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Dream Interpretation of fighting a child

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 13 seconds

Dream Interpretation of fighting a child - Fighting A Child dream meaning

Dream about fighting a child hints your concerns about the condition of your house. You are having difficulties communicating your thoughts and ideas. You need to take control over your life and behavior. It is fertility and productivity. You are in need of more affection or that you need to show more love.

Fighting a child dream is an indication for your desire to control everything around you. You are refusing to recognize a negative or hidden aspect of yourself. You need help in order to get your idea or project off the ground. This dream denotes caution. You are trying to understand some issue in your life.

You are out of balance in a certain area of your life and this is having a detrimental effect on your career. It seems that overindulgence of some sort is distracting you from where you need to be with regard to your job. Take a look at this now.

Dream about fighting with a kid suggests deception and weakness. You need to be more independent. You are holding back on what you really want to say. This signifies your lofty aspirations and carefree attitude. You are feeling powerless and insecure.

Dream about fighting baby expresses flexibility in your way of thinking. Some creative energy is being released or recognized. You need to be more bold and direct with your feelings or opinions even though it may not seem to be an appropriate time. It is a message for restrictions. You need you to go against the crowd.

Dream about fighting mother suggests feminine qualities and may point to the feminine aspect within yourself. You need to reevaluate your actions and its consequences. You are paying for your past actions and mistakes. It hints your need to belong and to fit in to a larger group. You are looking for shortcuts in life.

Dream about parents fighting points at your resourcefulness and ingenuity. You want to convey your feelings to them. You are unwilling to let your guard down. It hints male emotions and climax. You are feeling overburdened or that you are being taken advantage of.

Dream about fighting daughter symbolises fear. You need to deviate from your plans. You need to consider how you feel about the accent. This signals healing and acceptance of your new self. Some of the projects will prove your counterproductive side.

Dream about fighting a boy draws attention to a transitional phase in your life. That you are too demanding. You are trying to pacify someone or something. It is a sign for a time in your life when things were more carefree and spontaneous. You are being secretive about something.

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