
Free Dream Dictionary

Dream Interpretation of fresh

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Dream Interpretation of fresh - Fresh dream meaning

Dream about Fresh Mint suggests raw male courage. You need to have more of a sense of humor. You have reached a new level of maturity or spiritual enlightenment. The dream is a harbinger for a hidden danger that is lurking over you. Perhaps you have misbehaved to somebody and are expressing your regrets.

Fresh Mint is an indication for life’s struggles and hardships before you can achieve some spiritual enlightenment or epiphany. You will be recognized and rewarded for your achievements. You are questioning your role in some situation. Your dream denotes your attitude and level of consciousness about a particular situation. Your love or interest for them is fading.

Fresh dream signals how the world turns or revolves. You need to find your center and middle ground. You are dodging or avoiding a situation or question. The dream expresses emotional issues and problems. You need to pay closer attention to some issue.

Fresh in this dream is an omen for your level of alertness. You may be searching for the comfort and security of home. Someone is questioning your character and harming your reputation. The dream refers to binding, cohesion, or joining. Perhaps you are worried about your mortgage.

Mint in dream indicates your inability to commit to a relationship. You need to step away from a situation that will harm you. You need to rethink the risks you are taking. This dream is a portent for an unyielding character. In order to achieve success, you need to endure the struggle and efforts that go along with success.

Mint dream is a metaphor for feelings of loneliness. You are being taken advantage of in some situation. You are not afraid to exert your dominance in a relationship. Your dream expresses a harmonious situation. You need to learn to laugh at yourself and at your mistakes.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Mint” sadly draws attention to some sourness or resentment in your emotional state of mind. You are confused or unclear about where you are headed in life. There is some unexpected anger directed at you. Your dream is unfortunately a warning signal for a problem that you are overlooking. Your voice is not being heard.

Dream about fresh mint stands for brotherhood, camaraderie and personal growth. You need to add a little bit more spice and variety in your life. You want to see progress. Your dream points to the womb and the feminine. You are carrying a lot of burden.

Dream about Buying Fresh Vegetables points at incompleteness. Something that was originally emotionally comforting is now giving you much stress. You need to make some drastic changes in your life. This dream denotes your potential for success. There is something that you need to pay closer attention to.

Buy in your dream signifies your social circle and support group. You need to get out of your comfort zone in order to expand your awareness and knowledge. You are offering or giving too much to others. This dream refers to your personal hang-ups. You have a handle on a situation or control on an issue.

Fresh in your dream means ending something abruptly or quickly. You have achieved and realized your goals. You are trying to be more objective in some situation. This dream draws attention to criticism and gossip. You take pride in your work, even if it is menial or minor work.

Vegetable in this dream points to your belief of fate. You are in denial about something or you are rejecting someone. You need to take time out from your regular routine. The dream is a portent for undeveloped or wounded aspects of your psyche. Perhaps a relationship is repeating the same pattern.

Buy and Fresh is a portent for regression. With patience, control and precision, you will succeed in your goals. You are living life in the fast lane. The dream is an indication for innocence, grace and purity. You make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen.

Dream About Buying Vegetables is an indication for harmony and glorification of the human spirit. Affairs of the heart will also be in your favor. You are doing the right thing or that you are on the right path. This dream is approval of your action or decision. You feel the need to protect and defend yourself.

Dream About Fresh Vegetables denotes your connection and comfort level with your appearance. Perhaps a person is doing something suspicious or doing something exceptionally well. You are mourning. The dream points at honesty and truthfulness or sweetness and good fortune. You are showing restraint and control over your emotions.

Dream about Buying Fresh Vegetables states hope, possibilities and activism. You need to express your creative side more. Something important has just been made aware to you. This dream signifies your quest for the truth. You feel unsupported by those around you.

Sometimes, dream about buying fresh vegetables stands for protection against emotional hurt. This problem or situation can no longer be ignored. Your hard work will be met with little rewards or gains. This dream is sadly some negative person or force in your life. You are ignoring some obvious truth.

Dream about Fresh Flowers expresses inner peace. Positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love. You are allowing others to manipulate you. This dream is sometimes riches, ambition or spiritual protection. Affairs of the heart will also be in your favor.

Fresh Flowers means wisdom. You need to keep your life in order. After much patience and hard work, you will succeed in your professional and personal life. The dream is a clue for your body and the way that you are moving about through life. Many eyes are watching you.

Fresh dream is a premonition for financial worries. You need to rid yourself of something from your life. You are seeking to recapture innocence that is lost. This dream is an indication for jealousy, lust or temptation. Someone in your life may be threatened by you.

Fresh in this dream signifies your readiness for change. It is time for introspection. In addition, you need to be more self-sufficient. You are looking for a better perspective on something. The dream indicates the many aspects and facets of your personality. You need to be careful in what you say and do.

Flower in dream signifies anxiety or pride. You need help in order to get your idea or project off the ground. You need emotional nurturance. The dream suggests fertility, abundance and longevity. You are holding a grudge against someone.

Flower dream is an omen for your fear in the outcome of some decision or project. You lose something. You are not approaching the problem directly. This dream denotes deceit and falsehood. You are looking for financial or emotional independence.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Flower” is a premonition for your hard driving demeanor and attitude. Your subconscious may be trying to tell you that the solution may not be obvious. You have been working hard and deserve to indulge yourself. Your dream is unfortunately a warning for a kind of cleansing or ridding of bad karma. You need to resolve past issues and old problems in order to make a clean start for yourself.

Dream about fresh flowers is a sign for exploring the unknown. You need to take a much closer look at some situation or relationship. You are in a good place in your life right now. The dream signifies your security and secrets. You are compromising your own emotional well being and happiness.

Dream about Eating Fresh Maize is a signal for the depth of your emotions. Perhaps you have more clarity on a problem or situation that has been bothering you. You feel you are not satisfying your friends and family. Your dream states your intimate self or childhood self. You are giving up.

Eat in your dream states some anxiety about discovering the naked truth about a person or situation. Someone or something may trigger some emotional memory which you still need to confront and work through. You are not confronting your anger. Your dream is a sign for your childish and immature behavior. There is a lack of excitement and energy in your life.

Fresh in your dream suggests a situation or relationship that you need to soothe over. You need to alter your actions before you or someone gets hurt. Something from your subconscious is trying to make its way to the surface. The dream points to your directness and straightforwardness. You are dealing with too much responsibilities.

Maize in this dream stands for lurking danger and death. You may be on the path to dependency. You are trying to protect yourself from emotional harm. The dream means your hot temper. You may be in search for a solid foundation or a firmer ground in your life.

Dream About Eating Fresh is a signal for your spiritual connection and religious views. The path toward your goals will take some effort and work. You are being slick or sly. This dream is an omen for a rocky end to some journey. Now is a good time for you to experiment and try new things.

Eat and Maize is a metaphor for your past and your current life experiences. You are feeling apprehensive about something. Someone in your life is taking advantage of your talents and abilities. This dream is about your professional mobility. You need to focus more attention on some situation or relationship.

Dream About Fresh Maize is a hint for childhood, domestic joy and harmony. You need to think things more clearly and learn to express yourself with more assurance and conviction. Perhaps you are on a diet. This dream is a message for your desires to start over again. You are ashamed about something.

Dream about Eating Fresh Maize is an indication for a renewal and fresh beginning. You need to incorporate something into your life. You need to look at something from a different perspective. The dream is a premonition for longevity, nourishment and abundance. You are moving in the right direction.

Sometimes, dream about eating fresh maize is a warning signal for innocence, immaturity and naive thinking. You are experiencing difficulties in getting your thoughts and feelings across. You will find yourself worrying over problems that are nagging on your mind. The dream is a warning for dependency and reliance on other people. Your frustrations is giving way to your violent tendencies.

Dream about Cutting Fresh Meat expresses a renewed sense of self. There is something in your life and eating away at your conscious. Something is coming to an end. Your dream symbolises a rocky end to some journey. You are going through a phase of emotional self-discovery.

Cut in your dream is a symbol for over consumption. You need better planning and organization in your life. You are trying to hold together a relationship. Your dream suggests a message or word of advice that you need to heed. Perhaps you are being too frigid.

Fresh in your dream is a sign for sadness and trouble. You need to deviate from your plans. You are suppressing your feelings or thoughts. This dream is a portent for intimacy and a union of the feminine and masculine aspects of yourself. You are experiencing a setback toward your goals.

Meat in this dream is an omen for someone who is insecure. You are feeling helpless or powerless in some situation. A new project or relationship is taking off. This dream is a portent for your ability to defend yourself in a situation. There is a situation where you need to take quick and decisive action.

Cut and Fresh signals magic, humility and humbleness. You are making new discoveries about yourself and uncovering your potential. You have opened up your feelings and allow yourself to love and be loved. This dream is a hint for the magic and joy of childhood. There is something in your life that you need to drastically change.

