control your emotions. This dream is an indication for feelings of being trapped and restricted. You are too yielding in a situation. Stand up for yourself.

Dream about Eating Cream represents perseverance, determination and longevity. You are going against the norm and are expressing your own personal choice and freedom. You creativity is being contained. This dream signifies pride, confidence and vanity. You are exploring a new environment and testing your boundaries.

Eating Cream is a premonition for passion, lust or matters of the heart. You need do something or say something unexpected. You are in need of a quick and easy boost of energy. This dream indicates your connection to humanity. There is some wisdom hat you need to apply to your life.

Eating in your dream refers to your negative emotions. Life can stop in an instant. You need to loosen up. This dream is a metaphor for male aggression and masculinity. Perhaps it is time to make amends.

Eating in this dream expresses your desire for routine and normalcy. You feel that others are trying to hide something from you. Your own vision is in conflict with someone else’s. The dream signals your feelings of guilt and remorse about some situation. You do not know what you want to do about something.

Cream in dream is an evidence for a situation where you are acting inappropriately. You are ready to grow. You are being coerced into doing something. This dream represents unknown danger lurking from the depths of your subconscious. You are letting an opportunity is passing you by if you do not take action.

Cream dream is sometimes something or someone who is your match. You have explored all your options and need to think outside the box. You are feeling invaded, that your space is being crowded into and that you are being suffocated. Your dream represents feelings of vulnerability and hostility. You are rebuilding your self-esteem and trying to improve your self-image.

Dream about both “Eating” and “Cream” is unfortunately feelings of helplessness and forces beyond your control. Your life has become mundane and monotonous. You may be lacking passion in your life to the point where it has gotten somewhat mechanical. The dream is unfortunately an admonition for inner fears, insecurities and overwhelming circumstances. You are expending too much energy and are in danger of depleting your inner resources.

Dream about eating cream is a portent for your worries about your health. You need to be patient. You are feeling swamped from work, a relationship, or other emotional burden. The dream states a new surge of energy, growth, ambition and renewed confidence. Your conscience is in inner turmoil.

Dream about Cream Snake indicates a need for enjoyment. You hold the knowledge to make some important decision in your life. You display much confidence in your abilities. This dream is a message for insight, cleverness, cunningness and resourcefulness. A situation or decision is having a much longer lasting effect that you had expected.

Cream Snake is an aspect of your life that may be deceivingly calm. You are ready to make a fresh start. You are concerned about your future. This dream symbolises approval of your action or decision. You are orchestrating some plan.

Cream in your dream represents hesitance or tentativeness about a decision, situation or relationship. You need to remain motivated and don’t give up. You are open to criticism, ideas and opinions. Your dream expresses your fear of commitment. You need to acknowledge the youth and child in you.

Cream in this dream draws attention to your desire of escaping from your own reality. You need to re-prioritize your time and focus on what matters. Maybe you are ready to enter into a partnership. Your dream represents your helplessness in a situation. You need to put a little more spice and variety in your life.

Snake in dream is your social network of acquaintances and associates. You are being told that you were never loved. You need to learn to appreciate the things you have. Your dream expresses missed opportunities. You need to pay attention to the message that somebody is trying to convey.

Snake dream is an evidence for some aspects of your life are out of your control. You need to start dealing with your emotions. You need to free yourself from your possessions. Your dream states your desire to hide your imperfections. You are leaving a past life or an old relationship behind.

Dream about both “Cream” and “Snake” is a harbinger for losses, suffering or negativity. You need to celebrate, communicate, embrace and express your feelings. You have a tendency to feed off of others. The dream indicates an evil and merciless force that cannot be reasoned with. You can not afford to lose site of your goal.

Dream about cream snake is a message for strength, permanence, stability and integrity. You are exploring aspect of yourself in order to become more whole. You are keeping up an appearance. The dream hints your debts. You are zeroing in on your goal.

Dream about Eating Ice Cream Sandwich is an indication for good luck. You tend to hold on and cling on to your emotions instead of expressing and releasing them. You are coming clean about your past. Your dream stands for the need to hold some situation or relationship together. Some heated emotion needs your immediate attention.

Dream about Eating Ice Cream Sandwich is a harbinger for luck, magical power and success. You have yet to come to terms with someones absence. You have a clear and smooth path ahead. This dream is a clue for your desires to fit in. You are experiencing peace of mind.

Eat in your dream is a hint for wild and erratic behavior. You need to have some balance in your life. You are trying to buy your way into a situation or relationship. Your dream is sometimes your ability to cut things or people out of your life. You are being prevented from expression your views, opinions or feeling.

Ice dream stands for guilt. You are being hindered from expressing yourself. You are demanding a say in how you should live your own life. Your dream symbolises your perceptions about your own ideals in the context of social norms. You are controlling your feelings.

Cream in this dream is a message for your goals, aspirations and hopes. You are on the verge of an emotional breakdown. You are stressed or preoccupied about a test. Your dream symbolises a situation in your life where you either win or lose. You may be fearing the unknown.

Sandwich in dream symbolises your anxieties about exercising a control. You need to literally breakdown some walls that you have put up around you. You need to put aside your pride and look upon others for their assistance. This dream is a symbol for heartbreaks and disappointments in love. You may be in search for a solid foundation or a firmer ground in your life.

Dream About Ice Cream hints your aura and your spiritual energy. You are putting up a front instead of being your true self. You are in a position of power. The dream is an evidence for clarity and pleasantness. You are showering someone with gifts or love.

Dream About Eat Ice Cream is an indication for rejection of friendship. You feel that you are part of a special group. You feel the need to defend yourself. Your dream indicates a rise in your current circumstances. Perhaps you have done something or being asked to do something that is out of character.

Dream About Ice Cream Sandwich is an indication for your need for more balance in your life. You forgot some aspect of yourself and who you really are. New areas of opportunities are being opened to you. This dream represents something that you are processing in your life. You are moving in the right direction.

Sometimes, dream about eating ice cream sandwich is sadly an alert for some disagreement that is not being properly addressed or resolved. You are not taking care of the things you treasure. You are avoiding some emotional issue that is growing into a huge problem. The dream signals a particular situation or issue that is not going well. Your character will be put under scrutiny and called into question.

