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Dream Interpretation of smoke on ceiling

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes, 4 seconds

Dream Interpretation of smoke on ceiling - Smoke On Ceiling dream meaning

Dream about smoke on ceiling is unfortunately a warning for a real life project or idea that has failed to get off the ground. You are pushing yourself too hard. Something you are doing is questionable. Your dream is a harbinger for the obstacles standing in your way toward your goals. You are lacking originality and control over where your life is taking.

Smoke on ceiling dream states aspects of yourself which you have kept hidden and buried away. You feel that someone is out to get you. There are issues you are not confronting with her or him. Your dream is a harbinger for suppressed emotions that are coming to the surface and needing to be addressed. You need to be in better touch of your feminine or masculine side.

You are missing the point. You have a preconceived notion of how things are based on your own limited perspective. This is putting you at a major disadvantage when it comes to communication and general workplace dynamics. Open your eyes.

Dream about cigarette smoke is a metaphor for your primal fears and feelings of falling into a pit of despair. Someone close to you is unable to keep a secret. You are trying to divert attention away from a problem. This is a warning alert for your passive aggressive tendencies. Something in your life is not working out the way you want it to.

Dream about ceiling on fire draws attention to health issues, illness, or drug use. There are still some unresolved issues left hanging. You are going through a difficult time and are afraid of what is ahead for you. The dream expresses pent up frustration and anger. Perhaps you feel that you are stuck or that you are in a hopeless situation.

Dream about fire in ceiling is a sign for pent up anger and aggression. You are suppressing past mistakes into your subconscious, instead of learning from them. They are not as important as they once were. This dream refers to fear, repressed anger and uncontrollable violence. You do not have all the facts to make an informed decision about some matter.

Dream about smoke smell stands for issues of dependency and hopelessness. You are acknowledging and expressing aspects of yourself that you were previously uncomfortable about. You need to be more in tune to your thoughts and to your intuition. This dream is a portent for an imposing obstacle which is blocking your progress. You may feel your life is too structured and orderly.

Dream about smoking cigarette represents your need improve your communication skills or learn to express yourself more clearly. A relationship is worn out and near its ending point. You are not seeing things that are happening around you. Your dream is an alert for the brain and your mental capabilities. You are not being productive in some area of your life.

Dream about smoking tobacco is a sign for feelings that have burned out or that you are feeling burnt out and exhausted. You may be too overly controlling. As you are facing minor obstacles, you find that things are not going as smoothly as anticipated. This dream signals your own feelings of self-worth and being accepted. You are confronted with an unfamiliar problem that you do not know how to approach and resolve.

Dream about wall of fire is a message for your one-sided viewpoints. You may be indulging in too many excesses and need to practice some restraint. You or someone is looking for help, but don’t know how to go about getting it. It is a warning alert for feelings of anger or pent up emotions. You are experiencing cold, hard times.

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