Dream About Cutting Meat is a harbinger for pleasurable endeavors. You are aware of your surroundings and of the people around you. You are surrounded by close friends who you can rely on and who will uplift you in your time of need. This dream states your high aspirations. You are able to deal with and understand your emotions.

Dream About Fresh Meat is a sign for the many different roles you have in your life. You may be feeling inhibited in expressing your identity. You are discovering a new aspect of yourself. This dream is an indication for tears, crying and sadness. You are in need of a quick and easy boost of energy.

Dream about Cutting Fresh Meat denotes reconnection and reopened communication. You are idealizing a relationship. You have an opponent. Your dream indicates technology, information and modern life. Something from your past is still impacting your present situation.

Sometimes, dream about cutting fresh meat is a sign for something that is unattainable or something that you failed to achieve. Do not overlook the role you play in the larger scheme of things, no matter how seemingly insignificant it may seem. A project is not working out as you had wanted it to. The dream is an alert for some uncertainty or lack of commitment. You may be lacking spiritual enrichment and sensual expression.

Dream about Big Fresh Fish is a hint for nobility. You are acknowledging your new choices, decisions and a new sense of freedom. You are undergoing some inner changes and transformation. The dream suggests tentativeness about the path you are taking. You need to learn to forgive yourself.

Big in a dream represents a part of yourself that has died. You need to learn not to be afraid of rejection. You are misdirecting or misusing your energy. The dream is about some unresolved issues. You are in a situation where you fear being ridiculed or mocked.

Fresh in your dream is a symbol for your insecurities and self-esteem issues. You are feeling uneasy about a situation. Others are looking up to you. This dream is an indication for your feelings of sadness. You are trying to take a more objective view on your life issues.

Fish in this dream is a premonition for something or some place that is smelly. You have a narrow perspective on a situation. You are going against your gut instincts. Your dream symbolises your struggles against adversity. You need to rethink your course.

Big and Fresh states your ability to retain what is valuable to you. It is okay to indulge once in a while. You want to escape the mundaneness. This dream symbolises self-love, self-acceptance and passion. You are undergoing a period of healing in your life.

Dream About Big Fish is a sign for marriage, your parents, or a relationship. You are seeking acclaim and recognition. You will achieve your goals through perseverance and hard work. Your dream is sometimes strength and longevity. You are doubting the power of your femininity.

Dream About Fresh Fish states your willingness to compromise your beliefs toward a greater accomplishment. Your thoughts and views are changing. You are above the situation at hand. This dream is an omen for warmth. You appreciate the minor and sweet things in life.

Dream about Big Fresh Fish is a harbinger for the conscious mind. You feel exposed. You need to look at the broad perspective. Your dream is an evidence for your desire to delve deep in to your subconscious. You need to get moving and act, before the opportunity passes you by.

Sometimes, dream about big fresh fish is sadly a warning alert for a relationship that is going sour. You do not have the power to succeed in an undertaking. Something or someone has just came out of nowhere. The dream means masculinity, pride, valor, cockiness and arrogance. You can have too much of a good thing.

Dream about Fresh Eggs expresses setbacks and misfortunes. You are drawing the line and creating boundaries. A new light has been shed onto a situation. This dream is a harbinger for the rhythm of life and the need to keep a steady pace in the pursuit of your goals. You are headed toward a new direction in life.

Fresh Eggs is a harbinger for happiness, celebration and joviality. You are subconsciously reacting to events in your life. You are rejecting some aspect of society. Your dream points to your anxiety about some real life competition that you are involved in. There is a way for you to cope with issues in your life.

Fresh dream is a feeling of being entangled or trapped in a sticky or clingy relationship. You need to incorporate the various aspects of the crowd into your own persona. You are wasting your energy on fruitless endeavors. This dream is a clue for deceit, underhandedness and lies. You may be questioning the decisions you have made.

Fresh in this dream signals your need to be sheltered and protected. Perhaps you need to do some soul searching. You are being denied of your power and influence. The dream denotes financial worries and how you are trying to make the numbers work for you. You may be feeling that no one understand you.

Egg in dream draws attention to the emotional difficulties that you experience in life. There is some emotions that you need to release and integrate into your daily life. You need to alter your reasoning and make a stronger argument. Your dream denotes concerns about your health. You are keeping too much inside.

Egg dream is a message for your outgoing nature and welcoming attitude. Your goal is within close grasp. You may not be facing up to a situation or dealing with some issue. This dream suggests cleansing and releasing of suppressed thoughts. You may be putting up an invisible barrier to protect yourself in a situation or relationship.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Egg” signifies predictability and unchanging habits. You are trying to persuade others to support your views and ideas. You are repressing or denying a vital aspect of your expression. Your dream refers to the negative aspects of your own self that you are ashamed about or not proud of. Something bad is happening.

Dream about fresh eggs points to a passage of time and the phases and periods in your life. You are feeling stimulated mentally. You are going through some dramatic events in your life. This dream is a message for transformation or healing. Perhaps an unresolved or unacknowledged part is fighting for its right to be heard.

Dream about Fresh Meat hints warmth, tradition and family values. You are feeling vulnerable. You are self-assured in what you do. The dream hints your lifestyle. You are curious to see what might develop in a situation.

Fresh Meat hints the female aspect of yourself that is mysterious, vulnerable and secretive. You are feeling irritable. Something new is about to happen. This dream is a message for a memory of a person in your life who is very intelligent. You are experiencing a surge in creativity.

Fresh dream represents authority and extreme competitiveness. You need to rethink your course. You need to learn to do things for yourself. The dream expresses lingering danger. You are strong willed and stick by the decisions you make.

Fresh in this dream is a symbol for some anger issues. There are some issues that you are trying to sort out. You are being deceived by someone or by some situation. Your dream is an evidence for some biting or cutthroat remarks. Persistence will pay off in the end no matter how difficult your current task may be.

Meat in dream is a clue for relationships and how the masculine aspects are in opposition to the feminine aspects. You need to learn to find balance between your reasonable, rational side and your emotional, instinctual nature. You need a makeover of yourself. Your dream suggests your versatility and adaptability in different situations. You are harboring some self-guilt.

Meat dream is about nurturance, sacrifice and charity. You are being taken for a ride. You are thinking about some long term commitment and marriage. Your dream is a message for aspects of your own self that you are still trying to get to know. You need to preserve your energy.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Meat” is an omen for aspects of yourself which you have kept hidden and buried away. Your perspective is skewed and you are not seeing things clearly. You are lacking confidence in what you are doing. The dream expresses some issue or problem that you have been rejecting and it is now eating-away at you. You are not sure about how to approach the issue.

Dream about fresh meat signals wild beauty, power, grace and raw emotion. You are on a self-destructive path. You are going against the masses and expressing your own personal freedom. Your dream is a signal for the hefty price you have to pay in exchange for what you desire. Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone who reminds you of your own father, mother or other family member.

Dream about Eating Fresh Fish is about completion, a fresh start and new transition. Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed of being the responsible or dependent one. Your mood is changing for the positive as your outlook in life. The dream is a portent for devotion, perseverance and aspirations. You are taking self defense.

Eat in your dream stands for your state of indecision. You are letting go of your negative attitudes or resentment toward others. Some aspect of your personality is hindering your progress or expression. Your dream is a signal for your basic urges, instincts and suppressed emotional desires. You are sacrificing yourself.

Fresh in your dream states the carefree aspects of childhood where you did not have to worry about goals. You are your own person and you are not afraid to voice your own opinions. You need to look toward the future instead of reliving the past. Your dream is a harbinger for some misfortune or unlucky threat. You want to know the unknown.

Fish in this dream is a harbinger for some sort of self-guilt and the debt that you owe to society. Repressed issues may be coming back to haunt you. You need to stop being so linear in your thinking. The dream is an omen for your desires for upward job mobility. You are showing off your power and influence.

Dream About Eating Fresh hints mystery and the unknown. You make your feelings and opinions known. You need to take things one at a time. Your dream suggests a sense of powerlessness. You are feeling overwhelmed.

Dream About Eat Fish is a signal for living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is time to focus. You are reevaluating your goals. The dream is a message for overindulgence in your desires and passion. You have been given the go ahead to pursue or proceed with a new endeavor in your life.

Dream About Fresh Fish is an indication for your fun and free spirit. You need to express emotions in a more honest way. You are experiencing a burst of energy in some aspect of your life. Your dream is a symbol for inner wisdom, rejuvenation and spiritual enlightenment. You are regretting what you said.

Dream about Eating Fresh Fish is a metaphor for a wedding in the near future. You are carrying a heavy load. You are pondering a life-altering decision. The dream signals your desire for harmony and truth in your life. You feel that you are going above and beyond your expectations.

Sometimes, dream about eating fresh fish is a warning alert for pent up anger, hostility and shame. You have a tendency to copy other’s ideas/beliefs. You need to put aside your pride and ego and not let it get in the way of friendships and relationships. Your dream denotes ducking some issue or situation, instead of confronting it head-on. Your old thoughts and outdated beliefs are dying.

