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Dream Interpretation of otter

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Dream Interpretation of otter - Otter dream meaning

Dream about Otter Swimming is a premonition for your sheltered life. You will rise to a level of prominence. You are in need of some direction. The dream expresses the ups and downs of life. You are the best person for the job.

Otter Swimming is a message for high ideals, hope and insight in a current situation. That you are experiencing twice as much vitality, strength and energy. You need to be more honest and open with your family. This dream is sometimes harmony and glorification of the human spirit. You are broadening your horizons and view.

Otter in your dream suggests your negligence of some situation. Your subconscious is trying to make you aware of a solution to a problem. There is something that you are not expressing to each other. This dream is a signal for repressed anger, often from childhood. Perhaps, you are too concerned about how you appear to others.

Otter in this dream indicates your feelings of getting older or wiser. You need to be better prepared for unexpected challenges that may come your way. You are going against your instinct. The dream is a premonition for your current situation and the obstacles that you are experiencing. You are trying to protect those around you from your personal setbacks and emotional outbursts.

Swimming in dream is a sign for your display of dominance in some situation or relationship. You are in search of some help or advice for a problem or decision. You will be recognized for your work. Your dream expresses some hesitation and reluctance in the pursuit of your goals. You are trying to assert your power in a non-threatening manner.

Swimming dream is a metaphor for your inescapable responsibilities. You are acknowledging certain feelings or acquiring new resources. You are deviating from your original life path. The dream is sometimes feelings of guilt and self-blame. You need to roll up your sleeves and prepare for some hard work ahead.

Dream about both “Otter” and “Swimming” indicates a lack of individuality. You need to conserve your energy and get some much needed rest. You are wasting away your potential. This dream sadly draws attention to a decision that you are having a hard time accepting. You may be turning to a potentially harmful alternative as an instant escape from your problems.

Dream about otter swimming is a clue for your children or siblings. You are having a claim to something. What you thought was difficult at first is going to be worth your while. The dream is a hint for your self confidence. You need to set some time for more relaxation and enjoyment in your life.

Dream about A Pet Otter hints a need for spiritual healing. You are keeping your feelings inside. All eyes are on you. This dream is sometimes to a situation or relationship in your life. Something is looking out for your best interest.

A Pet Otter indicates the depth of your emotions. Something is emerging from your subconscious. Things are going well in your relationship or some aspect of your life. The dream is experience. Something is passing you by.

Pet in your dream draws attention to faked or forced passion. You need to channel your emotions in a more effective way. You are going through a period of depression. This dream is confusion and chaos. You are afraid that you may fall from grace.

Pet in this dream indicates your need for leisure and relaxation. You are being overly aggressive and assertive. Perhaps you are lacking knowledge or awareness in some area or issue. Your dream is about conflict between your spiritual beliefs and what is practical. You are trying to overcome some emotional issue.

Otter in dream is a hint for some major marital or relationship problem. You are lacking love. You are going around in circles in some situation. This dream is a message for your anxieties about pregnancy or some diseases. You are taking drastic measures to get control of your destiny.

Otter dream hints the carefree aspects of childhood where you did not have to worry about goals. You are being manipulated in some way. You are under some negative influence. The dream hints ditching school, work, appointment, or something that you are now feeling guilty about. You are comparing yourself to the ex.

Dream about both “Pet” and “Otter” is sadly an alert for failure in your undertakings. You are a little too abrasive or harsh in your words or attitude. You may be experiencing work difficulties or work-related stress. The dream is a warning for destruction, passion, desire, illumination, purification, transformation, enlightenment, or anger. There is a lack of communication in your relationship.

Dream about a pet otter suggests your quest for love or for power. You need to be more straightforward in your approach. You will achieve your goals as you progress through your life. The dream symbolises a very clingy relationship. Perhaps you have developed feelings for your friend and are wondering how he or she feels.

Dream about White Otter is a sign for your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another. You may be embracing something that you may not be familiar with. You are moving ahead in life on your own terms. Your dream states the potential for growth and development. You are maximizing your energies and putting it toward worthwhile pursuits.

White Otter symbolises the importance of loyalty and duty to your family. You are on a quest. You are ready to explore hidden and unknown aspects of yourself. This dream is a hint for strength, solidity and stability. You are free of any worries and focused on a life of ease.

White in your dream signals aspects of your personality. You have a tendency to hold in your displeasure in order to please others. You are in tune with your conscious or your instinct. The dream symbolises emotional domination. You are in a situation where you don’t feel like you have full control.

White in this dream draws attention to your fear of change and your ambivalence about seizing an opportunity. You are bounded by barriers and obstacles. You are all work and no play. Your dream signals deception. You will overcome your current problems.

