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Dream Interpretation of other country

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Dream Interpretation of other country - Other Country dream meaning

Dream about other country is an omen for hidden danger. You are welcoming any new changes that occur. You need to stand tall. The dream is an indication for to your nurturing side. Someone in your life who is opportunistic.

Other country dream refers to a resolution to some emotional issue or inner conflict. You are trying to capture some idea or concept. It is time to make some dietary changes in your life. It is sometimes your ideologies and beliefs. Perhaps you are feeling insecure about a situation.

You have a strange sense of humor, as you only laugh at your own jokes. Today your loved one may be encouraged to tease you about a subject that is sacrosanct. Perhaps they haven’t realized that they are potentially risking their life with this one, but some people just have to learn. You can glare contemptuously, but don’t take it too personally. It’s not worth it.

Dream about different country is a clue for hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality. You need to gain a better understanding of various facets in your life and incorporate them together. You may be waiting for the right moment to exert your power. Your dream refers to the cycle of life or the passage of time. Your reputation is being called into question.

Dream about other worlds signifies feeling of being trapped or immobilized. You are letting circumstances dictate your emotions. You need to be on the look out for something or someone out to do you harm. This dream points to an end to an addiction. Perhaps you do not trust your friend’s judgment and are afraid that he/she is being manipulated by others.

Dream about going to other country indicates something or some aspect of your character that is somewhat familiar. You are feeling a loss of power, potential, or identity. Perhaps you need to kick back and relax. Your dream is a symbol for your goals and future plans. Perhaps you are feeling trapped by some relationship.

Dream about being in other country is the need to hold some situation or relationship together. Perhaps, you are feeling emotionally repressed. You need to express your feelings and emotions. The dream is about a shift in perspective or a change in your attitude. You need to piece together some relationship or situation.

Dream about moving to a different country is an evidence for your reserves. You may feel threatened or vulnerable when you express yourself. You need to exercise better control in your life. Your dream is a symbol for some pressing matter. Perhaps you are attracted to someone around you and it is time to act on it.

Dream about going to a different country signals the steps you need to take toward your goals. You are censoring yourself. You are slowly confronting and acknowledging your repressed emotions. This dream symbolises your need to sort out unresolved issues from your childhood. You feel the rules do not apply to you.

Dream about living in a different country is sometimes humbleness and humility. You need to make your opinions and views known. You are holding a grudge against someone. Your dream is obstacles and discouragements that you will come across as you move toward achieving your goals. There are some issues that you are trying to sort out.

Dream about being in a different country is sometimes your personality traits, behaviors and habits. You are restrained from going after what you really want. You are feeling lost. Your dream stands for a need to forgive. You need to speak up first and think it through later.

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