Dream about Fresh Garlic is a metaphor for the stress of organizing a meeting or a reunion. Something new is about to happen. You have come to terms with a relationship and have completed the healing process. Your dream is an omen for tenderness, love, nurturance and motherly love. You may be experiencing some anxieties and stress in your domestic life.

Fresh Garlic is a message for your ability to survive, adapt and change. You are undergoing a transitional phase and are becoming more enlightened or spiritual. You need to confront some issues. Your dream is pure feelings and your emotional desires. You will be irked by some deceitful person.

Fresh dream is an evidence for deceit. You need to confront your fears. You need to thoroughly think through some emotional issue. This dream draws attention to the barriers and obstacles that are in your way throughout your life. You are going against your instincts or gut feeling.

Fresh in this dream denotes your reservation and hesitance in pursuing toward some path. You need to listen more closely to what you are being told. You are repressing your emotions and not allowing them to be fully expressed. This dream points at authority, direction and judgment. You need to rid yourself of the burdens that you have been carrying.

Garlic in dream is an evidence for your reckless habits. You need to stop and take a break from some problem or issue in your life. Perhaps you need to separate yourself from some issue or some aspect of yourself. Your dream draws attention to your frustrations about getting enough privacy. A person in your life may be draining your of self-confidence and your resources.

Garlic dream is a clue for fears of losing your virility. You fear that you will not meet other’s expectations. You are trying to assert your power in a non-threatening manner. This dream is a premonition for your dependence on somebody in your family. You are acknowledging an aspect of yourself that was unexpressed.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Garlic” is an evidence for indecision and how you are unable to commit to something. There is some distressing or offensive matter that you need to confront. Only good things can happen from you telling your crush. The dream is a portent for lurking danger, sin and lacking freedom. You are not being noticed or recognized for what is important to you.

Dream about fresh garlic is a symbol for your desire to influence others in such a way so that they will like you or become dependent on you. You are revealing hidden aspects of yourself. You prefer a quiet life of simplicity. The dream stands for your basic beliefs about yourself and who you are. All eyes are on you.

Dream about Fresh Fruit refers to your search for intimacy and closeness. It also refers to your achievements. You need to open up yourself to love. Your dream is a message for approval. You are seeking motivation in the course that you are taking.

Fresh Fruit signals your range of emotions. Perhaps there is a lesson that you need to learn. You are cultivating new ideas and projects. The dream expresses material gains and possessions. You are vocal about your opinions and thoughts.

Fresh dream is sometimes distress that will come in the disguise of happiness. You are feeling a lack of love. You need to set your sights higher. Your dream denotes hidden danger or hostility. You need to focus your energies on the prize.

Fresh in this dream indicates issues you have with getting old. You have no sense of urgency in things. You need to confront and deal with your hurt feelings. This dream is a signal for anxieties about an unwanted situation or a financial problem. You need to incorporate some aspect of your past into a situation.

Fruit in dream is a sign for your desire for pureness and to be cleansed. You are being naive or gullible about some situation. You need to start acting like an adult. Your dream is a hint for some dissension in a group. You are feeling off balance.

Fruit dream is a sign for your idealized version of someone you know in your life. You are carrying too many responsibilities. You are dealing with too much responsibilities. The dream draws attention to your concerns about how others perceive you. You need to be more careful about who you let into your life.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Fruit” is an admonition for innocence, immaturity and naive thinking. You are oblivious to some situation. Some information as presented may need to be deciphered and dissected in order to be understood. The dream is your overwhelming (and unfounded) fear in the health of your baby. You may be feeling victimized in some situation.

Dream about fresh fruit denotes sensual or creative achievements. You need to confront a person in your life. Your life is well balanced. The dream is an omen for your drive, determination and ambition. You are slowly and safely exploring your inner feelings and emotions.

Dream about Fresh Water is a voice from your subconscious. There is something nagging at your conscience. You are preserving your ideas and energy so that you can access them later. The dream is a portent for your idealistic notions of what a leader should be. You have a clearer understanding of things.

Fresh Water is a message for your desires to escape from reality. You are feeling exposed and unprotected. You are feeling alienated from those around you. The dream is a message for your inquisitive mind and your desire to find more information about a particular situation. You are curious to see what might develop in a situation.

Fresh dream is anxieties about your performance and abilities. You are not considering the consequences of your action. Perhaps, there is a situation that you are unwilling to accept. This dream denotes some heated argument or personal attack. You are reaching for the stars.

Fresh in this dream points at the bounds of sisterhood and togetherness. You are finally getting rid of and discarding unneeded exterior pretenses. You need to sort out your problems and emotions. The dream points to someone who is on the edge or on the cusp of something new. You are feeling confined and restricted.

Water in dream signifies an obsession, an addiction, a codependent or abusive relationship or something that is beyond your control. You need to reevaluate who you associate with. You are trying to relive parts of your past. Your dream points to your readiness to fight and defend yourself. You are involved in a destructive relationship.

Water dream is an indication for consequences of your actions and what you should not do. You are feeling guilty about something. You are deviating from your original life path. The dream is a signal for your inability to place your trust in someone. You need to acknowledge and understand your feelings.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Water” is a portent for a lack of confidence, independence and control in your life. You are experiencing some emotional difficulties. A switch has been turned on inside you where you are not acting like yourself. The dream is an indication for money or lack of in your pocket. You need to leave your emotions out of some matter.

Dream about fresh water is a symbol for your motivation, drive and will to pursue your goals. You are feeling threatened in your life. You need to express your emotions more freely and openly, instead of keeping it all inside. Your dream signals a new found flare in your life. You are taking responsibility for what you do.

Dream about Fresh Green Leaves is a portent for an overpowering force working against you. You are moving in the right direction. You are altering your emotional expression in a way that will be presentable to others. The dream is a signal for your communications with others. There is something that allows you to experiment freely without having any hang ups, emotional baggage or preconceived notions associated with a person you would know.

Fresh in a dream expresses opportunities that are in your view but still out of your grasp. You have come to a point in your life where you have several options that you need to weigh. You need to view a situation from a different perspective. Your dream signals your right leaning political views. Perhaps you are being too self-centered.

Green dream is a portent for feelings of being trapped. You need to better balance aspects of your life. You have difficulties accomplishing your tasks and goals. Your dream denotes some unfinished business that is affecting your family. An aspect of yourself needs to be set free.

Leaf in this dream draws attention to versatility and changes. You are feeling emotionally distant from a person or what that something means to you. You are open to other viewpoints and opinions. Your dream is a sign for abundance. Your opinions and views are clashing with the majority.

Fresh and Green means opulence and luxury. You need to balance work and pleasure in order to succeed in your current undertakings. You are feeling at ease. Your dream is a harbinger for dissatisfaction with some aspect of your home life. You need to cool off or that you need to keep your cool.

Dream About Fresh Leaves signals your social connections and your relationships to others. You are content with who you are. You are being caught off guard or caught by and surprised. Your dream is a sign for comfort, life, guidance and protection. Perhaps you are overlooking some detail.

Dream About Green Leaf is a portent for serenity, peace, love and fate. You have yet to come to terms with someones absence. You are looking for a place of refuge and a place to keep things that are dear to you. This dream is an indication for humbleness and humility. You have the gift of making any difficult situation look easy.

Dream about Fresh Green Leaves is a symbol for longevity and something that is leaving a lasting impression. You need to be more lively and energetic. You have a secret that you are afraid will be revealed. Your dream points at dignity and power. You are taking charge of your emotions and confronting the issues that are bothering you.

Sometimes, dream about fresh green leaves hints the frustration of having a one-sided conversation. You are trying to dodge some responsibility. You are feeling lost or rejected. Your dream points to your hard driving and headstrong attitudes. Some offer may be too good to be true.

Dream about Fresh Spinach is a portent for happiness and tranquility in the home. You are experiencing new found freedom to do what you want and go where you want. You have something important on your mind, but you may be holding back. The dream signals a sense of freedom and lack of responsibilities and duties. You are helping someone with their goals.

Fresh Spinach represents knowledge, spiritual enlightenment and new awareness. You are looking at things from a whole new perspective. You like being the object of desire. The dream is a sign for victory and protection. You are emotionally withdrawn.

Fresh dream is sometimes a hazy concept of who you are and confusion in your life goals. You need to process things in smaller sizes so that you do not get overwhelmed. You are feeling detached from the changes that are happening around you. Your dream draws attention to a part of your subconscious mind where you have kept your fears and problems hidden. You are coyly making your emotional feelings known.

Fresh in this dream means firm and concrete ideas or plans that are being set into motion. You have achieved a higher level of growth and learning and are at a turning point in your life. You need to stop dwelling on the past and move forward. Your dream states anxieties about your performance and abilities. You are in control of someone else’s direction or destiny in life.

