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Dream Interpretation of green umbrella

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 56 seconds

Dream Interpretation of green umbrella - Green Umbrella dream meaning

Dream about green umbrella is an indication for a particular time or season. You are afraid of letting others get to know the real you. You may feel nervous about exposing yourself and are feeling a resurgence of those old emotions and feelings. It stands for what is ahead of you and the choices you make. You are on the rebound from a broken relationship.

Green umbrella dream is an indication for your eccentricities or wittiness. You are looking down on yourself. Your feelings or ideas are being dismissed or cast to the side. This points to your primal instinct or dark side. You are trying to sort out aspects of your life.

A festive social event could either start or consolidate a love relationship, which could last for a long time. New and interesting people could come into your life, bringing stimulating conversation and useful information. Someone you haven’t seen for a while could also appear on the scene, making for a joyful reunion. A project you’ve been working on, either job related or personal, could finally be completed. Enjoy your day.

Dream about red umbrella is a metaphor for falsehood and deceit. You may be searching for the comfort and security of home. You are seeking guidance and advice. Your dream is sometimes repressed emotional needs. You are sacrificing yourself.

Dream about purple umbrella is a message for your desires to reach out to others. Someone is helping you, either emotionally or financially. You need to listen up. It is a signal for guilt over something you have done in your life. You are being carried away by your emotions.

Dream about pink umbrella refers to collective action. There is something from your past that you are not acknowledging. You are trying to make something known. The dream is a symbol for unfriendly companions. You need to make some self-improvements in your life.

Dream about white umbrella signals there is a price you need to pay to attain your goals. You no longer have control of a situation. Perhaps you are having to deal with some feelings in some situation. This symbolises togetherness and social gatherings. You are involved in a situation that is making you uneasy.

Dream about holding umbrella states a sigh of relief. You need to follow the rules. You are dwelling on old issues. This dream is an indication for some ensnaring and controlling force. You are trying to hide something from the world.

Dream about large umbrella is a metaphor for knowledge, identity, or whatever qualities you hold precious in your life. You are successfully getting rid of your old habits/ways and thinking patterns. You need to look at the overall big picture. The dream is sometimes some memory or event. You either have an inflated opinion of yourself or of someone.

Dream about a beautiful umbrella states the womb and birth. You may be taken for a ride or being manipulated in some situation. Others may be afraid to approach you because of your highly charged personality. The dream is a sign for tears and sadness. You need to stop meddling in other people’s personal lives.

Dream about old umbrella is a metaphor for your readiness to fight and defend yourself. You need to consider something from someone else’s perspective. Something or someone in your current life is bringing out similar feelings you felt during a relationship with your ex. Your dream is a sign for a bond. You are making some unwise choices.

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