Otter in dream states an end to a habit or behavior. Perhaps you are creating a new self-image and taking on a new attitude. You need to be more cautious. This dream states easiness and simplicity. It is time to take the next step and make the plunge.

Otter dream symbolises plentitude and abundance. You are suspicious or untrusting of others. You feel that you have been wronged by a person. Your dream is an evidence for firm and concrete ideas or plans that are being set into motion. You need to calm down.

Dream about both “White” and “Otter” is unfortunately a warning signal for disappointments and death. You are not letting greed, jealousy, betrayal or some other negativity get the best of you. You are trying to persuade others to support your views and ideas. This dream draws attention to a one-sided relationship. There is some hatred directed toward you.

Dream about white otter is a message for happiness and pleasure. You will use underhanded means to achieve your goals. You are achieving new heights and overcoming your fears. The dream is a sign for life in the fast lane for you. Perhaps you are involved in a rebound relationship.

(see Animals)

Native American: The feminine power of water. Also gracefulness and playfulness.

Forgetfulness or lacking closure. Otters are known to take one or two bites from their food, then leave the rest behind when distracted by something else.

(see Bird, Feathers, Flying, Wings)


The ability to traverse the figurative darkness in your life.

As a companion and messenger to the Greek goddess Athena, an owl may presage new artistic abilities or the development of a warrior’s spirit.

A type of death dream. In Greece» dreaming of an owl foretold of death, the Vedic god of the dead sometimes sent owls as messengers, and the Celts associated owls with the god of the underworld.

Native Americans call owls the “night eagle,’” and consider them a symbol of silent observation with potentially deceitful motivations.

In Hopi tradition, the gift of an owl feather bestows truthfulness on the receiver. By accepting such a token in a dream, you accept yourself.

The ability to see what others are trying to hide from you, as the owl’s golden yellow eyes pierce the night.

Moving silently, or remaining silent in a situation. Owls are considered silent fliers.

Snow owls in particular are able hunters, representing the instinct to know where your sustenance lies, and how to effectively reach it.

Disagreeable and dangerous acquaintances (Gypsy).

Ancient cultures saw the otter as a pure, holy creature and to see an otter in a dream suggests an ability to adapt to circumstances without ‘drowning’ and to clearly see what is really going on under the surface of everyday life.

Playful, joyful part of emotional self; learn to swim with ease and playfulness through the emotional seas of life rather than fearing and dreading your experiences.

Whether in or out of the water, this animal in your dream is telling you to conserve your resources now because you’ve got some rainy days ahead.

Both maids and matrons may be confident of the most tender attentions from their sweethearts or husbands if they dream oi seeing an otter swimming.

To see otters diving and sporting in limpid streams is certain to bring the dreamer waking happiness and good fortune. You will find ideal enjoyment in an early marriage, if you are single; wives may expect unusual tenderness from their spouses after this dream.

see Animals

Dreams of an otter symbolize joy, playfulness, and buoyancy. Because the otter lives in and near water this symbolizes creativity and that you are in touch with your feminine essence.

Seeking an unconventional job.

False friends will hurt your feelings, but not your fortunes.

Whether in or out of the water, dreaming of an otter means you need to conserve your resources now because you’ve got some rainy days ahead.

To dream of otters represents joy and wealth. You will experience bliss or unusual gentleness with your loved one.

The otter is uniquely equipped to exist within its chosen element of water and to be able to gain subsistence from its surroundings, all things we may need to develop.

See animals

One who likes to play more than to work

The otter as a symbol is all about joy and playfulness. As a creature that lives in water, the otter connects to the feminine principle and being grounded in the earth. Otters play in the waters of emotion and unconscious expression, and when they appear in a dream, they remind us that the aspects of life that are emotional in nature are to be approached with lightheartedness and reveled in.

See animals.

Dream about Seeing A Otter is an evidence for your connection to a person. You are feeling confident and empowered. You are experiencing extra vigor, vitality and energy in your life. The dream points at your seal of approval. You are sorting out and organizing the different aspects of your life.

Seeing A Otter stands for a brand new project. Your personal desires and illicit pleasures may land you into trouble. You are in tune with your feelings. Your dream is a metaphor for fair or fairness. The odds are working against you.

See in your dream is qualities within yourself that are yielding and can be changed. You need to work on being more communicative. You need to listen to directions carefully. The dream is a hint for your attitude and your stance on a particular situation. You may be ready to start a family.