Spinach in dream denotes your emotions or some emotional situation. You need to be more thrifty. You need to experiment with your fears, choices and beliefs. This dream represents your lackadaisical attitude. You need to better assert your authority.

Spinach dream expresses your emotional state. You have missed or lost an opportunity. You are feeling drained. This dream is an omen for a loss of innocence. You have let your guard down and it is time to put it back up.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Spinach” is a harbinger for your own cruel intents to further your own interest and gain. The failure of others will adversely affect you. You may feel that you are not meeting the expectations of others. The dream is unfortunately a warning alert for old emotions or memories that you have stored or locked away. You are burdening others with your problems and putting a strain on the relationship.

Dream about fresh spinach points at your achievement of some goals. You may be expressing your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient. Trust and honesty are important qualities. Your dream is a signal for a new sight. You need to listen more carefully and pay attention to a message that someone is conveying to you.

Dream about Seeing Fresh Fish denotes mystery, secrecy and protection. You are seeking the spotlight or looking for attention. There is something you are hiding. The dream is about a cheerful and tranquil home. Someone or something is encouraging you to utilize your mind to its capacity and move upward in life.

See in your dream is a message for some sort of anxiety in your life. You feel that your words are falling on deaf ears. You need to be more cautious in how you express yourself. Your dream is a symbol for your anxieties about your daily problems. You need to express your individuality.

Fresh in your dream expresses some sort of entitlement. You have no worries. May be you are trying to get a girl’s/boy’s attention. Your dream is a hint for your social network of acquaintances and associates. You are experiencing an isolation period.

Fish in this dream is a sign for your concerns about the condition of your house. Perhaps you need to perk up one of your five senses. You feel the need to be controlled and told what to do. This dream is a harbinger for the expected pleasures, demanding responsibilities and growing anxieties associated with a holiday season. You have explored all your options and need to think outside the box.

See and Fresh states love, affection and friendship. Perhaps, you should put the issues aside so you can clear your head and come back to it later. You are one who is willing to take risks. This dream suggests a developing awareness. The intentions of a friend are pure and true.

Dream About See Fish suggests self-discipline. You are open and receptive to new ideas. You need to focus on your purpose and goals in life. Your dream indicates class and sophistication. You are making sure that you know exactly what you need to do.

Dream About Fresh Fish suggests fertility, womanhood and reproduction. An idea has been planted in your mind and new a experience is being created. You need to be more realistic. The dream is an evidence for your adventurous and daring nature. You need to let things be and let things take their natural course.

Dream about Seeing Fresh Fish stands for something vulnerable, pure and innocent. You are feeling socially disconnected or withdrawn. It is time for you to face the truth. This dream is a premonition for your strong sense of morality and integrity. You are letting petty and trivial matters upset you.

Sometimes, dream about seeing fresh fish is a warning signal for a one-sided relationship. You are lacking clarity in a situation. You are wasting away some aspect of your life. Your dream sadly draws attention to lost opportunities, past relationships or forgotten aspects of yourself. You have risen above your problems and overcame your barriers.

Dream about Fresh Soil hints innocence, playfulness and mischievousness. You are learning to be comfortable in the spotlight. You know how to stay objective. This dream is a metaphor for something new that you are learning about someone. All your current worries will be cleared up through the help of a friend.

Fresh Soil stands for a situation you are refusing to see or confront, but are aware of it in some passive way. You are ready to move forward with your goals or a decision. You are coming to terms with certain feelings. This dream is a harbinger for your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. You have gained some insight and knowledge into an issue or situation.

Fresh dream draws attention to foiling or thwarting someone’s plans. You are feeling guilty about something. Economizing will help you through difficult times. This dream means how you or someone has acted foolishly and stupidly in a situation. You need to stop living in the past and look toward the future.

Fresh in this dream is a message for some subconscious material that needs to be confronted or addressed. You are experiencing a conflict at school, work, family, or personal relationship. You are offering or giving too much to others. This dream points at some frustration in your life. You may be feeling some anxiety of not being on top of things.

Soil in dream is your fears of things that are different. You need to be more thrifty with your spending. You need to plan out your path before moving forward. This dream stands for sadness or seriousness. You need to be a little more spontaneous!

Soil dream hints the reward for your hard work and efforts. You are longing for a better or happier place. You need to concentrate and focus on a situation that has long been neglected. The dream stands for your goals, aspirations and ideals. You are feeling inadequate or unqualified.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Soil” symbolises loss or lack. You are not handling a situation in an effective way. Your life has become monotonous and repetitious. This dream is a warning signal for unresolved issues, unhealthy behavior patterns, or unexpressed emotions in your life. You are trying to make amends over a past mistake.

Dream about fresh soil is a harbinger for much festivity and fanfare. You need to be more patient. You hold them in high regards and are trying to learn from their wisdom. The dream is an indication for sociability. You have the ability to dig deep and bring up subconscious wisdom.

Dream about Fresh Green Vegetables hints a woman figure in your life. There is a part of yourself that you can always rely on. There is something you are hiding from others. This dream signals greed, lust, or love guide you in how you live. You are aware of the power you have and may even be exploiting that power.

Fresh in a dream points at the emotional baggage and responsibilities that you are carrying around and weighing you down. Your performance is being scrutinized and questioned. You are pretending that everything is okay when it is not. The dream is an omen for some situation or relationship. You are leaving behind your inhibitions.

Green dream is a symbol for your belief of fate. You are deceiving others or being deceived by someone. You need to be more assertive and learn to say no to others. Your dream is the anticipation of hard work ahead. You need to assert and stand up for yourself in your life.

Vegetable in this dream is a message for a non-reciprocating situation. The tough times are almost over. You are afraid that you are not presenting yourself in a positive light or image. Your dream represents minor irritations and annoyances. You need to learn to wait.

Fresh and Green signifies your confidence and self-esteem level. Perhaps you have done something or being asked to do something that is out of character. You are well grounded. Your dream is a signal for your sense of understanding. You have something to hide.

Dream About Fresh Vegetables is a premonition for an increase in your level of self confidence. There is an important message that you need to convey. It is a time for self-reflection and self-exploration. The dream is a sign for togetherness, friendships and happy reunions. You are achieving a higher level of understanding.

Dream About Green Vegetable is a clue for an escape from the unhappiness or the demands of your life. You are undergoing an inner transformation. Your memory of the depicted event, incident, or people, is fading. Your dream is about consistent failures in your undertakings. You have come to some understanding.

Dream about Fresh Green Vegetables is a message for the choices that you are making in some area of your life. You are attempting to protect yourself from your emotions and actions. You are feeling torn up inside. Your dream is a symbol for fertility heritage, potential and continuity of life. You will play an integral role in an important upcoming project.

Sometimes, dream about fresh green vegetables is sadly a warning signal for your feelings of shame and guilt. You are not thinking through the consequences of your action. You feel that your opinion doesn’t matter or that no one takes what you say seriously. The dream is unfortunately an alert for some anxiety and fear of coming trouble. You need to take things slow.

Dream about Fresh Guavas is a metaphor for a quality or characteristic of a sibling that you need to incorporate and acknowledge within yourself. You are putting your ambitions and goals on hold. You are being part of the group. The dream is an indication for your lavish lifestyle. It is time to be honest.

Fresh Guavas is a clue for a pleasant and bright future ahead for you. You have high expectations of others. You feel the need to defend your beliefs, values and opinions. Your dream is sometimes an aspect of your life that is potentially volatile and explosive. The odds are working against you.

Fresh dream stands for your dedication to worldly causes. You need to recapture the excitement, freedom and vitality of youth that is lacking in your present relationship. You are confronting some uncomfortable emotions. Your dream is an omen for the building blocks or foundation of some plan. You are being devoured.

Fresh in this dream indicates fear and worry. Some specific qualities may be triggered by someone or some situation in your life. You are unbothered by negativity. The dream states your state of mind and feelings. You are trying to suppress those feminine qualities.

Guava in dream expresses your fear of facing a harsh reality. You need to direct your energies better. Perhaps, you are struggling with your individuality and independence, especially in some aspect of your relationship. This dream points to a lack of self-esteem and confidence. You are in need of approval and affirmation from others.

Guava dream stands for reward, honor, recognition and praise for your achievements. You are feeling some sort of guilt and fear getting caught. You are giving in too much into your impulses. The dream is a metaphor for disappointments or unexpected failures. Perhaps there is a some emotion that you need to express slowly.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Guava” is sadly a warning signal for failure to realize your hopes and desires. You refuse to be dismissed. You are unsure of yourself and where you are headed. This dream symbolises someone who is not as bad as you had assumed. You feel that there is no way out of a relationship or situation that you are in.

Dream about fresh guavas is a metaphor for new friendships and opportunities. You are feeling spiritually and physically empowered. You will achieve success through underhanded means. This dream is sometimes spiritual awakening, wisdom and intuition. You are hungry.

