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Dream Interpretation of kissing and holding hands

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 43 seconds

Dream Interpretation of kissing and holding hands - Kissing And Holding Hands dream meaning

Dream about kissing and holding hands states your need to be more responsible and attentive. You may be nervous about a meeting and it’s probably been weighing on your mind. You need to be careful in how you phrase and word things or run the risk of offending others. The dream represents a real life phobia or highlight feelings of anxiety. There may be something in your life that you need to cut out and get rid of.

Kissing and holding hands dream signifies insecurity. You should rethink the way you are approaching any of your current problems. Perhaps you feel limited or restricted. It expresses something that you need to pick-up. You need to live life to the fullest.

Today, you may feel especially sociable. You might want to look up old friends you haven’t seen for a while, perhaps to release past quarrels or hurt feelings. Take care to release them instead of bringing them up again. You could feel more sensitive than usual, and so any sort of explanation may lead to friction. Be aware of your friends’ good qualities so you can enjoy their company.

Dream about someone kissing my hand is a harbinger for your need to organize and sort your thoughts. You may be reaching an important decision in your life. You need to spend some time to focus and build on your existing relationships. This is a sign for your stress level about planning an party or an event. You are experiencing some setbacks.

Dream about holding and kissing a baby is a hint for your primitive impulses, wild nature and repressed emotional energy. You may unprepared in some situation or challenge in your life. You have a hardened shell. This is about the discovery of your personal, family, or cultural secrets. You need to take better care of your health.

Dream about holding hands with a girl is a symbol for cleansing and healing. Perhaps there is something that are you trying to hide. You have been betrayed. This is a message for danger and poison. Perhaps you are being too idealistic.

Dream about holding hands with lover hints gossip or news. You are experiencing some internal conflict. Lending money to friends will cause a rift in your relationship. Your dream is an evidence for innocence. You are short-changing yourself of your accomplishments.

Dream about holding hands with a coworker is a clue for your directness and straightforwardness. Life may be passing you by if you do not participate in it. You need to redirect your energy in a more positive manner. The dream is a signal for authority and extreme competitiveness. You have trouble expressing yourself and over-think things.

Dream about holding hands with husband means commitment. You are seeking for social activity or companionship. Perhaps you are feeling inhibited in discussing your thoughts. This dream is a premonition for the jolly occasion. You need a temporary change to your daily routine.

Dream about holding hands with friend is a hint for the way you handle things. You are letting fear dictate your actions. You are unprepared for some task at hand. The dream is a clue for the rebuilding of your own life. You need to be more aware of your surroundings.

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