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Dream Interpretation of short fat snake

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 19 seconds

Dream Interpretation of short fat snake - Short Fat Snake dream meaning

Dream about short fat snake is a symbol for having someone completely dependent on you or having to take care of someone. There are repressed memories, fears or emotions that you are not confronting. You have a tendency to look down on others. This dream points at your desires to get to the center of some issue or problem. Something in your life has been ignored or is no longer of any use.

Short fat snake dream expresses your need to shut out a person in your life who has been using you. You have not digested or accepted some messages. Someone is hard to read. The dream symbolises feelings of being trapped and restricted. You need to fix some problems in your life.

Someone may have underestimated your capacity to become annoyed, thinking that because you are such a quiet soul you will not say anything if they attempt to manipulate your feelings. The movement of the heavenly bodies, however, means that on this particular day you are certainly in no mood to be taken advantage of, and intend to prove it. This will empower you and keep away those who could be trouble.

Dream about fat snake is an evidence for your attitudes and feelings toward a relationship. You are looking for a quick and easy fix to a problem and it’s not working. You are making friends too fast. The dream is aspects of yourself that are being joined together as a whole. You need to address harming issues or else they will continue to bother you.

Dream about short snake is an omen for some regret you have about a past decision or choice. You are wrong about something. You are being too hard on yourself, especially if a situation was out of your control. This dream points at failure. You are looking for a safe outlet to express your frustrations.

Dream about fat frog points to your anxieties about exercising a control. You need to be in better touch of your feminine or masculine side. A current situation may be forcing you to confront issues of your past. It stands for an immature attitude towards the opposite gender. Looks can be deceiving, you need to be careful.

Dream about long snake is a symbol for ambivalence, dualities or opposites. Some relationship or situation is falling apart. You are worrying too much. The dream is a signal for your close-mindedness and limited way of thinking. You may feel left out in a relationship and or that you are unable to share in all his/her experiences.

Dream about long lizards is sadly covert sensuality, simplicity and adaptability. You are letting your emotions guide your decisions. Only good things can happen from you telling your crush. This means people, habits, or negative emotions that are sucking you out of your vitality. You may feel confined, trapped, or suffocated in a relationship.

Dream about long scorpion points to feelings of guilt and low self-esteem. You need to wash away the past. You always look at the positives of even a bad situation. Your dream is a sign for some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. You are asking for or need permission.

Dream about big fat snake is a warning alert for the past and things that you have put behind you or have forgotten. You are lacking in some mental or emotional area of your life. Certain aspects of your childhood has not yet been integrated into your adult personality. This is unfortunately your delusions of grandeur. You do not want to offend a person or overstep your boundaries.

Dream about fat lady is a message for your immaturity and lack of experience. You are also overly concerned with what others think of you. You are not focusing on the matter at hand. Your dream means your tendency to distance yourself from others. You need to regain some emotional balance and to safely let out your fears and frustrations.

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