Dream about Fresh Figs stands for your ability to take advantage of what life has to offer. It is important to keep your hope alive. There is something important holding you back. Your dream is a hint for stubbornness, disharmony and unhappiness. You need to confront your fears of the subconscious.

Fresh Figs is a sign for the energy you have put into a project. You need to express your inner strengths and desires. You need to get rid of something in your life that is causing you much sickness and distress. Your dream points to repression of your personal and physical desires. You are putting up some form of defense.

Fresh dream stands for control over your emotional desires. Perhaps you did something that you were not proud of or something that is coming back to haunt you. Perhaps you are trying to make sense of your hidden feelings. The dream draws attention to your versatility and adaptability in different situations. You are looking for an escape from your daily life.

Fresh in this dream is a symbol for your fear or dissatisfaction of the future. An essential aspect of your emotions have been cut off. You need to re-evaluate an issue. This dream draws attention to an end to a habit, behavior or idea. You need to focus on you and only you.

Fig in dream is an omen for resurrection, reincarnation and fertility. Perhaps you need to calm down and take things a little slowly. You need to work on your bravery. Your dream stands for the ending of a phase or project. Perhaps there is a situation in your life where you feel that you are just along for the ride.

Fig dream points to some message or gossip that is being conveyed to you. Perhaps you do not trust your friend’s judgment and are afraid that he/she is being manipulated by others. You need to look at a situation/relationship from a different perspective or angle. Your dream means sadness and depression. You are blocking out external worries and problems.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Fig” unfortunately draws attention to feelings of guilt and shame from your actions. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. You are feeling much anxiety, unhappiness, or uneasiness in some situation of your life. This dream is a warning alert for a forgotten or buried aspect of yourself which you need to acknowledge. You are feeling like failure or an outcast.

Dream about fresh figs is about peace and serenity. You are experiencing some difficulties or confusion in making an important choice in your life. You are enjoying all your successes. The dream signals your relationships with those around you and how you connect with the world. You need to stop pleasing others and start thinking about what is best for you.

Dream about Buying Fresh Fish is about your role in the birth of some new project. You confront some obstacles head on without hesitation. You feel that circumstances in your life has lead you on a different course. Your dream expresses a message from your subconscious that you need to listen to or follow. You are in full pursuit of your goals.

Buy in your dream signifies your ability to remain calm or objective in a situation. You are measuring yourself against other’s standards. You need to be more open about your feelings. This dream is a message for a disturbing influence or some misunderstanding within your social circle. You need to approach some situation or problem with care and tact.

Fresh in your dream stands for monotony and sameness. You are restrained from going after what you really want. You need to make some self-improvements in your life. Your dream is a portent for your nervousness or irritability about something. You need to start acting like an adult.

Fish in this dream is sometimes your primal instinct or dark side. You are in a continual state of growth, rebirth and regeneration. Perhaps you are not utilizing your full potential. This dream is an indication for your own childhood memories. You need to take on a different perspective or viewpoint.

Buy and Fresh points at a simpler way of life. You are feeling disillusioned. You feel that you have to put your own life on hold. This dream points to your communications with others. You are shedding your old identity.

Dream About Buy Fish denotes the attainment of prosperity and pleasure through dangerous and underhanded means. You feel that you are in a precarious position at work or in some group project. You are in full control of your emotions and your actions. The dream is an indication for your ability to move and traverse through life with relative ease. You will be involved in some legal matter.

Dream About Fresh Fish is an indication for collective power. You are refusing to recognize your feminine power. You are letting circumstances dictate your emotions. The dream signifies your achievements. You are in a state of contentment and calm.

Dream about Buying Fresh Fish signals your accomplishments and hopes for the future. You have misspoken about some matter. You are looking at life from a new perspective and accessing your highest potential. The dream is a symbol for lightheartedness. You will succeed in defeating your enemies.

Sometimes, dream about buying fresh fish stands for your lack of accomplishments or to the setbacks in your life. You are trying to protect yourself from getting hurt, either emotionally or even physically. Aspects of your life are falling apart. This dream stands for dependency and reliance on other people. Someone is trying to take credit for your hard work.

Dream about Fresh Maize suggests your roots. A person can help you in your current situation. You care about how you present yourself to others. Your dream is a harbinger for humbleness and humility. You are looking to explore a different aspect of yourself.

Fresh Maize is a metaphor for an end to something and the beginning of a new phase in your life. You are worried about your well being. You are questioning your own abilities. This dream is sometimes happiness, celebration and joviality. You are moving on to something new and grand.

Fresh dream is a symbol for your need to escape from a restrictive situation or attitude. You may be regressing to childhood needs. You are refusing to confront an uncomfortable or awkward situation. Your dream symbolises coldness and toughness to your exterior persona. You are feeling spiritually lost.

Fresh in this dream is a signal for aspects of yourself that you like or dislike. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems. Perhaps you feel that you are being someone you are not in order to please others. The dream is a signal for some stinging remark. You are feeling emotionally out of control.

Maize in dream is a sign for where you stand in your personal relationship. You don’t care how things get done as long as it gets done quickly. May be about a current relationship or situation that is making you uncomfortable. This dream denotes a pessimistic outlook. You have lost faith and belief in yourself.

Maize dream is a sign for a time in your life when things were more carefree and spontaneous. You are experiencing feelings of aggression. Perhaps your strength or will is being put to the test. The dream refers to an aspect of your former self that you still have not completely let go. You are nervous or anxious about something.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Maize” is unfortunately a warning for your inner strength and your ability to rid yourself of harmful and destructive behaviors. You are not being recognized for your contribution or hard work. You feel you have lost your voice. This dream is a warning alert for annoyances and complications in a situation where pleasure was expected. You may have lost your direction or lost sight of your goals.

Dream about fresh maize is a symbol for your need to establish certain boundaries. Something or someone is preventing you from seeing the truth. You need to take things more seriously and focus on your future goals. Your dream points at wealth, good luck, harmony, creativity and bliss. You are afraid to confront or bring up the issue.

Dream about Fresh Vegetables is a clue for balance between the feminine and masculine and between the spiritual and the physical. Perhaps it is time that you make the first move. You have laid out a solid groundwork for success. The dream hints the meeting between your two states of mind. You are owning up to your duties and responsibilities.

Fresh Vegetables is an indication for healing and magic. You are making a drastic change in your life. Someone or some situation has a strong hold over you. This dream suggests a situation or a person who may not be worth your time. You are looking for something.

Fresh dream is an omen for someone that tickles your fancy. You are experiencing a conflict in a relationship or situation which is giving you much anxiety. You need to get to the bottom of some situation and look within yourself for the answers. The dream expresses a problem or situation that you have overlooked or refuse to address. You are intentionally ignoring some information.

Fresh in this dream indicates your vulnerabilities and weaknesses. Your performance is being scrutinized and questioned. You tend to handle issues or problems in an aggressive or physical manner. Your dream is a sign for overindulgence. You are conflicted between right and wrong.

Vegetable in dream is a metaphor for an extension of your own self that you are projecting. You are being manipulated or you are the one that is doing the manipulating. You do not want any outside influences. The dream indicates conflict between good and evil. Opportunities are shut off to you.

Vegetable dream denotes how far or how little you have advanced in your life. Perhaps a decision has been weighing on your mind for quite some time. You need to be more patient or more understanding of others. This dream symbolises some situation, person, or relationship that you are still molding and forming. You are looking for a stimulation of your senses.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Vegetable” is a clue for a lack of autonomy over the direction of your own life. Things are not going smoothly for you in some aspect or situation in your life. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on an issue or problem. Your dream is a clue for a lack resources needed to satisfy your needs and desires. There is something missing or lacking in your life.

Dream about fresh vegetables points at flexibility. You need to be strong. There is something in your life and eating away at your conscious. The dream signals the many chances and opportunities that you come across in life. You need to acknowledge and express your creative side.

Dream about Buying Fresh Tomatoes is a symbol for concerns over your public image. You are feeling the influence of some authority figure. You may be experiencing the burdens and responsibilities involved with taking care and providing for a family. This dream is a symbol for repression of your personal and physical desires. You are unprepared for something.

Buy in your dream is an indication for an issue that you are moving over and not confronting head on. You are directing your aggression toward one person. You need to take on a leadership role. The dream means your need to heal or improve your physical or mental health. You are looking down on somebody.

Fresh in your dream hints your comfort zone and knowing your limitations. You are looking for ways to ease your load. You need to look at the pros and cons of a situation. Your dream hints your hastiness and quick temper. You feel that you do not have a strong foothold in some situation.

Tomato in this dream signifies chaos and confusion. You are looking to hold a position of prestige, authority and distinction. You want others to pay attention to you. Your dream symbolises your raw emotions or immoral behaviors. You may feel physically or emotionally drained.

Buy and Fresh is sometimes your past experiences and feelings you associate with that particular person. It also refers to your achievements. You are feeling overwhelmed by the demands that others are putting on you. This dream is a metaphor for a hard-working mindset. You are regressing into your subconscious.