Dream about Ice Cream Cone is a portent for an ending to a situation or aspect of yourself. You need to focus on your purpose and goals in life. You are achieving a higher level of understanding. Your dream stands for new friends and exciting adventures. You need a clearer view on a situation.

Ice in your dream refers to dissatisfaction with some situation. You may be repressing some of your feelings or parts of yourself. You are avoiding some issue. The dream is a portent for the basic necessities and comforts. You may be in the middle of some situation that you cannot get out of.

Cream dream is an indication for your unacknowledged and unexpressed emotional needs/desires. You need to exhibit more self-confidence. You are uncharacteristically mean to someone. Your dream symbolises your hidden emotions waiting to be expressed. You are experiencing some hesitation about the decision you have made or the direction that you have taken.

Cone dream is an indication for abundance or fertility. You need to tend to the needs of others instead of pursuing your own self-pleasures. You need to deviate from the norm. Your dream points to a release of emotions. Some aspect of your daily routine is being altered.

Dream About Ice Cream is a sign for disruption and chaos. You may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. You are navigating through your emotional life with ease and joy. The dream states something or someone that you look up to. You are neglecting your emotional, mental and spiritual health.

Ice and Cone is an indication for your determination, direction and goal. You are rushing into something. You are ready to let go something. This dream represents life’s ups and downs. You always have something or someone you can lean on.

Cream and Cone is a metaphor for the importance of partnership. Something is holding you back from fully expressing yourself. You may be feeling helpless or vulnerable in some area of your life. This dream is a signal for family issues and feelings. You are carrying a lot of burden.

Dream about Ice Cream Cone is a premonition for compassion, emotional healing and spiritual cleansing. You are moving ahead toward a new stage in your life. You are hindering your own progress. Your dream indicates your fleeting desires of being wild, free and spontaneous. Affairs of the heart will also be in your favor.

Sometimes, dream about ice cream cone expresses anxieties and concerns over your self-image. There is a situation in your life that has not yet been resolved. You lack initiative and new idea. This dream represents your lack of spirituality. There is too much chaos going on in your life.

Dream about Cream Puff Pastry points to life and fertility. Big changes are ahead for you. You have to let go of the relationship that is holding you back. The dream means faithfulness in love and the coming of joy in some area of your life. You want to cut loose and go wild.

Cream in your dream is an omen for overall picture. Are seeking some refuge from your emotions. You should be careful in not letting your temper get out of control. This dream points at your askew perspective or view. You are trying to make amends with others.

Puff in your dream is a hint for the initials of someone in your life. You are proceeding toward a situation despite the risk. You need to act on some problem, decision or opportunity. This dream is a clue for situations where you have been less than honorable and may have acted in a devious manner. We are all interconnected in some way.

Pastry in this dream is sometimes emotions or issues that can potentially explode if they are not properly addressed. You are letting your adventurous side guide you and take control. Perhaps you need to get to the bottom of some situation. The dream is a premonition for the emotional difficulties that you experience in life. You need to start acting like an adult.

Cream and Puff is a message for the qualities that are uncharacteristic of your personality. Some situation or relationship is collapsing around you. It is time to change some vital part of your life in order to feel fully alive and whole again. Your dream states satisfaction with your life and where you are at. You need to make your best offer in some business deal.

Cream and Pastry suggests an aspect of your own personality. You are suppressing your emotions or aggression and expressing it in a more socially acceptable manner. You are unwilling to cooperate with others. Your dream is a signal for concerns over your public image. A person has an important influence in the direction that your life is headed.

Puff and Pastry is about romance. This is a meaningful day between the two of you. You have restrained life style. The dream points at clarity, cleansing and spirituality. You are refusing to acknowledge a certain viewpoint or idea.

Dream about Cream Puff Pastry is a premonition for resurrection and spiritual rebirth. You are feeling irritable. Something or someone is preventing you from seeing the truth. This dream points at power, strength and flexibility. You are showing courage by standing by your own beliefs.

Sometimes, dream about cream puff pastry symbolises your severe attitude or some sort of self-punishment. You may feel unable to attain and measure up to society’s ideals of beauty. You are not letting minor issues bother you. Your dream is unfortunately a warning for your juvenile attitude. You need to spend more time with friends and eat healthier.

Dream about Large Ice Cream indicates a strong, powerful and confident woman in your life. You will experience many setbacks, especially if you continue to let your emotions run out of control. You are set on a path that is destined for doom. Your dream symbolises a desire for something new and different in your life. You are undergoing some transformation.

Large in a dream is a clue for your cheerful attitude towards life. You are just going through the motions of daily living. You are ready to stand up for your beliefs. The dream draws attention to the unification of formerly separate or opposite aspects of yourself. Perhaps you are letting others persuade you into doing something you don’t really want to.

Ice dream is an evidence for your objectiveness in a situation. You want what other families have. You may need to undergo an image makeover. The dream draws attention to your anger and fears. You need to be more in touch with your femininity.

Cream in this dream is sometimes your difficulties in expressing your emotional desires or feelings. You are distracted from going after your own goals. You have broken free from a cycle or habit. The dream is a symbol for fears of inadequacy. You need to rethink or re-plan your course of actions and set yourself on a better path.

Large and Ice denotes your desires for peace and serenity. You will bounce back from anything that may be said about you. You are rising above a situation. This dream is an evidence for clarity and understanding. You are feeling disconnected and neglected, both emotionally and physically.

Large and Cream is a clue for passive aggressive behavior. You need to take a closer look at some situation. You have misjudged the solid foundation that you are on. This dream is a metaphor for the inner child and its fantasies. You are undergoing a significant change in your life.

Dream About Ice Cream symbolises the potential and possibilities that life has in stored for you. Acknowledging your feelings is the key to a happy and rewarding life. You are connecting with your sensual side. This dream signals vitality and happiness. You are making a commitment to a relationship.

Dream about Large Ice Cream is a sign for freedom, openness and opportunities. You need to be more passionate in your love life. Your strong reputation will remain intact. This dream indicates success in your goals. You are loving life.

Sometimes, dream about large ice cream suggests a lack of strength. Sometimes you need to put away your pride and know when to ask for outside help. Perhaps some people in your life are being too overbearing or too dependent on you. This dream is a premonition for a problem that you are overlooking. Some aspect of yourself or situation has been tainted.

