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Dream Interpretation of taking a journey

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes, 25 seconds

Dream Interpretation of taking a journey - Taking A Journey dream meaning

Dream about taking a journey is a message for your ability to create something from an idea. You are dwelling on some unresolved childhood issue. Success and prosperity is within your reach. This is a premonition for a guide of the soul. You are weaving your future and destiny.

Taking a journey dream hints security, love, comfort, support and unconditional or unquestioned love. You are searching for some peace and quiet. You are being rewarded and recognized for your generosity and giving nature. Your dream is an evidence for a bright, fresh start to your day. You are giving up on something that you had once believed.

Technology is highlighted for you today. It could be that you install a new phone or computer system, which will make life just a bit easier. Or perhaps you decide to take a course to learn to master a technical area that has been difficult for you to grasp. Whatever you do or learn today is bound to make you happier and more productive.

Dream about going to journey is a harbinger for someone/something valuable in your life. You are adopting a new way of looking at things. You feel that you are above her or him. The dream signifies delayed success. You are compromising your own values and beliefs.

Dream about going on an adventure is sometimes something in your life that is keeping everything or everyone together. You may be battling fidelity or loyalty issues in a relationship. You need to look at things from a different level in order to gain a new perspective. It is an indication for contentment, warmth and comfort. You are undergoing a significant change in your life.

Dream about boat journey represents practicality, status, accomplishments and your place in the world. The intentions of a friend are pure and true. It may take perseverance and time before you see progress. This is a sign for joy and happiness in your relationship. You have a life of privilege.

Dream about plane journey suggests a memory and brain power. You need to express your emotions more freely and openly, instead of keeping it all inside. There is something that you need to question. Your dream symbolises possibilities, potential, information and knowledge. You are versatile and are well-rounded.

Dream about car journey is a portent for compassion, wealth, or a bright outlook. Something creative is happening. You are looking for advice on some decision or the direction you should take in life. This means the things you reveal and the aspects of yourself that you keep to yourself. You hold a lot of strength and power.

Dream about flight journey refers to the power of your subconscious. You are seeking protection from some intense energy or power. You are displaying your aggressive nature. Your dream is a emotional attraction toward a person. You want to be part of the action or excitement.

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