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Dream Interpretation of driving over cliff

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 56 seconds

Dream Interpretation of driving over cliff - Driving Over Cliff dream meaning

Dream about driving over cliff suggests your flexibility in some situation. You refuse to be dismissed. You are experiencing difficulties in coping with your feelings. The dream signals the patriarch and perhaps some outdated views and way of thinking. You need to regain some emotional balance and to safely let out your fears and frustrations.

Driving over cliff dream represents your protective instincts and attentiveness to a situation. You may be dealt with a lot of hard blows in your life. Whatever disturbance or problems is occurring in your life will quickly blow over. The dream is a harbinger for a someone in your life whose intentions are unclear. You are becoming too arrogant for your own good.

Situations in the workplace are not going your way today and the more you try to push to have things under your control, the more resistance you will encounter. Calm down and be patient. Remember that the only person you can control is yourself.

Dream about driving backwards off a cliff draws attention to your fear of losing the friendship and loyalty of an important person. You feel you are losing an important part of your identity. You are lacking something important in your life. This is unfortunately an alert for your struggles, painful memories and the bad feelings that has never entirely healed and are still lingering in your mind. You are avoiding some emotional issue that is growing into a huge problem.

Dream about driving car off cliff is unfortunately a lack of happiness in your life. You are being too preachy. You need to conserve your energy and get some much needed rest. It expresses some painful emotion that you are refusing to confront. You are not motivated by material things.

Dream about drive off cliff is an indication for confusion, troubles, scandal, uncertainty and worries. You feel lost and not sure where you are headed. You are experiencing a setback toward accomplishing your goals. It draws attention to betrayal, disharmony, misfortune and death. You are trying to make the best out of a negative situation.

Dream about mountains and cliffs symbolises your shadow and the negative part of your Self. You are feeling inferior or inadequate. You have lost your way. This dream points to endless possibilities. You have difficulties in releasing and expressing your emotions.

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