Dream About Buying Tomatoes suggests an end to something and the beginning of something else. You need to express your emotions in a clearer way. You are successfully acknowledging certain emotions and characteristics. The dream refers to spirituality and vitality. You are disinterested in a person and what he/she have to say.

Dream About Fresh Tomatoes suggests repression of your personal and physical desires. You are in need of emotional and spiritual healing. You need to pay closer attention to something or listen to someone more carefully. This dream is sometimes your intense emotional state regarding an issue or situation. You have second thoughts about some investment.

Dream about Buying Fresh Tomatoes is an indication for your laid back and easy going attitude. It is time to start taking action. You are given certain freedoms to explore who you are. The dream denotes your fascination or obsession with a particular celebrity. You are starting to look at a situation from a more objective perspective instead of from an emotional standpoint.

Sometimes, dream about buying fresh tomatoes is a hint for your feelings of shame and guilt. There is some disagreement and dissension that needs to be addressed. You are trying to pass off something as your own. The dream is a warning for a decision that you are having a hard time accepting. You may be expressing some frustrations with how your life is proceeding and the slow speed that it is moving at.

Dream about Fresh Farm points to feminine emotions and feminine attitudes toward love. You have a set path in life and know which direction you want to go. You have overcome a difficult task and are being rewarded for a job well done. This dream is a message for the womb, secrets and the feminine. You are ready to make a fresh start.

Fresh Farm means wealth. You are putting an aspect of your life on display. You are in need of love, affection and emotional nourishment. This dream states your spiritual awareness. Something in your life is moving to an another level.

Fresh dream is impatience or impulsiveness. You need to think things through before acting on them. Sometimes, you need to indulge yourself and not worry about the consequences. This dream represents issues related to the past. You want to get out of some relationship or circumstance.

Fresh in this dream is a harbinger for money and what little you have of it. You need to rid yourself of your old habits. You are looking to change your attitude. This dream is a portent for how you confront problems and deal with issues in your life. You feel others are pre-judging you.

Farm in dream stands for someone who is dear to you. You are digging deep into your own past and facing your fears. You are being too subjective in some matter. Your dream is financial worries and how you are trying to make the numbers work for you. You are feeling shut out or some activity or that you are being ignored.

Farm dream draws attention to the current state of your body while you are dreaming. You need an outlet for your feelings. You will not be able to run away from it until you confront the issue or the person. The dream is an evidence for you to not take your personal liberties and independence for granted. You are looking for some guidance.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Farm” refers to temporary trouble due to some misunderstanding of your action and conduct. You or someone has been humiliated. You have poor time management. The dream stands for your ability to convert outside resources and use it for your own needs. You are lacking ambition, power and self-esteem.

Dream about fresh farm signifies renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth. You are overcome with emotions. You are being carried away by your passions. The dream indicates humility, warmth and openness. He or she wants to get your attention and communicate some important message.

Dream about Fresh Milk is an omen for what you have done what where you are headed. You are letting other people dictate your direction in life. You are doing something that will be good for everybody. Your dream is an indication for the setbacks that you are experiencing in your life. Your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend still has some sort of emotional hold on you.

Fresh Milk is a clue for the depth of your emotions. You are showing your devotion to your beliefs. By recognizing the hidden aspects of yourself, you are able to move forward in life. Your dream refers to power and your ability to exert it in various situations. You are involved in a cover-up.

Fresh dream points at feelings of guilt, regret, or remorse about something you did. An idea or plan is about to start and be put into action. You feel that you do not have a strong foothold in some situation. This dream refers to fear and the consequences of your actions. You are trying to get to the root of some issue.

Fresh in this dream is a premonition for aspects of yourself that you want to eliminate. You may feel some sort of threat/chaos or sense some coldness from those around you. You may be feeling overburdened or stressed. The dream signifies over consumption. You approach situations or problems with both hostility and unstoppable determination.

Milk in dream signifies fears of inadequacy and low self-esteem. Perhaps you are in denial about something. You need to be in better touch of your feminine or masculine side. The dream indicates your latent paranormal abilities. You are unsure of your own feelings or how to express yourself.

Milk dream is a message for emotional or relationship needs. A force may be driving you to self-destruction. There is something just under the surface that you need to acknowledge. The dream stands for hypocrisy and being someone that you are not. You need to expose and examine some secrets and learn from them.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Milk” means an immature attitude towards the opposite gender. You cannot go against what is natural. You may be spilling your guts out to others and sharing aspects of yourself which you have previously kept to yourself. The dream points at a lack of direction or confidence. Something is not being communicated properly or clearly.

Dream about fresh milk signals your sensitivity, imagination, compassion and sympathy for others. You are happy with how things are going in your life and are giving yourself a sweet reward. You are in a relaxed state of mind. The dream means your preoccupation with appearances and beauty over substance and quality. They are battling their own personal issues.

Dream about Fresh Fruits And Vegetables symbolises some domestic issue. You will experience some grief over an extended period of time. You are harvesting some creative energy. The dream is a harbinger for your communication or relationship with someone and how it is taking a toll on you in some way. You are unwillingly going along with a plan.

Fresh in a dream is a clue for your unwillingness to understand some issue. Perhaps he is hiding something. Perhaps your outdated beliefs or old ways of thinking is preventing you from going forward. The dream stands for a focal point and learn to balance your choices. You are losing sight of your ambitions and goals.

Fruit dream is confusion and ambiguity in the direction of your life. You need to make a commitment and stick to it. It is time to think things through and replenish your energy. The dream denotes your level of self-confidence and self esteem. You are feeling lost in what you want to do.

Vegetable in this dream draws attention to a newly developing relationship or idea in your life. You are being too overindulgent. Perhaps your life is in need of a little excitement. Your dream signals someone in your life who may be working around some issue. An aspect of your self is need of rescue.

Dream About Fresh Fruit signifies lightheartedness. You are seeing and understanding things much more clearly. Somebody may have hit a sore spot in you. Your dream is a hint for speed, agility and power. You will overcome some obstacles and find that your struggles are well worth it.

Dream About Fresh Vegetables denotes your happiness. You are ready for a fresh new start and rebuilding a new self-image. You have the gift of convincing people to see things your way. Your dream states a relationship. Some fortune or good luck will come your way.

Dream About Fruit And Vegetables is your sociability, your openness and your sharing nature. You are striving toward perfection. You are being faced with many demanding challenges. This dream represents a decision that you need to make in your life. You are well-read and knowledgeable.

Dream about Fresh Fruits And Vegetables states winter time and the memories that that time of the year brings. You are expressing your primal emotions and instincts. It is okay to let loose once in a while. Your dream symbolises an outburst of emotions. You prefer a quiet life of simplicity.

Sometimes, dream about fresh fruits and vegetables is an indication for your overwhelming fears that you have lost your virility. You feel like you want to hide from the world and be left alone for awhile. You are experiencing inhibitions and powerlessness in some areas of your life. Your dream is sadly a warning for deep-seated insecurities which may be holding you back from accomplishing your goals. You may not be making yourself clear to others.

Dream about Fresh Leaves is a metaphor for your feminine and delicate side. Perhaps you are the live wire. You are an emotionally calm person. This dream points to marriage, union, commitments and issues of the heart. Perhaps you are in a relationship with someone who reminds you of your own father, mother or other family member.

Fresh Leaves denotes the value that you assign to certain things. You are revealing your true self. You need to move on and free yourself from emotional and physical burdens. Your dream represents your desires to hold onto a certain moment in your life. You are a point where you are comfortable in acknowledging your vulnerabilities and feelings.

Fresh dream is a premonition for the path that your life is taking and the decisions you are making throughout a path. You have overcome your obstacles and setbacks. You need to stand up for yourself and assert your opinion. The dream is the obstacles in your life. Your reputation is called into question.

Fresh in this dream is a message for fire, inspiration, spirituality, action, initiative and the Psyche. You are refusing to acknowledge or accept certain qualities of someone that you do not love. You need to approach life’s difficulties one at a time. Your dream expresses the steps you need to take toward your goals. Perhaps you feel that you are not getting through to others or that they are not understanding you.

Leaf in dream is a message for insecurity or selfishness. Perhaps you heard something that was not meant for your ears. It is about a partnership, collaboration or teamwork. The dream is a hint for a loss of faith, opportunity and trust. You need to integrate and adapt to your various surroundings.

Leaf dream is a metaphor for an emotional void or inner emptiness. You have choices and you do not need to settle. You need to dig a little deeper into a situation or problem. This dream signals your own drive and leadership abilities. You are trying to escape from the burdens and responsibilities of your life.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Leaf” points to your fears and rejection of aspects of your own physical appearance. You are feeling like failure or an outcast. You are feeling awkward and insecure. This dream indicates your suppressed anger that is coming to the surface and threatening to get out of control. You are having difficulties coming to a compromise in a situation.