Cream can symbolize our own personality and how we want to be perceived by others.
to see - someone will appreciate your character and personality
buy cream - you will start to look after your good appearance
make cream - you should better take care of your own affairs
eat cream - you appreciate little, little things that will bring you joy
allergic to cream - you will feel lonely
moisturizing cream - you will receive the support of a friend
anti-wrinkle cream - you will waste too much time on insignificant matters
eyelid cream - you will feel tired and irritated
face cream - you will protect your loved ones
hand cream - sleep is a symbol of good manners and wealth
foot cream - you will not be able to control everything, as it was before
cake cream - you will start enjoying life.

Dream about A Eating Ice Cream is an evidence for a personal and highly spiritual message from your subconscious. You feel the need to protect and defend yourself. You are being modest. Your dream is a message for your power over others. You are in tuned with your sense of spirituality.

Eating in your dream stands for a situation that is bringing out similar feelings from your past relationships. Perhaps you are trying to break off some relationship or sever your ties with your work. You need to work through the difficulty and overcome obstacles in your life. The dream hints fear and insecurity. You need to be on guard and on the defensive.

Ice dream is a message for a level of emotional aggression or emotional tension. You are nervous about what you are saying. Things will work out in the long run. This dream is about fears of losing control of yourself or losing your position or status in life. You need to vocalize your feelings and thoughts.

Cream in this dream suggests an end to a habit or behavior. You are confronting some uncomfortable emotions. You need to learn to let go. Your dream is an omen for your ability to maintain and organize aspects of your outside life, such as work and your social activities. You may want to repress some aspect of yourself that is represented by a dying person.

Dream About Eating Ice is a sign for your social interactions and how you relate to others. You are uncovering some unused talent. You are part of a team. Your dream hints success and prominence. You are making a hasty decision.

Dream About Eating Cream hints a developing awareness. You are experiencing some separation anxiety. You are comfortable with your appearance and intelligence. Your dream stands for a journey of self-discovery. Your life is blowing in a new direction.

Dream About Ice Cream signifies that a sweet opportunity is nearby. You are seeking for more pleasure in your life. You are working on a fresh self-image. The dream refers to the name or initial of a person. You are struggling with gender roles and what is acceptable.

Dream about A Eating Ice Cream hints something that is different or unfamiliar. You are exploring your subconscious. You are seeking calmness and tranquility. Your dream points to disagreements and dissension with those around you. You are steering in the right direction.

Sometimes, dream about a eating ice cream represents the complications and difficulties that you are experiencing in your life. You are feeling like failure or an outcast. You need to put forth some effort in order to excel or succeed. The dream is a metaphor for your lack of power or control in a situation. You are not thinking intelligently.

Dream about Body Cream symbolises you are going to say yes to some question you have been asking yourself. You want to move forward at your own pace and by your own power. You are preparing yourself for growth and change. The dream is a metaphor for light-hearted fun. Your significant other is moving toward a different direction than you envisioned.

Body Cream represents some burden in your life. A message is being channeled to you from your subconscious. You feel that you are becoming like your father. The dream is a metaphor for fame, wealth, good health and love. You are in a good place.

Body in your dream symbolises some time-sensitive situation. You are being tackled represents obstacles that are standing in your way toward your goals. You are pretending to be something you are not. Your dream signals disappointments and failures. You need to apply a lesson to a current issue, problem or relationship.

Body in this dream is a clue for a new beginning or a somber conclusion. Perhaps you are letting others dictate your direction or goals in life. You do not know what you want to do about something. This dream signals minor embarrassments. You need to effectively map out your action.

Cream in dream draws attention to difficulty in breaking through or getting your point across to someone. You need to let go of some of that defensiveness that you have been putting forth as a result of a past relationship. You may have a crush on a person and your thoughts of him/her has carried over into the dream world. The dream points to feelings of self-guilt. You are sacrificing yourself.

Cream dream signifies your difficulty in connecting with somebody. Your subconscious may be trying to get your attention about an important message that you are refusing to acknowledge in your life. You need to reconnect with your mother. Your dream is a signal for your need or ability to accept criticism. You need to mend some relationship or situation that has gotten out of hand.

Dream about both “Body” and “Cream” draws attention to your need to be nurtured and cared for. You are repressing or denying a vital aspect of your expression. You are trying to understand a difficult idea by breaking it down into smaller parts. This dream is unfortunately a warning for something or someone who is old and shriveled. Instead of taking control of your life and being more proactive, you are just letting things happen.

Dream about body cream is a premonition for the start of something new or better. Your transition will be an emotional one. It is time to review your goals and how you are going about in achieving them. The dream refers to the various aspects of your life that are invading your personal space. You are learning to accept and integrate the various aspects of yourself.

Dream about Ice Cream Van refers to creativity and intelligence. It is a time to reflect on your situation and what is going on in your life. You are looking at the broader picture and are more aware of your surroundings. Your dream is a premonition for some memory or event. You need to be grounded and realistic.

Ice in your dream is an omen for your protective and defensive persona. There is some issue that you need to address. You need to be better prepared for unexpected challenges that may come your way. Your dream indicates you not to take the day to day things for granted. You need to know when to act and to act quickly.

Cream dream is a metaphor for youth and rebellion. You are trying to take shortcuts. You may be over-thinking a problem. Your dream stands for emotions or issues that can potentially explode if they are not properly addressed. You need to schedule a meeting.

Van in this dream represents regrets and remorse. You are looking to recapture a more playful or carefree side of your persona. You are not being direct about a situation or emotion. The dream is an omen for characteristics which you have not acknowledged or incorporated into your own personality. You are censoring yourself or holding back.

Dream About Ice Cream is an omen for your present stage of life. You want recognition for your efforts. You are unwilling to let go of your memories and the past. The dream is sometimes pureness and faith. Something in your past will prove to be extremely important to your future.

Ice and Van hints your need for power and control. You may be entering into a new relationship, either on a friendship level or romantic level. Some situation in your life has put you on guard. The dream is a portent for each of the five senses and what it has to offer. You are opening something.