See in this dream represents falsehoods and deception. Perhaps a situation or relationship has turned sour. You need to delegate responsibilities and duties. This dream expresses sadness or seriousness. You may be in conflict with an aspect of yourself.

Otter in dream is an indication for someone who is being an badd. You need to control your temper. You are debating on whether to be more open about your feelings or keep them to yourself. The dream is a harbinger for some sort of partnership and commitment. You are prepared and ready for the task at hand.

Otter dream stands for suppressed anger. Perhaps you need to come clean and wash away some old secrets, pains, or guilt. You need to temporarily escape from your daily life. Your dream is a message for fear of exposure. You are shutting yourself down from the world.

Dream about both “See” and “Otter” is an alert for issues of power/control and feelings of dependence/independence, especially in a relationship. There is some disagreement and dissension that needs to be addressed. There is a prickly situation that you need to overcome. This dream is unfortunately an alert for unexpressed hostility which may erupt in violence if not expressed in a controlled manner. Your talents are not being utilized.

Dream about seeing a otter is a portent for your quest and exploration of your subconscious mind. You like being the object of desire. You are feeling restricted. The dream is an omen for the cycle of life – something is about to come to an end and something new will begin. You are exuding a lot of confidence.

Dream about Otter points at gossip or news. You need to be more expressive in daily conversations. Persistence will pay off in the end no matter how difficult your current task may be. The dream draws attention to the many components that make up your emotional blueprint. You are feeling slow and lethargic in your life.

Otter denotes some tension or confrontation. You are doing something against your own conscious. You are demanding to be heard. Your dream indicates a sense of belonging and how family looks out for each other. You are reaching for the stars.

Dream about Otter [the fur of an otter] is a metaphor for stability, protection, unity and solidarity. There is some misunderstanding in a personal relationship or business situation. Perhaps it is your feelings that you are trying to understand. This dream is an evidence for your morale, belief and mood. You may be looking down on a person.

Dream about Otter [freshwater carnivorous mammal having webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur] expresses feelings of anger or pent up emotions. You are looking for some sort of approval and validation of your ideas. Some unfamiliar feelings or thoughts may be breaking into your peace of mind. Your dream is someone in your life who has a sense of humor or someone who is laughing at you. You may be seeking refuge until you can recollect your thoughts and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Dream about Swimming With Otter hints awareness. You are covering something up or that you are hiding a secret. Perhaps you have been saying mean or nasty things about others. Your dream denotes your unused talents. It is time to reevaluate your goals.

Swimming With Otter stands for recognition for your work. You are taking an active role in the way your life is going. You will overcome life’s obstacles and adversities. The dream is sometimes guts and strength. You are undergoing some inner changes and transformation.

Swimming in your dream is a symbol for hidden anger and aggression. You are imposing your ideas and opinions on others. You do not let your emotions rule your actions. The dream is an omen for how you perceive yourself or how you want others to see you. You are trying to escape the responsibilities of your everyday life.

Swimming in this dream is an evidence for an emotional void or inner emptiness. You are headed down an undesirable path. Perhaps it is time to pick up that old hobby or put a long hidden talent to use. The dream draws attention to your toughness and rigidity. You need to look at things from a different point of view or angle.

Otter in dream is a hint for conformity. You are getting overworked. You are in an unhealthy or destructive relationship. Your dream indicates self-blame or guilt. You need to get something out of your system or cut it out of your life.

Otter dream states some difficulty or some sort of hardship headed your way. You are projecting your emotional wounds and painful experiences onto others. Perhaps you are subconsciously suspicious of someone. The dream indicates your need to reach out to others. You are trying to distance yourself from some issue or emotion.

Dream about both “Swimming” and “Otter” is unfortunately a warning signal for fear, frustration and anger which you have repressed and kept inside. You feel that you are unable to take charge of yourself. Your feelings are predictable. This dream is sadly a warning signal for repetitious thinking and an old way of doing things. You can not avoid a situation or a problem any longer.

Dream about swimming with otter indicates hidden memories or repressed thoughts that are being revealed. There is something in your past that you need to hold on to and preserve. You will overcome the difficulties you are experiencing in your current life. This dream stands for fertility, good health, life and longevity. You have successfully repressed certain negative emotions from surfacing.

Dream about otter is a message for your confidence in your abilities. The situation that you need to confront is an extremely emotional one. You are feeling uninhibited and free. The dream is about cycles, passage of time, or a special event in your life. You need to keep your mouth shut about something.

Otter dream states great wealth and riches. You need to be more lively and energetic. You may be feeling emotionally vulnerable. The dream is an evidence for success in achieving your goals. You are ready to accept life’s responsibilities.

