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Dream Interpretation of gambling machine

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Dream Interpretation of gambling machine - Gambling Machine dream meaning

Dream about gambling machine refers to your past memories and experiences. You need to exercise some restraint in your own personal and social life. Your own vision is in conflict with someone else’s. This dream denotes a blemish in your personality. You need to be more flexible.

Gambling machine dream is a hint for some situation or relationship. You are harboring some pent up anger or aggression. You want others to know exactly who you are. This dream denotes your desires to awaken your emotions. You may be in search for a solid foundation or a firmer ground in your life.

The celestial influence may make you feel inclined to fantasize more than usual. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with a bit of day dreaming, you do need to guard against being unrealistic in your expectations of others. If your love interest does not seem to live up to your expectations, rather than wondering why they don’t, it would help to tell them exactly what it is that you do want.

Dream about losing gambling is a premonition for your defiant and non-conformist attitude. You need to put more time and effort into fostering your friendships. You need to weigh your options carefully and think through your actions. Your dream is about repressed desires of your own appearance and passion. You need to stand tall.

Dream about seeing gambling points to your hastiness and quick temper. You have power and control over the path or destinations of others. You are acting different. The dream is a sign for your need for attention and your need to be admired. You are ready to set your sights on something higher.

Dream about someone gambling is about protection and secrecy. You want to squash something or somebody. A person in your life may be draining your of self-confidence and your resources. Your dream is a premonition for an imbalance. You need to be less meek and more honest in communicating with others.

Dream about playing gambling is a hint for something that is different or unfamiliar. You are shedding off some unwanted aspect of yourself. You are being toasted or intoxicated. Your dream indicates tradition and old fashioned ideals. You are feeling powerless and insecure.

Dream about going to casino draws attention to your dependency on something or someone. You are leaving a past life or an old relationship behind. Perhaps you are expecting a new baby into your family. Your dream is a symbol for your changing emotional feelings. Perhaps you have problems taking criticism.

Dream about vegas casino is a symbol for your narrow-mindedness. You are experiencing abundance in some area of your life. Your primal desires and repressed emotional urges are coming to the surface and needing to be satisfied. This dream indicates your experiences and how you need to learn from them. You are butting heads with someone in your life.

Dream about being casino is a portent for psychological healing. You are trying to take shortcuts. You are experiencing feelings of aggression. Your dream is a hint for some stinging remark. The path that you have chosen for yourself can easily be altered.

Dream about winning casino is about a new level. You are trying to rid yourself of certain feelings. You are ready for change. It signifies completion or continuation of a familiar situation. You need to speak up for yourself and for your rights.

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