Cream and Van is a clue for the devouring female. You are having to put some aspect of your life on hold. You are very comfortable with your own emotions. Your dream signals strength, creativity and flexibility. You are experiencing increased worth and a higher sense of zest and vigor.

Dream about Ice Cream Van points at adventure, exploration, progress and a new journey. You have overcome some threat or some major obstacle. You have successfully escaped or gotten out from a burdening situation or relationship. This dream signals achievement of your career goals and attainment of higher positions in life. Others can see right through you and your true intentions.

Sometimes, dream about ice cream van states mediocrity. You are on the verge of breaking down and need to take some leisure time off to distance yourself from your issues. You may really have misplaced something that you had not realized yet. This dream is sadly a warning signal for barriers and difficulties in your path. You are projecting your negative feelings onto someone else.

Dream about Orange Ice Cream is a symbol for satisfaction with how your life is going. You have a lot of love to offer others. Someone is saying goodbye to you. This dream is a symbol for your high ideals, creativity, accomplishments and imagination. You are exploring aspect of yourself in order to become more whole.

Orange in your dream is a sign for some misunderstanding in a relationship. You need to keep up with life or else you will be left behind. You are not focusing on the matter at hand. This dream is an omen for gossip or news. You do things without expecting anything in return.

Ice dream denotes the path that your life is taking and the decisions you are making throughout a path. You need to piece together some relationship or situation. You are ready to incorporate a new and unknown component into your life. The dream is a symbol for a situation or problem that is giving you much stress. You will redeem yourself and regain your honor after your fall from grace.

Cream in this dream is a sign for some major change. You are entangled in some difficult matter. You are placed under scrutiny by others. The dream is a metaphor for hypocrisy and being someone that you are not. You may be over-thinking a problem.

Orange and Ice means your path to spiritual enlightenment. You are trailing behind on some task, some competition or some endeavor. You are letting your emotions hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. This dream stands for delayed success. You will be met with much success in your future.

Orange and Cream is a premonition for timing and fate. You are seeking praise and attention from others. You are that compassionate person. The dream states celebration and happiness. You have a desire to retreat from the stresses of the real world.

Dream About Ice Cream means the state of your life. You are moving forward in the right direction. Something is about to be exposed or come into consciousness. This dream signifies some fear or tension that you are experiencing in your life. You are able to grasp new ideas with ease.

Dream about Orange Ice Cream refers to your extreme level of boldness. You may be experiencing a new relationship, new career path or new adventure. Some new project is in the works. This dream hints increased confidence in your ability to create something new and useful. You are showing courage by standing by your own beliefs.

Sometimes, dream about orange ice cream symbolises a lack of confidence. You may have some hesitation in releasing a monster for fear that others will judge you or that they will not accept your ideals. You feel that your mother or some motherly figure in your life is not being responsive to your needs. The dream signifies a lack of respect or taste. A person cannot change who they are no matter how hard they may try.

Dream about Someone Eating Ice Cream is a portent for some pressing issue that needs your immediate attention. You are looking for a strong foundation and some stability. You admire some qualities that a person has. This dream is a symbol for untrustworthiness. You are open and receptive to new changes.

Dream about Someone Eating Ice Cream is something in your life that is unhealthy. You need to be more honest and open with your family. You are being propelled to a position of power. The dream is sometimes conscious reality, deliberate action and rational thoughts. You want to move forward at your own pace and by your own power.

Someone in your dream is a signal for your untapped resources. Although you may not feel any physical pain, you are hurting inside. Perhaps you are procrastinating too much. This dream draws attention to your need to update you mode of thinking. You are looking to change your attitude.

Eating dream states your repressed instincts. You need to let loose. You are just getting started on an important path. The dream is sometimes your personal responsibilities and sense of independence. You are feeling incomplete.

Ice in this dream is a message for togetherness. You need to take responsibility for your actions and confront your problems. You will experience disappointments in some important matter. The dream points to the killing off of the old parts and old habits. You are quarreling with someone.

Cream in dream means sadness and depression. You are trying to punish yourself. You have be laboring over a difficult task or situation. Your dream is a premonition for temptation or emotional allure. You want to have a baby.

Dream About Someone Eating points at your commitment and dedication to the changes that you are making in your life. You will rise above some situation or difficulty. You are acknowledging your need for help. Your dream is a signal for your need for warmth, spiritual nourishment and some emotional healing. You are tracking something or someone.

Dream About Eating Ice is a sign for indulgence, sensuality and forbidden pleasure. You may be waiting for the right moment to exert your power. You need to allow yourself more freedom to do something. The dream is a hint for a sweet reward. You are in control of your subconscious and aspects that you were once afraid of.

Dream About Ice Cream points at some emotion that you need to confront and deal with. Something is eating you up inside. You want to see progress. This dream signifies truth and justice. Your relationship is moving forward into a new stage or that you are rethinking the longevity of the relationship.

Dream About A Eating Ice Cream is a symbol for the decision you are making and the path that you are taking. You are about to enter a new phase in your life. Your greatest desires and goals will be realized. The dream is a hint for a quality about yourself or a part of you that you are rejecting or want to keep hidden. You have something important on your mind, but you may be holding back.

Sometimes, dream about someone eating ice cream is unfortunately an alert for frustrating conditions in your life in which you are seeking to rise above. You may be undergoing some difficult times and unable to remain optimistic. Your life is monotonous or repetitive. Your dream is unfortunately a warning signal for a lack of power in your words. You are not utilizing your full potential.

Dream about Cream indicates your lack of power and freedom. You are in denial or are rejecting an aspect of yourself. Your subconscious is calling you a chicken. Your dream suggests some major change. Perhaps you need to move more quickly.

Cream is a sign for your reserves. You are rejecting unknown aspects of yourself that you do not understand. You may be experiencing some dissatisfaction with some aspect of yourself. Your dream is a hint for feelings of inferiority and ineffectiveness. You are distracted from going after your own goals.

Dream about Cream [the best people or things in a group] states a destructive and forbidden desire or obsession. You are not really expressing how you really feel. You may have found yourself in an inescapable situation. The dream hints your concerns, fears and anxieties about the future. You need to push yourself to do better.

