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Dream Interpretation of getting attacked by alligator

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 9 seconds

Dream Interpretation of getting attacked by alligator - Getting Attacked By Alligator dream meaning

Dream about getting attacked by alligator stands for a lack of self esteem or self confidence. You are struggling for your independence and autonomy. You want to approach your emotions and problems head on, even though it may be painful or uncomfortable. This means chaos and confusion. You need to think twice before going through with your choice.

Getting attacked by alligator dream is a symbol for a lack of values or characters. You are feeling neglected, overshadowed or cast to the side. You are no longer deriving as much joy from some aspect of your life as you used to. The dream is unfortunately a warning signal for your need to shut out a person in your life who has been using you. It is time to stop being so hard on yourself.

It is not too late to capitalize on a fantastic opportunity of yesterday. Momentum from the previous couple of days has been building, setting you up to make a major move. Do it now before restrictions from other people descend upon you.

Dream about kill alligator is a portent for sadness, hunger, poverty and struggles. You may feel a lack of control in the path that your life is taking. You need to stop and slow down. This dream is unfortunately an alert for your old fashioned thinking and outdated attitude. Some part of your life is going out of control.

Dream about attacked by gator refers to insight into a situation you have been wondering about. Although you may grow and evolve, you never forget where you came from. You are not taking life’s issues and problems seriously enough. Your dream is unfortunately a warning signal for your hard driving and headstrong attitudes. You need to eventually be your own person and not try too hard to be someone else.

Dream about being attacked by alligator stands for the processing, transfer and sharing of information. You have a firm foundation that you can depend on. You are putting yourself first and making decisions for yourself, not for others. This stands for your desire for instant wealth or may be you are looking for fame. You may be too brash and abrasive.

Dream about being in alligator is a warning alert for an attempt to change your old ways and habits. Sooner or later, you will not to confront the issue at hand. You are trying to change or rewrite the past in order to suit your own needs. The dream is an indication for you to be careful when it comes to the persuasions of the opposites gender. You need to allocate some time for yourself so you can pursue your own interests.

Dream about getting attacked symbolises a rebellious attitude. You may be too overly rational and not let feelings get in the way. You replaced someone else’s position. The dream is unfortunately your desire to settle down. You tend to be unyielding and inflexible in your thinking.

Dream about looking for alligator is sadly your tendency to jump from task to task or not being able to stay in one place. You feel you can not stand up for yourself. You are unable to speak about some unimportant situation. This symbolises some sort of dissension, disagreement or rebellion. You are on the verge of breaking down and need to take some leisure time off to distance yourself from your issues.

Dream about getting attacked by snakes is about loneliness. Perhaps you need to come clean and wash away some old secrets, pains, or guilt. You need to address communication problems with your family or colleagues in work. The dream is a portent for your selflessness and how you put others first before yourself. You have neglected your duties or abandoned your responsibilities.

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