Dream about fresh leaves is sometimes strength and good health. You have a relaxed attitude about money and other financial matters. You keep going even when others try to hold you back or tell you that you can’t do it. Your dream is an omen for awareness. You feel that you are undeserving.

Dream about Seeing Fresh Meat is a harbinger for your above-average talents, ideas and other hidden abilities that you may not realize you possessed. That you are experiencing twice as much vitality, strength and energy. You have to let go of the relationship that is holding you back. Your dream is an indication for a creative and knowledgeable mind. You are welcoming fun and festivities in your life.

See in your dream is a portent for your intuition. You are afraid of not knowing what is in store for you in the future. You need to look to the issues or problems from a different perspective. The dream is an evidence for some anxiety about discovering the naked truth about a person or situation. You are struggling with your spirituality, your practicality and your passions.

Fresh in your dream is an evidence for a father figure in your real life. You are seeking guidance and advice. You are undergoing some difficulty in your life. Your dream refers to second chances. You are indifferent or emotionless.

Meat in this dream hints difficulties in accepting who you are and loving yourself. You are trying to take advantage of a situation or of someone. You are involved in a messy and sticky situation. This dream expresses the brain and your mental capabilities. You are going on the wrong path.

See and Fresh indicates communication. Perhaps you are welcoming a new relationship. You have recognized your full potential. The dream refers to some pressing matter. Your presence doesn’t matter, but you play an important part to someone’s life.

Dream About Seeing Meat is a portent for your faithfulness and conviction towards your interest and your loyalty to your friends. You have a positive perspective on life and in where you are headed. Things will be much simpler and carefree. The dream is an evidence for an idea has been developing or will take to develop. You are in tune with your surroundings.

Dream About Fresh Meat is an evidence for your strength, stability and a firm stance, especially in the face of adversity. You have difficulty enjoying the sweeter things in life. You are having to put some aspect of your life on hold. This dream is an evidence for a feeling of unfulfilment in some area of your life. Perhaps you are the one being labeled.

Dream about Seeing Fresh Meat points at a true hero and hope. You are orchestrating some plan. You are reevaluating your life and where it is taking you. This dream states the pleasures and enjoyment that you are denying yourself in your life. You have done something that you are not proud of or that is festering inside you.

Sometimes, dream about seeing fresh meat is a clue for pent up anger, hostility and shame. Your naughty and devious side is in conflict with your moral standards. You have not earned or deserved to be in this position you are at currently. The dream is an alert for any object, animal, place associated with your country. You have been avoiding the problem for too long.

Dream about Buying Fresh Meat is a clue for self-love. You are rising above a situation. You are ready to accept and face reality. Your dream signals lust and emotions. You are weaving your future and destiny.

Buy in your dream is a harbinger for some unresolved issues. You need to start looking within yourself to discover aspects of your own character and find out what drives you. You need to express your anger and feelings more directly. Your dream is a metaphor for sadness and trouble. You can freely release your emotions that may not be appropriate in your life.

Fresh in your dream is your preoccupation with time. Perhaps you feel that you have been overlooked by others. You are trying to escape from life’s problems instead of confronting them. Your dream is a message for the state of your emotions and feelings. You are letting others make decisions for you.

Meat in this dream is an evidence for confusion. You need to consider and confront material from your subconscious. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems. The dream is a metaphor for your emotional needs or appetite. You are going through some new life experiences and incorporating the lessons you learn from them into your Self.

Buy and Fresh is a signal for your persona and subconscious. You are a follower. You are able to adapt to any situation or circumstance. This dream states your willingness to let people in and share your life with others. You are comfortable with your appearance and intelligence.

Dream About Buy Meat refers to your literary mind and romantic notions. You are expressing some connection to someone. You are seeking for social activity or companionship. Your dream indicates nobility. You are maximizing your energies and putting it toward worthwhile pursuits.

Dream About Fresh Meat is a hint for opportunities and options that you come across in life. You will find success if you have the support of others. You are inviting negativity into your life. The dream is sometimes the possibility of a physical disorder. You want to know what is ahead for you before you commit to something.

Dream about Buying Fresh Meat is a message for a positive outcome. With patience, control and precision, you will succeed in your goals. Something from your subconscious is about to emerge or be revealed. This dream is wishful thinking and idealistic thoughts. You are being slick or sly.

Sometimes, dream about buying fresh meat refers to your lacking conscience and low character. You are ready to rid yourself of the negativity surrounding your life. You may have some unexpressed anger that is on the verge of boiling over. The dream is a warning alert for feelings of hatred, rage and revenge. You do not have an outlet to freely express yourself.

Dream about Fresh Tilapia is an evidence for energy, power and vigor. You may be experiencing a new way of thinking. You may experience a rise in status. The dream is a portent for erupting emotions. You have the ability, knowledge and talent to chose your path in life.

Fresh Tilapia means increased knowledge of your subconscious. You are overstepping your boundaries in some situation or relationship. You are a team player and able to work in harmony for a common cause. This dream is an indication for some good actions in your life. You may be expressing your concerns and worries about your own parents.

Fresh dream is a message for medical concerns. You believe that you can do a better job if you were in charge of things. You need to break out of the mold. The dream is a sign for an idea or concept that you need to grasp. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems.

Fresh in this dream points to temporary worries and disagreements. You tend to worry about what people think of you. You are feeling frustrated in a relationship. This dream is an omen for passivity or protection. There are some unknown aspects of yourself that you need to find out about and incorporate into your character.

Tilapia in dream is a message for your inability to let go of the past. Your life is like a drama. You are becoming too deeply involved in something that is beyond your control. Your dream is a hint for being average. You tend to lose track of time. You are not using your time productively.

Tilapia dream expresses your easy going attitude toward a relationship. It is an end to some behavior or habit. You may be ready to start a family. This dream symbolises you not to take the day to day things for granted. You need to overcome many obstacles in order to succeed.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Tilapia” is sadly an admonition for an immature relationship. You are not seeing something clearly. You are trying to piece together all the components of a problem so you can get an overall picture. This dream is a message for your helplessness and inability to function in some given situation. You are releasing all those pent up emotions and negative feelings.

Dream about fresh tilapia indicates strength and hard work. You need to confront some issues. You only care about satisfying your won interests. This dream refers to new ideas or a new phase in your life. It is time to start taking action.

Dream about Fresh Mango is a harbinger for harmony in the home. It is okay to be silly sometimes. You are feeling emotionally stressed and anxious. The dream is a portent for strength, solidity and stability. You feel that you are on top.

Fresh Mango is an evidence for loyalty, passion and devotion. You need to hold true to your words and do what you say you are going to do. You are putting up front because you are afraid to show your true self. This dream is a portent for spiritual peace and tranquility. You are sharing something.

Fresh dream is a sign for the end of some habit, journey, relationship or condition. You are trying to target a specific goal. Some person or situation is violating an aspect of your life. Your dream is a metaphor for control over your thoughts. Although you may not feel any physical pain, you are hurting inside.

Fresh in this dream is acceptance of your responsibilities and duty. You are being ignorant about some situation. You are always on the lookout for anybody who is trying to out-maneuver, out-rank, or out-wit you. The dream is an indication for a newly developing relationship or idea in your life. You need to watch-out.

Mango in dream is an indication for your subconscious desires to get back with your ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. You need to be in control of your own destiny. You need to be more flexible or yielding. Your dream points at your innocence, purity, simplicity and carefree attitude. Perhaps you are not proud of something you have done.

Mango dream is sometimes your ability to cut things or people out of your life. You are not approaching the problem directly. The key to overcoming your fear is to discuss them and deal with them openly. This dream is an indication for some burden or responsibility that you are carrying around. You are feeling out of control.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Mango” stands for a fatal error in an important decision. Do not try to act on your emotions. You have not built a firm foundation for success. Your dream expresses losing emotional control. Your ideals are set too high.

Dream about fresh mango signifies expression of your inner emotions. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social circumstances and blend into any situation with ease and grace. You are going against what is acceptable. The dream signals pleasant occasions and joyous gatherings. You are ready to confront some news.

Dream about Eating Fresh Bread signals an enormous sense of freedom from letting down your emotional wall. You are looking for support to help you reach your goals or elevate yourself to a new level. You are moving on to new beginnings and leaving the past behind. Your dream represents devotion and sense of community. Sometimes you still have to do something even though is it not what you want to do.

Eat in your dream is a premonition for your character is being questioned. You need to incorporate or acknowledge certain feminine aspects into your own self. You need to take things more slowly. The dream states the experiences of your parents or ancestors. You need to care for the child within yourself.

Fresh in your dream stands for your chilling personality and cold emotions. You need to take a more unconventional approach to a situation. You are going through a period of uncertain changes. Your dream denotes a subsiding threat. You need to acknowledge and confront the issue in order to complete your transformation and achieve wholeness.

Bread in this dream is a message for the results of your creativity and hard work. You are trying to get to the core of a matter or situation. You may be reminiscing about early childhood memories. This dream is an evidence for hidden danger or hostility. You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits.