Dream about Cream [the part of milk containing the butterfat] is an indication for your concerns over food and health issues. You need to start testing out your boundaries in order to grow. You tend to play the role of the victim. The dream suggests your need to release your inhibitions and let yourself go. You are doing your best to hold yourself up in some situation.

Dream about Cream [toiletry consisting of any of various substances in the form of a thick liquid that have a soothing and moisturizing effect when applied to the skin] is a metaphor for your individualistic attitude. You are tongue-tied. You may have done something that you are ashamed of or are not proud of. This dream draws attention to feelings of fear and insecurity over a situation. You have the ability to see the light even in your darkest hours.

Dream about Cream [make creamy by beating] suggests a situation or relationship that you need to soothe over. You need to consider how you feel about the accent. You are leaving behind old attitudes and are looking toward the future. This dream is a metaphor for wounded feelings and hidden fears. Your inhibitions are hindering your creativity.

Dream about Cream [beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight] points at irreconcilable differences. You need to start taking things more seriously. You are not able to relax and breathe freely. The dream signifies mobility. You are going against your instinct.

Dream about Cream [put on cream, as on one’s face or body] is a portent for the current state of your body while you are dreaming. You may be devoting too much time to unimportant issues. Some situation is in need of your immediate attention. The dream signifies your narrow perspective. Perhaps you feel that you are not measuring up to the expectations of others, especially to your mate.

Dream about Skim [remove from the surface] is an omen for your unrealized talents. You are being restrained or inhibited from expressing yourself. You are looking for some reaffirmation, encouragement and approval from others. This dream is a harbinger for your inflated ego. You need to show more restraint.

Dream about Cream [add cream to one’s coffee, for example] is a portent for your maternal ties. Perhaps you have been tricked or duped. The tough times you are experiencing will soon be over. The dream means repressed feelings of revenge which you are not able to act on in your life. It is time to let loose.

Dream about Melted Ice Cream signifies your desire for love and happiness over wealth and fortune. You are questioning someone’s action. You are striving for success in your professional career. This dream points at spirituality, purity and natural achievement. You are focused on enjoying life and all that it has to offer.

Melt in your dream is an evidence for your cold and frigid feelings. You are not listening to those around you. You may be ready to confront your subconscious and unknown aspects of yourself. This dream is a metaphor for some sort of entitlement. You are trying to change how you see yourself and how others see you.

Ice dream is a premonition for your fears and vulnerabilities. You need to clear up some mistakes that you have made. Perhaps you regret something you did. The dream is a harbinger for opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. You may feel constrained in a relationship or held back at work.

Cream in this dream is a message for aspects of yourself that you like or dislike. Someone is looking over you. Perhaps you need to exercise more self control. This dream is a signal for guilt and impurity. You have been able to keep your feelings under control.

Melt and Ice is a signal for a bridge between your earthly, grounded self and the higher, spiritual self. You strive for the finer things in life. Your friends will always be there to lend a helping hand. This dream is a harbinger for masculinity and raw energy. You need to pay attention to opportunities that are coming your way.

Melt and Cream hints a summary of your life. You are generating something new or different. You are able to adapt to changes easily and smoothly. The dream is about new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge and life. You are acting different.

Dream About Ice Cream stands for your stamina. You will rise to a place of high position and honor in your business and social circle. In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will be rewarded for your labor. The dream is about a patriarchy. Your inner fears are hindering your growth and progress.

Dream about Melted Ice Cream signals happiness, peace, prosperity or domestic bliss. You are versatile and are well-rounded. Positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love. This dream is a hint for your frisky nature. You are set on the path to self knowledge and self discovery.

Sometimes, dream about melted ice cream indicates someone who is devoid of any emotion. You are too lackadaisical in the pursuit of your goals. You need to stop constantly comparing yourself to others. Your dream signifies your lack of security. You are trying to communicate your feelings and your need for contact.

Dream about Seeing Eating Ice Cream hints positive gains, happiness and fullness of life. You are feeling particularly aggressive or bold. It is time to take a risk. The dream expresses self-confidence, spiritual and mental balance and peace of mind. You are feeling ashamed about something.

Dream about Seeing Eating Ice Cream symbolises the masculine. You are the only one who can confront the problem and rise above it. You are ready to explore new things that life has to offer. This dream is an omen for a clean start and a fresh, new perspective. You are feeling complete and whole.

See in your dream suggests social conformity and mass action. Perhaps you need to pool your efforts together. You need to be more accepting of yourself and less judgmental of others. This dream is an evidence for your independent nature and your tendency to reflect on your thoughts alone. You need to take some time out.

Eating dream is a portent for some irreversible plan or action. You feel being picked on. You are not one to hide your true feelings. This dream is a harbinger for your desires in wanting to associate with people in public positions. You are feeling unwanted or unwelcome in some new surrounding.

Ice in this dream is a portent for difficulties in achieving your goals and choosing your path in life. You need to learn to verbalize your desires in order for others to know what you want. You need to be more yielding in your point of view and decisions. Your dream points at some illness or physical ailment. You are doing something despite being told not to do it.

Cream in dream symbolises that your passions may be out of control. You need to roll up your sleeves and prepare for some hard work ahead. You are trying to understand some issue in your life. This dream means your limitations. You are in someone else’s shadow.

Dream About Seeing Eating is a metaphor for an emphasis on your feeling. You need to warm up to others and soften your nature. There are many forces working against you. Your dream indicates qualities and feelings of somebody that you desire for yourself. You need to develop some qualities within yourself in order to become a more stronger and confident person.

Dream About Eating Ice states your self-confidence and self-esteem. Sometimes you need to seek the help of others in order to accomplish some mutual goal. You value yourself highly. Your dream is an indication for new friendships and opportunities. Some past situation is preventing you from fully expressing yourself.

Dream About Ice Cream stands for some aspect of your family heritage and trait. There is some good in everyone. You are experiencing some strong emotional conflict. This dream is spiritual healing and enlightenment. You are letting your heart guide you, despite your better judgment.

Dream About A Eating Ice Cream is a signal for harmony and cooperation in a situation or relationship in your life. You are undergoing a spiritual conflict. You have trouble expressing yourself and feel that you are being put to a test. This dream is an evidence for power and your ability to draw strength from within yourself. You are showing your devotion to your beliefs.

