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Dream Interpretation of mortgage

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Dream Interpretation of mortgage - Mortgage dream meaning

Did you dream about a mortgage? Dreaming about mortgages typically relates to some form of huge financial decisions. Perhaps you are thinking or preparing to buy a house. But if you are not, the mortgage dream can represent other major decisions in life. Below we will help you interpret the most common mortgage-related dreams.

Dream About Mortgage Interest Rates
Dreams about mortgage interest foretell that you will be asking a big favor from someone. And someone will expect you for some form of payback down the road to return the favor. The dream is similar to if you dream about the government taxing you.

Dream About Mortgage Insurance
Dreams of mortgage insurances represent that you are not yet exactly qualified to handle certain jobs. However, a friend or family member will be willing to guarantee your ability.

Dream About Mortgage Discount Points
Dreaming about mortgage discount points represents certain sacrifices that you have to make in the present to achieve certain benefits in the future.

Dream About Mortgage Application
Seeing or applying for a mortgage application in the dream suggests that you will be offered some important business. Your subconscious is questioning the commitment of your psyche.

Dream About Mortgage Banker
Dreams of meeting a mortgage banker suggest that you will soon meet a man/woman who will make a good husband or wife. However, the person of your dreams will be very financially savvy. His or her ideas may make you uncomfortable at times.

Dream About Mortgage Calculator
Dreaming of a mortgage credit application process means that soon will begin some exciting events. You have been waiting for something for a long time. Everything will change for the better if you take into account all aspects of these events.

Dream About Mortgage Approval
Getting a bank or investor to approve your mortgage application in your dream signals someone will bring you happy moments and future memories. You can look forward to filling your life with new meanings. You are ready to embark on a new chapter of life.

Dream About Mortgage Loan Contract
To see a mortgage loan contract in the dream suggests that you need to be extremely careful with your near-term family and business dealings. You may sign up for life-long obligations that will be hard to unwind.

Dream About Mortgage Amortization Schedule
Seeing a mortgage amortization schedule suggests that you need to stay on top of your life and progress. If you mess up, other circumstances may threaten you with financial upheavals.

Dream About Mortgage Payoff
To pay off your mortgage in the dream reflects that all of your long-term wishes and desires will come true. Your patience and consistency will be the key to achieve your goals.

Dream About Mortgage Payment
Dreaming about mortgage payments refers to your financial obligations towards people in your private life, similar to rent. It reflects your creditworthiness to your friends and family. Successful payments relate to successful promotion and change in careers. You will improve your ability to keep up with the mortgage payments.

Dream About Underwater Mortgage
Dreams of having an underwater mortgage represent that you will encounter situations somewhat outside of your control. The situation will perhaps delay your long-term goals. In the meantime, you will suffer short-term financial losses and stress.

Dream About Mortgage Lien
To dream about having a mortgage lien on your house; is indicative that you are unsure of your own situation in life. You are uncertain about certain expectations. You end up despising seemingly unreasonable requests. For example, you may feel suffocated and obligated to fulfill your parent’s or boss’s expectations that you did not understand.

Dream About Mortgage Default
Experiencing a mortgage default in a dream foretells that you risk your assets by overspending your available cash. Consider carefully managing and planning your money so that you will not get yourself in a negative situation. Perhaps you are afraid that you might end up being homeless in your waking life.

Dream About Mortgage Refinance
Dreams of a refinance mortgage suggest that you will have a second chance to “redo” a past behavior. Perhaps it is a chance to redeem yourself. You have the chance to fix something that you were not proud of. However, make sure that you consider all the options well before you head into the redo so that you will not end up making the same mistakes.

Dream About Mortgage Assistance
To dream about getting mortgage assistance; suggests that obstacles will hinder and hit you. Some problems are too much for you to handle. Consider seeking help from your friends and relatives to get you through the rough times.

To dream of having a mortgage represents a stable perspective or outlook on a situation that requires maintenance. You have to keep yourself responsible in order to maintain the stability of a situation. You have your “foot in the door” and now have to keep yourself there. A situation that you have to care about all the time or you lose what you have.


have a mortgage – be conservative and follow the agreed plan
take a loan against mortgage – be reasonable in money matters, try to save
pay money for it – you will organize your thoughts and outline plans for the future.

A debt owed another; how you use energy to invest in experiences, borrow insight and time. See Bank.

A dream of odd contrast, for if you dreamed of paying off a mortgage, you are likely to be faced with an unex- pected drain on your re-sources; but if you dreamed of a mortgage foreclosure, it signifies a lucky finan- cial break. To apply for or get a mortgage of any kind forecasts a welcome re- lease from worry.

It is a portent of excellent prospects in love to dream of reading a mortgage» particularly if it seems to be a document in your favor.

To dream of a mortgage or any document or paperwork that implies a significant sum of money reflects the dreamer’s fears about a difficult economic situation. The feeling of guilt and stress from not having achieved proposed objectives is also implicit.

To dream that you give a mortgage on your property, denotes that you are threatened with financial upheavals, which will throw you into embarrassing positions.

To take, or hold one, against others, is ominous of adequate wealth to liquidate your obligations.

To find yourself reading or examining mortgages, denotes great possibilities before you of love or gain.

To lose a mortgage, if it cannot be found again, implies loss and worry.

Dreams of a mortgage denote that you are building up personal equity, status, -esteem, confidence, strength, territory, and that you are acquiring energetic property, or owning your power. This dream could also be about feeling burdened by your obligations.

Mortgage dreams are often the result of actual financial conditions. Taking a mortgage denotes a lack of good economy for the dreamer.

To hold a mortgage on someone else’s property indicates a wish for great wealth and prosperity.

1. Heavy monetary obligation.

2. Obligation.

See debt, money and wealth

One’s spiritual obligations; see “house” and “landlord”

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