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Dream Interpretation of gravel in mouth

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 3 seconds

Dream Interpretation of gravel in mouth - Gravel In Mouth dream meaning

Dream about gravel in mouth draws attention to your desire to be more independent and self-sufficient. You need to be more independent and tend to your own needs. You need to unload and let go some of your responsibilities. This dream hints your ability to control your emotions. You need to evaluate your surroundings more carefully before making some decision.

Gravel in mouth dream suggests danger. You need to work on your bravery. Perhaps you have been caught off guard about something. It is about old age. You need to do your own research and get a first hand account on things before making a judgment call.

How long this will last cannot be said, but while it does, it is a positive time for explaining to someone you care deeply for just how you feel. You genuinely want to give more than you receive, so it may to a nice move to buy them a present.

Dream about sand in mouth means the current state of your body while you are dreaming. You want to defy expectations. Your repressed emotions are overwhelming you. It suggests your power and influence over others. You are giving more than you are getting back.

Dream about eating gravel is an omen for some illness. Perhaps you have problems taking criticism. You are letting go of your negative attitudes or resentment toward others. The dream denotes a decision or choice that you need to make in order to progress forward. You are repressing some feelings in your life and they are manifesting in your dream.

Dream about dirt mouth refers to disloyalty. Whatever you are looking for will turn-up. You need to get something off your chest. This symbolises opportunities, access, control, secrets, freedom, knowledge or responsibilities. You are feeling sorry for yourself.

Dream about mud in mouth is a message for your mind or your body. You have revealed or turned in a project that was incomplete. You may be repressing your desires. The dream is a metaphor for wholeness, purity, healing, development and unity. Someone is watching you and is waiting for you to take a misstep.

Dream about climbing sand stands for your belief of fate. You are feeling lost in what you want to do. Balance has been restored in your once chaotic or hectic life. This denotes rumours. You are slowly acknowledging aspects of your subconscious.

Dream about touching sand points at movement and your ability to jump from situation to situation. You need to be refreshed or rejuvenated. You are ready to heal from some emotional hurt or wound. It is a message for strength, longevity, immortality, faithfulness, durability and fertility. You are being singled out or being picked on.

Dream about receiving sand is sometimes completion and a sense of pride or accomplishment. You are completely engrossed or submerged in some situation, relationship or task. You are looking for a sense of security or calmness in your life. This dream draws attention to the bossy or authoritative side of your own personality. You need to follow the rules.

Dream about sand pit denotes reluctance in some endeavor. You need to start acting like an adult. You need to be careful in what you say and do. This refers to a renewed sense of self. You feel that you have been wronged by a person.

Dream about sand collapsing indicates opportunities and welcomed expectations. Perhaps a relationship or some guilt is weighing you down. You fear making mistakes or tripping up on some project. This dream is an omen for your own desires for building a family and your family ideologies. You need to address some negativity immediately.

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