Sometimes, dream about seeing eating ice cream draws attention to your helplessness and inability to function in some given situation. An aspect of yourself is looking to be acknowledged and recognized. You are taking on too many tasks and are weighed down by all the responsibilities. Your dream is a premonition for your lack of freedom and limited abilities. There is a significant change that is quickly approaching.

Dream about Hair Cream is flexibility and agility. You need to look at things from a different angle or new perspective. You are over-thinking an issue. This dream is a sign for the youthful side of your persona. Someone is preventing you from knowing the truth.

Hair Cream is a metaphor for flexibility. You are successfully transitioning to a higher level and moving forward to important things. You are able to deal with and understand your emotions. This dream is a portent for security and comfort in your life. You need to focus your attention and concentrate on one task at a time.

Hair in your dream is a clue for self indulgence. You are trying to create an air of mystery. You need to expand your knowledge and learning. Your dream represents your desires to knock others out of your path in order to achieve your own goals. You may be in conflict with an aspect of yourself.

Hair in this dream indicates your carefree attitude. You are being sidetracked by counterproductive activities. You are committing some indiscretion. The dream is a signal for your concerns over food and health issues. There is some situation or relationship that you need to examine closer.

Cream in dream means conflicting ideas. You may be seeking for some form of shelter from the outside world. You are not listening to those around you. This dream is about instability and insecurity in your life. You need some qualities that you need to achieve your goals.

Cream dream stands for some characteristics that you need to acknowledge within yourself. You are trying to steer your friends and your family on the right direction. It is time to let the person know how you feel, especially if you are dreaming of her or him frequently. Your dream is an indication for the things in your life that you need to put to rest and let go of. Something or someone in your current life is bringing out similar feelings you felt during a relationship with your ex.

Dream about both “Hair” and “Cream” refers to a lack of self-worth. You may be lacking inspiration and need some new motivation in life. Life on the fast line is not all that is cracked up to be. Your dream is sadly a warning alert for something or someone who is old and shriveled. You are tired of hearing what others tell you.

Dream about hair cream is the effort and work that you have invested into some project or cause. You need to be more open and expressive with your emotions. You are ready for a new outlook in life. The dream hints something is about to be completed in your life. You are putting up a facade and hiding your true self.

Dream about Cream Cake is sometimes strife and disharmony in both your work and home. You are allowing your life to float away. You have acknowledged your hidden potential. The dream symbolises spiritual renewal and healing. You will be blessed with true peace of mind, joy and contentment.

Cream Cake represents the parting or absence of a loved one. You are trying to keep a certain feeling or hope alive. You will be rewarded for the good things you have done for others. Your dream suggests initiative and direction. Your talents are being utilized.

Cream in your dream is a portent for a repression of your animalistic desires. You are putting someone on a pedestal. A situation or relationship that you thought was dead or dormant is active again. Your dream is a clue for your lack of power and freedom. You are looking for a solution to a problem.

Cream in this dream is sometimes your drive and determination to succeed at whatever cost. You are holding back some aspect of yourself. You need to try to shed as much light on a subject as you can. The dream is an omen for your commitment to be fair in a situation. You are hyper vigilant about your surroundings.

Cake in dream points at of a transitional stage occurring in your life. You are keeping too much inside and as a result, you are feeling trapped. You are being insulted or disrespected. The dream indicates your concerns about your self-image and appearance. You are literally being consumed by your anger.

Cake dream is about the emotional difficulties that you experience in life. You are feeling unsure of yourself. You may be starving for love. Your dream is a hint for your feelings of vulnerability and your need to be protected. You don’t let go of what’s yours and don’t give up.

Dream about both “Cream” and “Cake” is unfortunately a warning alert for self-reliance, stability, tactfulness and careful forethought. You are confused or unclear about where you are headed in life. You are not completely committed to your current relationship. The dream is an admonition for unexpected changes, frustrations and unpleasant adventures. You also tend to open yourself too easily which makes you vulnerable.

Dream about cream cake is sometimes an issue that you need to confront with a specific person. You may be testing the limits of your physical strength. You are in need of some rest and relaxation. The dream is sometimes power and confidence. You are proud of your social life and personal endeavors.

Dream about Eating Melted Ice Cream is a signal for an aspect of yourself that you are ashamed of or are refusing to acknowledge. You need to appreciate certain things. You may be experiencing low self-esteem and confidence. The dream points to your social life. A dark cloud will hover over you.

Dream about Eating Melted Ice Cream hints your openness to new experiences. You are refusing to accept some repressed aspect of yourself. Something good is coming to an end. The dream is a sign for you are going to say yes to some question you have been asking yourself. You need to be proud of what you have accomplished.

Eating in your dream signifies growth, abundance and financial gain. You will hold your own ground and overcome minor difficulties and problems. Your actions are irreversible. The dream points to untapped energy or health issues. Your have to deal with issues of authority and oppression.

Melt dream suggests your sensitively to some situation. You may feel that you are physically or emotionally restrained from doing something. Perhaps you are expressing concerns about losing touch with someone around you. You are trying to hide or blend into the background. This dream symbolises your fear of letting go of the past. You are being forced to do something.

Ice in this dream represents your need or ability to accept criticism. You will undergo some changes in your life which will relieve you of some dissatisfaction. Something is too good to be true. Your dream refers to someone from your past who you had a crush on or who you were in love with. You need to get rid of what you no longer need.

Cream in dream symbolises a mother’s loss or an end to something. You are your own person and you are not afraid to voice your own opinions. You need to make time for leisure and relaxation. The dream signals a danger lurking near you. There is some learning you need to do in order to get ahead in life.

Dream About Ice Cream means your desires to have things run more smoothly. There is a relationship that needs your attention. There is something that you are trying to cover up or hide. Your dream symbolises the depth of your emotions. There is a blockage to the flow of your spiritual energy.

Dream About Melted Ice Cream is a harbinger for kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty and gain. You need to focus on the positive aspects of your life. There is something in your life where you are in need of more. Your dream is a message for mystery and the unknown. You are a point where you are comfortable in acknowledging your vulnerabilities and feelings.

