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Dream Interpretation of lizard biting hand

Estimated reading time: 1 minute, 52 seconds

Dream Interpretation of lizard biting hand - Lizard Biting Hand dream meaning

Dream about lizard biting hand is a premonition for joy, celebration and festivities. You are refusing to confront some issue or situation. You are holding on to the past and refusing to move onto something productive. The dream is a metaphor for you self-image and the way you feel about your body. You are opening up yourself to a new level of spirituality or consciousness.

Lizard biting hand dream hints your conscious and subconscious and the emotional and rational. You have overcome certain obstacles in your life. You are acknowledging and embracing key qualities in one another. This dream denotes unclaimed rewards. You may be expressing your nurturing and mothering nature.

Lady luck is with you, so take advantage of opportunities when you see them. Hesitation and doubt should not be allowed in. Caution is not needed when you simply know that what is staring you in the face is the best thing for you. Go for it!

Dream about lizard on hand is a message for boundless success. You can find value in the least expected of places. You are steering in the right direction. It expresses guts and strength. You are refusing to see the truth.

Dream about snake in hand is a signal for freedom to run your own life and to do what you want to do. You are surrendering a significant aspect of yourself. You have been given the go ahead to pursue or proceed with a new endeavor in your life. This dream is a premonition for strength, permanence, stability and integrity. You are undergoing a period of healing in your life.

Dream about frog in hand signals changes, transformation and healing. You are looking for a fresh infusion of ideas within your creative or work life. You are opening yourself up to a new situation and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. It is a symbol for growth, self-love and self-appreciation. You are moving forward too recklessly and need to think before taking action.

Dream about biting crocodile signals purity and potential. You are revealing aspects of yourself that have been kept well hidden. You are underestimating your self worth. The dream indicates living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. You are experiencing new found freedom.

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