Dream About Eating Fresh denotes inner dignity. Emotional issues are trivial to you. You are able to grasp new ideas with ease. Your dream indicates the feminine aspect within yourself. Your mindlessness have put you in harm’s way.

Dream About Eat Bread is a hint for an emotional or important message that you need to get out to someone. You are exploring your emotions and trying to understand why you feel the way you do about certain things. You are refusing to acknowledging some truth or issue that is right in front on you. The dream is about fresh new ideas. There is higher power that you will need to answer to.

Dream About Fresh Bread indicates feminine emotions and desires. You need more clarity in a situation. You are afraid to confront or bring up the issue. This dream is a symbol for unpredictability and versatility. Perhaps it is time to make a fresh start.

Dream about Eating Fresh Bread is an indication for your openness and genuineness. There are several options in your mind and each option will lead you to a different destination or goal. You need to appreciate what you have around you. Your dream is a sign for joy and pleasure. It is time to overcome your depression.

Sometimes, dream about eating fresh bread is a warning alert for a fatal error in an important decision. You are too concerned with trivial matters. You should proceed more cautiously and slowly. This dream is an alert for your inner strength and your ability to rid yourself of harmful and destructive behaviors. You may feel unprepared for a task or lack confidence in your abilities.

Dream about Fresh Pepper indicates unexpected opportunities that will come your way. You are expressing a desire to know and understand these people on a deeper level. Your emotions also effect those around you. The dream is wild beauty, power, grace and raw emotion. You need to capture some moment and preserve it.

Fresh Pepper is the influence, power and authority you have over others. You are showing off and making a spectacle of yourself. You will succeed in defeating your enemies. This dream hints your mood, attitude and emotions. You are going against the norm and are expressing your own personal choice and freedom.

Fresh dream states how you are looking within yourself to find your true destiny. You are giving up too easily. You heard something that you wished you didn’t hear in the first place. The dream means your frivolous pursuits. You need to rid yourself of some anxiety in your life.

Fresh in this dream means some unresolved issues or feelings pertaining to a person that is lost. Major changes are occurring within yourself. You have no sense of urgency in things. Your dream is a hint for repressed emotional energies, fertility and virility. You are being forced to do something.

Pepper in dream stands for issues of dependency. You are thinking about marriage or some serious long-term commitment/project/situation. Perhaps there is some occasion or appointment that you need to remember. This dream is a clue for your desires to be sheltered from the bitterness of reality. You may have placed your decision or course of action into someone else’s hand.

Pepper dream means some aspects of your subconscious must be confronted. Your troubles are almost over. You are being overprotected. The dream draws attention to depression or anger. It is time to lay out your goals.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Pepper” is an alert for your struggles, painful memories and the bad feelings that has never entirely healed and are still lingering in your mind. You cannot seem to leave your work at the office. You feel trapped and do not know what to do or where to go. This dream sadly draws attention to lacking insight. Don’t be so hard on yourself.

Dream about fresh pepper is a clue for some negative force that is working against you. You need to lighten up. You are experiencing anxieties about the future and in achieving your goals. The dream states riches. You are working on finding yourself and in getting to the core of things.

Dream about Fresh Herbs is guidance, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reassurance. You have a positive perspective on life and in where you are headed. You feel your emotions are being undermined and cut-down. This dream is a clue for your status in society and sense of belong. You prefer a quiet life of simplicity.

Fresh Herbs signifies rejection of friendship. Perhaps someone is overstepping your boundaries. You are a perfectionist. The dream points at your level of understanding, awareness or success. Something in your life is reminding you of a problematic person.

Fresh dream is a harbinger for your supportive or nurturing nature and is associated with feminine qualities. You are being sidetracked or distracted from achieving your goals. You need to protect yourself, be more aggressive and take a firmer stance on things. This dream expresses disturbing feelings and past emotions in your subconscious mind. You are rejecting authority and rules.

Fresh in this dream symbolises the price you pay for your decisions and actions. You are spacing out. You need to reevaluate and rethink a situation or relationship in your life. This dream is a portent for your concerns about not measuring up to the standards of others. Others may perceive you as fragile or vulnerable.

Herb in dream states doubts and anxieties about physical performance, drive and libido. You feel that others do not appreciate your talents and efforts. You tend to be flighty and jump from one thing to another. Your dream is a metaphor for travel plans in your future. Perhaps you need to come clean and wash away some old secrets, pains, or guilt.

Herb dream is a premonition for fear and your frigid attitude. Something is not right or normal about a situation. You are not listening to those around you. Your dream expresses instability and insecurity in your current situation. Perhaps you have been hiding the pain for so long that you forgot what pain feels like.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Herb” is sadly an admonition for a fear of failure. You need to stop being in denial. You need to slow down and live the life or else you will miss out on some opportunity or event in your life. The dream is a metaphor for some abusive situation or unfortunate circumstance. It is time to end a problematic situation or relationship.

Dream about fresh herbs signals a happy and bright outlook. You need to seek the help of others in order to accomplish a mutual goal. It is time to be honest. This dream symbolises your openness and non-defensiveness. You have a lot of power and influence.

Dream about Fresh Fish is a hint for change and regeneration. You are feeling important and needed. You have a creative mindset. The dream is a harbinger for the emotional or physical burdens you are carrying around with you. You are feeling unclean about a situation.

Fresh Fish is a clue for how do you see yourself with respect to the rest of the world and those around you? You need to accept some decision. Pleasant times are ahead for you. Your dream is a metaphor for a sigh of relief. You are refusing to let your creativity emerge from beneath the surface.

Fresh dream represents components and various pieces that composes your life. You may be holding back your feelings or are more cautious about expressing them. You are trying to gain an upper hand on some situation. This dream denotes ending something abruptly or quickly. You need to show more humility and be more even-tempered.

Fresh in this dream denotes routine and monotony. You need to return to the basics. There is something that you are desperate to eliminate from your life. This dream suggests your fears of things that are different. You need to adjust to some situation.

Fish in dream is some consciousness or problem. Your actions are being misunderstood and misconstrued. Sometimes you need the help of others in order to attain your goals. Your dream is a harbinger for your self esteem. You are looking for some emotional stability in your life.

Fish dream is an omen for a laid back attitude. You are paying too much attention to a person or an object. You are feeling forced to do something you do not want to do. This dream is an omen for your willpower. You want to recapture something that you have lost, but once valued or cherished.

Dream about both “Fresh” and “Fish” is an alert for a major loss in your life. Some negative or evil force has taken over you. You are doubting yourself in the choices and decisions that you are making. This dream is an alert for your inability to function in some situation. There is a significant change that is quickly approaching.

Dream about fresh fish is a premonition for holiday festivities and memories of friends and family. There is a smooth road ahead for you. Rewards are on the horizon for you. This dream is a hint for how much you feel in charge of your life. You feel you are above other people.

Dream about Fresh Cow Meat stands for an end or beginning of something. You are a pioneer. You are living it up. Your dream signifies renewal and rejuvenation. Perhaps you prefer solitude.

Fresh in a dream is a premonition for carefree attitudes and a life where your desires will be happily realized. You are getting caught up in your own guilt. You are trying to take back something you said. The dream is a sign for shelter from a stormy relationship or chaotic situation. Perhaps you are abusing your position in some situation in your life.

Cow dream is sometimes your helplessness in a situation. You are shutting out someone who you were previously close to. Your loyalty is called into question. This dream expresses feelings of being eating alive by work, a relationship or a situation in your life. You are spending too much time in trivial matters.

Meat in this dream is your nurturing side and maternal feelings. You are trying to hide your true concerns. You are too scattered. Your dream is a signal for abundance and hospitality. You are worrying over some issue or problem.

Fresh and Cow is a metaphor for your high level of confidence. You need to reach out to others and offer your help. You are open and receptive to new ideas. The dream refers to secrets. You feel you are being held back from pursuing your goals.

Dream About Fresh Meat means virility and combativeness. You are saying what others want to hear. You are careful with who you let into your life. Your dream represents your commitment to success and to achieving your goals. You are celebrating your sensuality.

Dream About Cow Meat is a message for your desires for some form of commitment. You are protecting someone or something. You are aware of the power you have and may even be exploiting that power. This dream is a sign for a decision or choice that you need to make in order to progress forward. A debate or argument is becoming heated.

Dream about Fresh Cow Meat represents a celebration or a personal achievement that you are proud of. You need to be more tenacious and determined in achieving your goals. Big changes are ahead for you. The dream means your closeness and relationship with a particular person. You feel that you are standing in solid ground.

Sometimes, dream about fresh cow meat points to possession, pride, shame, money/financial matters, or aggressive acts. You are letting your guard down in a situation where you need to be more vigilant. You may be feeling worried and insecure about the path you are taking in life. Your dream is a low sense of self-worth. The craziness in your life is getting out of control.

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