Sometimes, dream about eating melted ice cream stands for some regret or failure in your endeavors. You feel your voice does not matter or that your opinion does not count. You are lacking adventure in your life. This dream is sadly a warning signal for your lack of ambition and drive. You are overwhelmed with trying to fit everything into your busy schedule.

The Kabbalah implies that dreams with Cream predict the dreamer can look forward to unenjoyable relations with their parents.

To dream about a Cream is representative of built-up resentment between a mother and daughter.

Dream about Buying Cream states your fast paced lifestyle. You are headed into a new direction. You need to express your creativity. This dream signals a clear perspective. You have a new perspective or different outlook in life.

Buying Cream is about inner healing. You are good at offering your advice to others. You are feeling ostracized or shunned. Your dream signals poise and grace. You need to question certain authority.

Buy in your dream is a portent for a transformation or cleansing. You need to let down your guard. You are temporarily shielding yourself from a situation. Your dream draws attention to the inevitable. There is something that you need to come clean or confess to a person.

Buy in this dream is a signal for your hopes or your fears of how things will turn out. You need to quit doing something. You are feeling a loss of power, potential, or identity. This dream expresses something in your life which you have left hanging or unfinished. You are trying to shield yourself from some higher spirit or force.

Cream in dream is a premonition for your need to feel protected and safe from life’s problems. You need to relax. Your initial assumptions were completely opposite of what you thought. The dream is an indication for feelings of guilt, regret, or remorse about something you did. You are still adjusting to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing.

Cream dream signifies your sensuality and indulgence. You are pacing yourself. You have a selfish aim or motive with someone. This dream states your hopes ambitious thoughts or ideas. Perhaps you are in a state of depression or wallowing in your negative feelings.

Dream about both “Buy” and “Cream” is unfortunately a warning for regret over your hasty decisions. You are not letting obstacles stop you from proceeding with your goals. You need to take some time off, especially after all the hard work that you have been involved in. The dream hints your fears of gaining weight or getting fat. You are unable to express yourself.

Dream about buying cream is a message for the layers of your emotions. The dark side of someone close to you is being revealed and you are able to see through to him/her true intentions. You are refusing something. The dream is a premonition for your family ties and home life. You may not enjoy an experience, but it is for your own good.

Dream about Receiving Ice Cream symbolises your commitment on a set course. You are waffling over a topic. You are being wanted. This dream points at wholeness and equality. You are plunging into something.

Receive in your dream is a metaphor for your fear of change and your ambivalence about seizing an opportunity. You need to get rid of your old attitudes and former ways of thinking. Perhaps you need to be more vocal and be heard. Your dream is an omen for unresolved problems that need to be worked out with your friend or family. You are being territorial.

Ice dream signals a loss of freedom. You are undertaking too many projects. You are afraid of being caught in some illicit activity. This dream represents an uncontrollable situation or an all-consuming force in your life. You need to cut-out or eliminate something from your life.

Cream in this dream expresses the integration of various aspects of yourself. You need to release some pent up anger or tension. You will be experiencing some heartache or pain. This dream is a portent for minor interruptions and annoyances. You no longer have control of a situation.

Receive and Ice symbolises your desire for a loyal relationship. Important changes are about to occur. You feel you are being overlooked. The dream stands for compassion. You still have some ways to go before fully developing your career and goals.

Receive and Cream is an omen for your intimate self or childhood self. You are connected and well in tune with an aspect of yourself. You need to be more honest and open with your family. Your dream is a message for innocence, playfulness and mischievousness. You are flipping back and forth on a decision.

Dream About Ice Cream symbolises how you are feeling in your life. You need to appreciate the gifts you have. You want to start anew. This dream is an indication for your endurance and willpower. You feel the need to protect and defend yourself.

Dream about Receiving Ice Cream states reluctance in some endeavor. You need more discipline in your life. Money issues are one of the top concerns in our life. The dream is a portent for paradise, relaxation and ease. You are careful in how you choose your words.

Sometimes, dream about receiving ice cream is an evidence for a lack of maturity or capabilities. Someone is not being honest or truthful about some matter. You feel that you have missed out on some opportunity in life. This dream represents your weaknesses and shortcomings. Your old ideas or habits are being replaced by new ways of looking at the world.

Dream about Chocolate Ice Cream indicates a message or advice that comes with a price. You feel that you are being bullied or dominated by some powerful source. You are going in to many direction. Your dream points to disorder and chaos. You are going against the norm and are expressing your own personal choice and freedom.

Chocolate in your dream hints your need to relax and be less serious. You need to eat a more healthy diet. You are underestimating your own abilities and in yourself. The dream is a symbol for loss of tranquility, illness, or jealousy. You are being used and manipulated by others.

Ice dream hints some frustration in your life. You need to learn to compromise. You are slowly confronting and acknowledging your repressed emotions. The dream symbolises your cold emotions and frigid ways. You are struggling between good and evil.

Cream in this dream is a premonition for deceit and falsehood. There is a situation or relationship that you need to revive. You are feeling insecure about the progress you have made so far in life. Your dream points at money being received. You need to proceed with caution.

Chocolate and Ice is a clue for motherhood and nurturance. You need to keep up the good work. You are getting ready for some important stage in your life. The dream is a harbinger for toughness, willpower, determination and strength. You are learning the steps to some new project, new process or new stage in your life.

Chocolate and Cream states your free and independent spirit. You are displaying much strength and stability. You are imitating others. The dream points to your progress. You are more sensitive to your instincts and in how your perceive things.

Dream About Ice Cream is an omen for cooperation, balance and teamwork. Somebody is offering you reassurance that you are headed on the right track. You may be subscribing to society’s unattainable standards of beauty. This dream is an omen for some emotional conquest. You may be feeling threatened.

Dream about Chocolate Ice Cream states your willingness and drive to work hard. You are experiencing something disturbing which is affecting your psyche and well-being. Something or someone is preventing you from seeing the truth. The dream is an omen for dissension and disagreements. You are developing new strengths and taking on new roles.

Sometimes, dream about chocolate ice cream is a silly or confusing situation. You are stuck in a routine where you are doing things by rote. Some situation or relationship is not going smoothly in your life. This dream unfortunately draws attention to a lack of individuality and creativity. Are holding your emotions back and not expressing yourself.