You will feel an important psychic connection with someone today that will feel quite profound. You instinctively know what each other is thinking and/or feeling. Most likely, this connection will lead to an important breakthrough in your work.

Dream about white otter is a portent for the emergence of a fresh idea. You are seeking for spiritual enlightenment and guidance. You are longing for the comfort of home or of more familiar surroundings. It states the creative and intuitive side of your character. You have clarity in some situation or problem.

Dream about swimming with otter is a portent for some spiritual significance for you and thus represents the father, son and holy spirit. You are moving ahead via your own power and determination. You feel you are being overlooked. Your dream is a symbol for wholeness, unity, healing, inner peace, spirituality and harmony. You have a lot to learn about a relationship.

Dream about sea otter is a sign for the energies that you are investing into a project. You need to incorporate something into your life. There is a fine line between helping others and letting them take advantage of you. This dream is an indication for a pleasant surprise. You are taking the higher road in some situation.

Dream about baby otter is a metaphor for femininity and your sense of emotions. You need to cherish the love you have. You are being inhibited and prevented from fully expressing yourself in some area of your life. This dream means your ability to share and get along with others. Your subconscious is telling you about some hidden truth or family secret that needs to be uncovered.

Dream about seeing a otter expresses discipline, structure, rigidity and your staunch attitude. You may be recreating new paths of expression and perhaps a rebirth. You are feeling used and manipulated. It is sometimes a beautiful soul. You need to work on your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.

Dream about otter swimming is a portent for your success and your rise to distinction. You are able to overcome adversity and achieve success. You are being completely surprised. It is an indication for an important woman in your life. You need to do something adventurous.

This dream represents your home life. If this animal was in the water, then there is a focus on wealth, family matters, friendships, health, and enemies.

To see a
calm otter swimming in a lake or sea personifies that your home life is likely to remain happy over the next year. You may encounter someone who promises to be helpful to you in expanding areas of your life, but you are determined to make sure you represent responsibility, creative intelligence, and honesty. Otters have been part of our lives for many years. Living by a lake - I spent a long time looking and observing the otter. For the past twenty years, people have contacted me about dreams regarding the otter and what they can signify. I do find otters rather exciting and when they spiritually occur in a dream this can represent that we are facing a dramatic period in our life. River otters can signify that we need to feel more at home in life. My name’s Flo, and I’ve been running this website for over a decade. Each dream interpretation is carefully crafted and researches deeply by me - so I do hope the can take the time to read what your otter dream can signify. As I know most of you have not got much time, so I have specifically made it a lot easier for you and segmented the dream interpretation into various questions which are outlined below. I urge you to do scroll down in order to find the dream that is relevant to you. In dreams, it is hard to define what type of otter you could see. if you observed a Cape Clawless otter or a spotted-necked otter they all role into one meaning when it comes to dreams. It may be that the otter species is not defined. For this dream meaning, I cover all species and I will refer the otter to cover all of the animals including the sea otter.

Otter in a dream is a positive sign of happiness that will soon enter your home. Sometimes it also proves the need to prove to someone that we are able to do it ourselves. solving a problem.
see - after a long period of disagreement you will reconcile with your enemy
hunt her - waiting a series of failures in your life
diving otter - only logic and common sense can give you a better future
kill the otter - overcome the difficulties in love life
touch the otter - you will make contact with old friends
see a few - finally you will see your eyes and break the unfavorable acquaintance
get bitten by it - some person will disturb the joyful moments in your life.

Dream about Sea Otter represents pleasurable endeavors. You are feeling good about life. You have attained a high level of authority and power. Your dream signals the things you value in life. You are experiencing wild mood swings.

Sea Otter is about a mutual understanding. You are seeking a simpler way of life. You are seeking protection. Your dream is a premonition for your changing opinions and thoughts. It is time to take a more decisive role in directing your life.

Sea in your dream is a signal for a part of yourself that is deprived of attention and needs to be nurtured. You will cause harm to someone if you continue on your current course. You need to be more flexible and open-minded in your thinking and in your decision making. Your dream points to self denial or self deception. You need a break to recharge your energies and revitalize yourself.

Sea in this dream draws attention to your one-sided viewpoints. Something or someone is holding back your success. You may even be showing off a little bit. The dream is a portent for your nurturing side and maternal feelings. Someone in your life may be threatened by you.

Otter in dream is a sign for your family and issues surrounding your inner circle. You are experiencing a sense of anticipation or uneasiness. You are turning into someone. This dream is an indication for a loss in your feminine power. You need to butter up to someone, in order to ease the situation.

