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Dream Interpretation of seeing a woman pregnant

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 55 seconds

Dream Interpretation of seeing a woman pregnant - Seeing A Woman Pregnant dream meaning

Dream about seeing a woman pregnant expresses a spiritual journey. You need to deal with your emotions in order to move forward in your life. You are expressing a desire to escape from your daily responsibilities and demands. It is a harbinger for family togetherness and joy. You are moving rapidly through life with tremendous ease and determination.

Seeing a woman pregnant dream symbolises femininity and your sense of emotions. You are feeling emotionally paralyzed. You are headed in the right direction. The dream is an omen for abundance, wealth, fertility, growth and happiness. You will experience a more satisfying social surrounding.

The current celestial atmosphere means you have a chance to try out some new and exciting things with a loved one. If you have become used to a certain routine, then consider changing it by doing something radically different. It may also happen that you meet a person today who brings a breath of fresh air into your life. Anything that inspires you to greater things is welcome.

Dream about see a pregnant woman points to passion and intensity. You are feeling emotionally touched by some situation or by someone. You need to vocalize your love more and express your romantic side. This signals manual power and resourcefulness. You are allowing your life to float away.

Dream about seeing woman is about the energy you have put into a project. You need to be nurtured and to feel special. Perhaps a person is doing something suspicious or doing something exceptionally well. This dream is a signal for emotional arousal and raw energy. You believe that you are being unfairly treated.

Dream about seeing pregnant means your mind, spirituality and your connection to the higher Self. You will overcome life’s obstacles and adversities. You are undergoing a significant change in your life. This is a hint for confidence, protection and courage. You are reevaluating what you want to do.

Dream about pregnant lady is an indication for eternal beauty. You are embracing life and extending yourself to help others. You need to draw on your inner strength. This dream signals new found happiness and improvements in various aspects of your life. Someone is watching your moves or are taking interest in your actions.

Dream about seeing a pregnant lady is a connection between the spiritual realm and the physical world. You need to be gentle in your approach to some situation. You may be hunting for a solution. This dream means grandeur and greatness. It is time to move on toward the future.

Dream about seeing a pregnant girl is hesitation in expressing how you really feel. You are a fighter. You are ready to confront your true feelings and submerge yourself in your emotions. This denotes love, passion and warmth. You want to take action.

Dream about getting a woman pregnant is a hint for your strong faith and spirituality. You internalize your emotions and keep things inside. Good luck and hope will be coming your way in small and steady amounts. This points to the degree of power you are exerting and the power others have on you. There is an important message that you need to convey.

Dream about seeing my husband with another woman expresses virility, longevity and life. You are looking for love. You have reached an increased level of understanding, new awareness and a fresh point of view. Your dream is a symbol for sweetness and joy. You are planning of something important in your life.

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