Dream about Eating Chocolate Ice Cream hints living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. You are feeling threatened or overlooked. You fit in with anybody and anywhere. The dream is a premonition for the beginning of a fresh new idea. You will overcome any obstacles with relative ease.

Dream about Eating Chocolate Ice Cream states life, humanity and science. You will get through an emotional issue with relative ease. You are a people pleaser. Your dream hints fear of being exposed. You are undergoing a drastic transformation.

Eating in your dream symbolises togetherness and your need to socialize. Something from your subconscious is trying to make its way to the surface. You want others to know exactly who you are. This dream is a symbol for components and various pieces that composes your life. You have information or knowledge that needs to be shared.

Chocolate dream hints temporary and fleeting worries. Something you are doing is questionable. You are experiencing problems and distress in your personal relationships. This dream is a symbol for your desire to settle down. You need to roll up your sleeves and prepare for some hard work ahead.

Ice in this dream is a metaphor for someone who may be looking for a relationship with you. You need to get your mind out of the gutter. You have been able to keep your feelings under control. Your dream symbolises your ideas of leadership. You may be contemplating on strengthening and changing aspects of your character.

Cream in dream is your unwillingness to accept some responsibilities. Perhaps you are feeling depressed. You are discovering your hidden talents and are ready to unleash your potential. Your dream is a harbinger for the obstacles that you need to overcome in order to succeed. You need to take a long deep breath in between your problems.

Dream About Eating Chocolate is a sign for your emotional urges and desires. You are feeling emotional and sensitive. Something or someone is pulling you in opposite directions. Your dream is a metaphor for uninhibited passion and lust. You are taking charge of your life.

Dream About Ice Cream is a signal for wisdom, faithfulness, longevity and loyalty. Some significant event is preventing you from achieving your goals. You are able to cope with life’s changes with grace and understanding. The dream is an omen for focusing in on what you are saying or thinking. You to seek help from others.

Dream About Chocolate Ice Cream is an evidence for a higher self. You are planning of something important in your life. You are loving life. The dream is an indication for love, affection, tranquility, harmony and contentment. You need to go ahead and post a message or mail a note to someone that you loved.

Sometimes, dream about eating chocolate ice cream symbolises your outdated surroundings and thinking. You are putting yourself first and making decisions for yourself, not for others. All your hard work is paying off. This dream is a hint for your hopes for future ambitions that you want to be achieve. You are looking for something that is already lost to you.

Dream about Sour Cream is dissatisfaction with the direction that a project or situation is going. You are interested-in someone and want to gain their favor. You will win over an argument. Your dream suggests the creative and spiritual aspect of yourself. Sacrifice and devotion is necessary for success.

Sour Cream is a premonition for kindness, compassion, gentleness, pleasure, beauty and gain. You will overcome the difficulties you are experiencing in your current life. You are pushing your feelings back inside, rather than expressing them. Your dream means a relaxed attitude. You need to make the first move in a relationship.

Sour dream points at aspects of yourself that you need to discard and get rid of. You need to keep up with life or else you will be left behind. You are debating on whether to be more open about your feelings or keep them to yourself. The dream is a signal for education and learning. You have to live with the consequences of your own decisions.

Sour in this dream refers to your worries over money matters. An increase in business activities are expected. You may be ignoring or avoiding an important family/emotional issue. The dream symbolises fear and insecurity. You need to let go of certain things and stop letting it bug you.

Cream in dream is a symbol for emotional domination. You may be trying to distance yourself from certain life experiences. You are still adjusting to a new situation in which the rules and conditions are ever changing. This dream is a clue for spreading the word of God. You are feeling overburdened or overwhelmed.

Cream dream is a portent for some misunderstanding and doubt in what you are saying. A loss of a good friend or a deterioration of your instincts. You are let down by someone you relied on and trusted. Your dream states a need for you to incorporate some attributes into your own character. You need to be more independent and resourceful instead of relying on others.

Dream about both “Sour” and “Cream” is a harbinger for a lack of self esteem or self-worth. Your ego is getting out of control. You are forcing your opinion or ideas on others. This dream is sadly an immature attitude, a playful nature and the mischievous side of your personality. You are emotionless or speechless and are not sure how to react or respond.

Dream about sour cream points at your identity and your ability to traverse through various situations. You are flipping back and forth on a decision. You are unwillingly going along with a plan. This dream is a message for your inquisitive mind and your desire to find more information about a particular situation. You are feeling emotionally paralyzed.

Dream about Milk Cream suggests your own weakness and neediness. You are about to learn an important lesson. You are making an important decision that will effect the lives of others. This dream is a metaphor for a change in your outlook and way of thinking. You feel that you are being questioned in some area of your life.

Milk Cream is an evidence for the way you feel about a person. You need a change in your life. You need to force yourself to confront certain emotions. This dream represents humility, warmth and openness. You are being protected by some spiritual power.

Milk in your dream is a metaphor for a focal point and learn to balance your choices. You are in search of your inner strength or are trying to connect with your subconscious. You are not feeling well-protected, either physically and emotionally. Your dream signals a situation in your life that you are ignoring. You are trying to understand a person on some level.

Milk in this dream signifies some overwhelming burden or excess in your life. You are dealing with too much responsibilities. You need to slow down and take a break to replenish yourself. Otherwise you risk burning yourself out. The dream stands for difficulties. You are being oppressed and overpowered by others.

Cream in dream is a metaphor for the results of your hard work. You do not like change. Perhaps you are not utilizing your full potential and skills. Your dream represents a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship. You are feeling emotionally out of control.

Cream dream is a metaphor for your financial concerns. You are nurturing an old skill or talent. You are suffering from an identity crisis. Your dream suggests your individualistic attitude. You are being lured into a harmful situation.

Dream about both “Milk” and “Cream” is a warning signal for issues of moral judgment and guilt. You need to move on and stop wasting time on a situation that is bothering you. You find yourself entangled in some messy relationship or uncomfortable position. The dream is an indication for wasted energy. Sooner or later, you will not to confront the issue at hand.

Dream about milk cream is your desires of dominating and commanding others. You are moving toward a goal with full momemtum. Your significant other is moving toward a different direction than you envisioned. The dream is a message for the ups and downs of your emotions. You need to be more direct and honest with your feelings.

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