Otter dream states the sacrifices you are making. Something is not right or normal about a situation. You need to stop living in the past and look toward the future. This dream is a harbinger for feelings of self-guilt and self-betrayal. You are being stubborn about a situation.

Dream about both “Sea” and “Otter” is a warning alert for fear, anger and aggression. You should not underestimate yourself. You may be unable or unwilling to stand up for yourself. Your dream is unfortunately to stress and pressure that someone is putting on you. You are letting negativity rule your behavior.

Dream about sea otter denotes dissatisfaction and disagreements. You are preserving your ideas and energy so that you can access them later. You may also be elevated to a prominent position. Your dream suggests your loving and caring nature. An idea has been planted in your mind and new a experience is being created.

Dream about Dead Otter states your goals and your approach to life. You are ready to achieve a new level of success. You are about to learn an important lesson. The dream is a premonition for poise and grace. Perhaps you are about to be exposed.

Dead Otter is a signal for your ability to share and get along with others. You are reevaluating your life and where it is taking you. You need to listen up. Your dream is about your physical body and the attention you give it. Perhaps you have been depriving yourself of some joy or pleasure.

Dead in your dream signifies financial worries and concerns. Your desires will be soon be realized. You need to look beneath the surface of a person or situation. The dream is an evidence for a person or may even be a pun on something that is seedy. You want to be protected.

Dead in this dream is a signal for grief and mourning. You need to learn from your experiences, even the negative ones. Perhaps you are living too much in the past as it is influencing and effecting your present life. The dream is defiance. You may be harboring some fear that you are not able to accomplish your goals.

Otter in dream draws attention to a state of helplessness. You need to look at a problem from a different perspective. You need to consider things from a wider perspective. Your dream draws attention to your thoughtless or insincere actions. You need to protect yourself against your adversaries or haters out there.

Otter dream indicates a dependent relationship. You need to slow down and take a different course in life. You are feeling incomplete. This dream is a metaphor for your desires to reach out to others. You are trying to find a way to express this neglected part of yourself.

Dream about both “Dead” and “Otter” signals failed attempts and disappointments. You are trying to hard to impress others. Someone may be trying to take advantage of you. This dream is a harbinger for protection from some negative or evil force. Do not get too comfortable or too arrogant.

Dream about dead otter is an indication for introspection and deep thought. You are feeling tremendous mental strain and are trying to reach out for help. There is something that you need to confront. The dream denotes a major breakthrough in some area of your life. You are feeling overwhelmed by emotional issues.

Dream about Baby Otter signals the fruits of your labor and your life experiences. Perhaps there is something that you need to start questioning. Perhaps you are taking advantage of others or that someone is taking advantage of you. Your dream is an indication for the ups and downs of your emotions and of your life in general. You are undergoing some form of transition in your life.

Baby Otter is an evidence for opportunities that can potentially pass you by. You are exploring your emotions and trying to understand why you feel the way you do about certain things. You are expressing concern over your finances. Your dream is an omen for your need to escape from the demands of your daily life. You need an uplift to your spirit.

Baby in your dream denotes your untapped resources. You need to keep your distance from some situation or relationship. You are receptive to different viewpoints. Your dream draws attention to chaos and disagreements. Someone or some situation may be diverting your concentration and your attention away from your goals.

Baby in this dream symbolises missed opportunities. Somebody is trying to connect o you on an emotional level. You are trying to figure out if the guy/girl you are interested in is suitable for you or not. The dream is an indication for your need for a change in scenery or a desire to escape from a current situation. You are struggling with your identity.

Otter in dream is a metaphor for evenness, sharing, cooperation, equal rights and opportunities for all. You are dealing with some situation. You need to take some time out in order to evaluate your decisions and judgment carefully. Your dream is an evidence for your anxieties of life. You need to loosen up.

Otter dream signifies fears of losing your virility. Perhaps you are starting a new relationship, switching jobs or relocating. You are carrying around some anger, which is about to erupt in a sudden way. The dream is a metaphor for an uncontrollable situation or an all-consuming force in your life. You are dealing with some emotional situation or issue in your life that needs to be handled with care.

Dream about both “Baby” and “Otter” suggests frustrations, distress and feelings of guilt. You feel that you are being judged, criticized and scrutinized. Your anger or aggression is out of control. The dream is a harbinger for a lack of creativity. Whatever disturbance or problems is occurring in your life will quickly blow over.

Dream about baby otter is a hint for you passive aggressiveness. You are ready to confront your emotions and make the connection between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself. An unexpected incident will either provide you with joy or distress, depending on her attitude. Your dream signifies your hidden feelings and fondness toward a person. You are experiencing great satisfaction and freedom in your life.

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